I've never feltthis way beforeso f*cking safeand insecurepushed downby the bestscrewed overby the restnever the sameas it once was
Ocotber 16, 2002 (6:36 pm): WOW! I've actual made some positive changes! That means I've added pictures to the "More Pictures" site. so Check them out!!:PSeptember 28, 2002 (6:11 pm):wow, once again, I've abandoned my site. I did however, add my school pic. I'm working on getting music on all the pages. But school is really hectic and golf and all..yeah well I don't get home until like 6:30 everynight and then I have to do homework. So, I promise I will work on this site. I swear it. But for now, later - Oh yeah, I added some stuff about my life to Katie Talks About Stuff.August 23, 2002 (8:40 pm): Wow, I haven't worked on the site in almost a month. Really sorry, not that anyone cares or checks this page. I most likely wont update anything for a while. I don't have the time with school and everything, getting ready and what not. There's really not much to update, tho I would like to make Dana's page better. Anyway, I've gotta go now, So Peace out- July 30, 2002: I've added more to the Katie Talks About Stuff page. Also, Dana now has a friends page.And, I'm working on getting my Writing Page underway. Brian should also soon have a friends page. July 29, 3003 (1:57 pm): Okay. There is a quiz sorta thing up on the site now. Check it out as well as the results. Do it...just for the hell of it. Plus, if you're bored, it's something to do.July 28, 2002 (6:17 pm): Well today was interesting, after my and my horse tripping a big hole and me getting all beat up by that...and now I've worked more on the website. Chic's page has been completed and there is a new addition to the Stan and Company. Nikole is her name and Dave is her game. No No, J/k..go check it out. Well forth in the world must I travel (no my parents just want me to help with dinner). Chills-July 27,2002 (11:48 pm): Okay this is the final update for today..because today is almost over. Stan's Page has been revamped and there is an addition to the Stan Family. Her name is Chic. Check her out. Yeah that's it. Good Night all-July 27, 2002 (5:52 pm): I just added a poll to Zach's site..so check it out I guess. Also, am debating whether or not to have site for my writing...email me if you've got any ideas on that. I think for the final time today..-peace out!July 27, 2002: Hello Again. Guess what! More friggin updates. There is a new poll on the Perfect Man page. It's a little lame but hey! it's something to do..right? lol. I've also added something to Katie Talks About Stuff via the request/idea of Trick. It's kinda funny..so take a look if you need a laugh..you wouldn't believe how stupid some of the people on it are. Anyway, I'm working on making that page better so I'll tell you when I do! Later- July 26, 2002: Hey Hey. There are a few updates..Not too many though. Cristen's Page has been updated. Then there is a new page The Band Thus Far. Check that out too.. There are some awesome pics. on that page. I hope to update more of my friends pages and add more to Katie Talks about Stuff. Peace out-
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