Name:Cassandra Dawn Saville
Birthdate:5 September 1983
Birthplace:Fort Wayne Wright Bassit Army Hospital, Fairbanks, Alaska

Marital Statis:Single, but taken (Brandon Vizenor)
Living Arrangements:Parents and brother
Car:1998 Pontiac Sunfire
Income:Work on an Air Base at a Sandwich/Pizza Shop
Extra Stuff:I'm opening a store called "SCORCHERS". It's slated to open May 1, 2006. The website will be started soon, but no products as of yet will be on it. There might be some stickers later on. We will carry SCORCHER's products (T-Shirts, Lanyards, Stickers, Pins, Hats, etc. bearing the store's logo). Products will include but are not limited to: Girls Clothing, Guys Clothing, Children's Clothing, Car Accessories, Stationary, Photography and Scrapbooking, Party Wear, Shoes, Pet Supplies, Jewlery, Snowboards, Skateboards, Gift Supplies, Stuffed Animals, Bedroom Decor, Outter Wear, Hockey Supplies, Other Sports Supplies, Among Much Much More...including airbrushing and detailing of any objects you want. As you can tell by the name, everything will have on it or is associated with FLAMES. SCORCHERS is a registered trademark of me.

That's enough shit about me. Get a life.