This is me and some of my bestest chic friends. We've got a little "band" or lack there off. The fact is...we would have a band if we had musical talent. Most unforetunately, we dont't really have that much talent..but, we are working on it. HAHA. Anyway, check out the "Band". This is Cori. Cori is our drummer. She's quiet..unless you catch her at the right moment. She's not who you think she is. So don't think just because you think you know her that you know her...WOW..that confused me.This is Lexis...or me! I play guitar or at least try to. I'm No not really. I haven't the slightest idea what I'm doing. I used to...a little bit. But then stopped. I can play one insturment though, and that's the piano. We might use some tabs if we ever get around to making music lol. Anyway, I'm a pretty cool person I suppose. It all really depends. I'm really extroverted and I love to party. HAHA. It's fun being me...but I wouldn't recommend it for the inexperiancedThis is Re. She plays the bass. Shes awesome and she has a hella good time doing everything. She makes everything awesome. Super Poof is our vocalist. She's a whole lotta stuff. I've never really heard her sing tho. But, she should be cool because she's just cool in general. She's really fun loving and quiet but loud at the same time. WOOWHO! Go Super to save the day!