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A vampire's true prowess

Title: A Vampire's true Prowess
Author: Ice Queen
A/N:I was inspired to write this while riding in a car. (Yes, strange. I know.) I was on the way to my piano lessons. (Yes, I take piano lessons. They're fun. I have the best teacher! Mrs.Hryniewicki.) I don't know why my mind suddenly wandered here, but it did. I remember that Linkin Park's In The End was on the radio, and I was just staring off into space. Okay, enough of my rambling. Onto the fic....
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon. Those belong to their respective creators.


Duo Maxwell, six-hundred year old vampire, was walking down the street, looking for some tasty mortal to have as a treat.

"Oh hum dee dum dee dum," he sang to himself. While he thought,too fat....

too ugly....

too mean....

too young...

too old.....


He spotted a delicate looking girl exiting an Italian restaurant, and turning to take a short cut down the alley. How convenient.... The girl looked the picture of a vampire with skin as white as snow, (AN: No! Not Snow White!) and hair as dark as midnight. He followed her down the alley.

"Excuse me, miss," he began.

The girl turned and for a second he drowned in the hypnotic pools of her violet eyes.


"Do you know where I can find Luxem Road?" He said while coming to stand beside her. So close, he thought to himself, so close to that paper thin column.

"Luxem Road? I think that it's~" Abruptly she was cut off as Duo roughly grabbed her by the shoulders and made a pass for her neck.

"Hey!" She yelled, her breath streaming right into his face.

"Aaaah!" Duo yelled and backed away, "What is that? Garlic?!"

"Got that right buddy! Never mess with a fan of Italian cuisine! They always use a lot of garlic!" She yelled, spraying her breath at him again.

"No!!!" Duo backed away from her, going out towards the street again.

"That's right, feel the wrath of the Garlic Breath!!"

"Haaaaaaaah," came the noise as she directed her potent breath at Duo again.

"Nooooo! No! Noooooooooooo!"

Suddenly the sun came up over the horizon, for it was 4:53 in the morning. Duo took one last step backwards as he was disintegrated by the light shining overhead. His last words were, "How could this happen to me? I'm six hundred! I'm supposed to know things by now!"

Hotaru Tomoe smirked at the pile of smoldering ash, and reached into her purse. She pulled out a tube of binaca and sprayed a bit in her mouth. "Goes to show you..... never mess with an Italian-eating Slayer." She turned and walked away.

To this day Duo Maxwell's demise has not been forgotten, and has served as a lesson to all in who walk in the Night. Hotaru Tomoe's name is now infamous among the Night-Walkers, and all live in fear of her and her garlic breath. (She's destroyed a lot of vamps with that potent breath of hers.) The Night-Walkers, especially a group called G-4 (it ain't G-5 no more,) are waiting patiently for the day they may have revenge on the loss of their comrade.


AN: What did you think? Was it good? I thought it was pretty amusing, myself. ^_^ Should I write a sequel? You decide! My first attempt at humor, so don't kill me.
