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Chapter Two: Remnants of Fame

Girls lined the walls of the stadium, fanning themselves in the hot sun, hoping for a small glimpse of something -- someone. They screamed and scurried as they spotted his car pulling into the gated parking area. Cameras flashed, tears fell, and their voices yelled his name.

“Ever get used to this?” Her eyes fixated on several scantily-dressed young women.

“Never,” he laughed.

He parked the car and they walked past several security guards into the large building. Hardly anyone was around and the whole scene was strangely quiet inside. Several more security guards wandered around; a few crew members gathered near a small food area. Justin reached back and grabbed her hand as they walked out into the brightness of the stadium. The quiet had now been replaced with several chattering voices, an occasional drumbeat, and a chorus of laughter.

“Well, thank the Lord. Justin is here and we can finally begin,” a short, dark-haired man said dryly.

“You were doing fine without me, Chris. Maybe I’ll sit this soundcheck out. You sing all my parts.”

“Don’t tempt me,” he teased. “Come on, let’s get this done so we can eat.”

Justin laughed and shook his head. He walked on stage and Abbey sat in a seat off to the side with her friend Stephanie to watch. Stephanie was Chris’s girlfriend of nearly five years. She was the only person Abbey knew that could put up with Chris for more than a short period of time.

The guys mainly goofed off, singing parts of a song between laughter. When their soundcheck was over, a back room filled with all the necessities was always the gathering place. Food, TV, video games, anything they wanted would be there.

“I don’t even get like a ‘hello’ or anything anymore? Like, what’s up with that?” Chris put his best valley-girl imitation to use, standing there looking half hurt, half confused.

“She doesn’t like us. She only tolerates us cause we hang out with him,” Joey said, pointing to Justin.

“Not true.” She crossed her arms pretending to be offended. “I only tolerate you cause you’re rich and famous.” She walked over to a small couch, plopping herself down next to Chris. She casually poked him in the side, causing him to wiggle.

His eyes remained on the video game he had just begun. “Don’t think I won’t kick your ass just cause you’re a girl.”

“You know you’d lose, right?” The shaggy-haired man peered his head through the doorway of an adjoining room catching her glance.

“I’m not too sure about that. Chris is a biter. He’d probably nip at her ankles until she gave up,” Stephanie laughed.

“You could always come join us, JC. Don’t be all antisocial and crap,” Lance teased.

“Yah, what are you doing in there?” Abbey craned her neck trying to see in the other room.

“Same thing he does every day. Writing songs.”

“Chasez, you need a hobby.”

“Music is my hobby,” he retorted.

“Okay, you need a girlfriend,” she laughed.

“Music is his girlfriend, too,” Justin teased.

“Maybe he just needs to get laid.”

He peeked his head around the corner again, smiling. “You offering?”

She crinkled her nose and flipped him off. Justin walked over and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “She’s all mine. I don’t share.” He kissed her on the top of her head and walked back to his chair.

They always joked about stupid things. There was never a topic that was off-limits, something that Abbey had to get used to being around them. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she had met them. It’s amazing how much can happen in just a year. She’d always kept in touch with JC, but it wasn’t until she moved to Orlando to pursue her photography that they finally reconnected after so many years. He was a good friend; one of those people that always stayed the same sweet boy no matter how much money or fame they achieved.

They met every week, usually sometime in the wee hours of the night, to sit and chat and be ‘normal’ as he called it. When the group toured, Abbey would often go alone to the coffee shop, sitting long enough to see the sun start to rise before wandering back home.

Dating Justin was something she never intended to happen. Then again, most relationships start out rather spontaneously. He was never too crazy about her leaving in the middle of the night, but he was glad that it was only JC she was meeting. In the four months they had been together, he slowly got used to it all. Now it was normal for him, too.

Chapter 3: Remnants of Love
Take Me Home!