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Sailor Star Healer
Sailor Star Healer:

Sailor Star Healer's real name is Kou Yaten. Yaten has the power over light. He is 16 years old and his birthday is February 8, 1979. His hobby is photography and his favorite color is light blue. Yaten's favorite food is caviar. Yaten has the biggest attitude problem of the Sailor Star Lights, but he is very kind to Luna and shows special affection for her. Luna developes a crush on him, and Artemis gets very jealous.
Yaten Kou is technically the eldest of the Three Lights, although he is rather petite as far as physical size goes. What he lacks in height, however, he more than makes up for in the attitude department. Yaten can be impertinent, garish, conceited, and downright rude. He is very concious of his social status, and likes to flaunt it.He can rattle off the names and prices of famous works of art and antiques. He despises physical activity and sweat. In short, Yaten would seem to fit the stereotype of a spoiled celebrity brat.

"I'm sick of being surrounded by girls. 'I love you,' they say, without even meeting me or talking to me. With no shame, they say that often. If my looks are good, is that enough? That's why I can't have faith in the people of Earth, not one of them."-Yaten

Yaten is annoyed by the fact that people on Earth worship him and profess to love him, even though they have never actually met him in person. He throws away all of the love letters that he recieves, claiming that they are full of nothing more than the pathetic, insincere whinings of love-struck girls. Throughout the entire series, he maintains disgust at insincerity. He is brutally honest when expressing his opinions, and does not bother with falsity, flattery, or half-truths. This is a rather controversial aspect of Yaten's character that leads some fans to admire him but others to despise him for being "mean."
Like Taiki, Yaten is focused solely on the mission of the Sailor Starlights, and refuses to consider any other factors as more than mere distractions. But also like Taiki, he is sometimes threatened by feelings of overwhelming despair and helplessness. Yaten at times seems to be the most doubtful and insecure of the Three Lights. Maybe that's why he confesses his true feelings to nobody, except a cat.

Ah, yes, how could I have not mentioned Luna yet? Who could forget the episode where Luna develops a crush on Yaten? Of course Yaten happens to have a soft spot for cats. When he needs a pet for an interview about (duh) celebrities and their pets, Luna gladly jumps into his arms. We know that Yaten really, really likes cats because he takes a bath with Luna and even sleeps in the same bed with her. Hmmmmm . . . This is also the same episode where a stuck-up actress accuses him of being gay. Actually, I love this episode (EMCC that is..). Number 178. The whole thing is a riot.
Inspired by Luna's courage in the face of adversity, Yaten is able to overcome his despair and continue to pursue his quest for Kakyuu. Finally, encouraged by the words of Aino Minako, he realizes that the humans on Earth have hopes and dreams, and are capable of shining like the most brilliant stars. When Minako decides to pursue her dream of being an idol instead of focusing solely on her duty as a Sailor Senshi, she shows Yaten that there is more to life than just the Mission.
Star Healer is unique in the fact that she appears to be an empath, and can sense it when Galaxia takes a Star Seed. Like the other Starlights, Healer is a warrior of legendary grace, strength, and beauty. And her attack is pretty powerful. In the manga, Healer kills Sailor Iron Mouse with her "Star Sensitive Inferno" attack alone.

Healer is loyal to her allies and her Princess, but rather cool and aloof toward everyone else. She constantly ends up saving Sailor Moon's behind, but later complains that it is "such a bother." She is quick to come to the aid of her friends, like when Seiya is shot by Tin Nyanko or when Sailor Venus is attacked by a phage In the end, Healer finds faith in Sailor Moon's abilities, and fights with the other Starlights to protect the Earth. Both Yaten and Healer now value human life, even though Yaten is still annoyed at the insincere flattery he recieves from his fans and still throws away his love letters. Oh, well. Some things will never change. Although Yaten undergoes quite a lot of character development in the space of a few short episodes, it is really only his inner self that changes. His attitude remains a constant in a season in which much is uncertain and changing. Yaten is still conceited, arrogant, and rude. He's just warm and fuzzy on the inside. And still very, very friendly with cats.

Sailor Star healer galleries:
Star Healer (20)
Yaten Kou (13)

Sprites and gifs comming soon!!

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