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We are Canadian!

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Used Cars
Used Junk
Used People
Used Toilet Seats
Used Gun Ammunition
Used Pop Cans
Used Food

Department of Deals

Good Deals(ha)
Bad Deals
Really Bad Deals
Deals That Rip You Off
Deals That Rip You Off
So Bad You End Up
On The Street

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k, here's the deal. We're gonna actually be having *cough cough*real contests with *real* prizes. This is the page if ya want to know about contests or even enter! Stay tuned for the next month as I, Aaron, will be setting up a contest!

~*~~*~NEW CONTEST~*~~*~
When you find the moldiest sandwhich possible, we'll stack 'em up and see who can eat the most in 1 minute!
*This is probably not liable so don't count on it.Next time you should read the rules and regulatons.

Yes!We have another one!When you thought it was impossible!At the end of every month, you tell us exactly how many bugs you stepped on! We're not joking you.It has finally come out.So don't forget to look before every step to see how many bugs ou step on! And the prize for winning this contest is.....*drumroll please*......All the bugs we could find!!!!!Squashed before hand with all juices preserved!Aren't you lucky?!?

Well, we have one contest so far.If you find the small osama picture you get absoulutly nothing!!!! Yes, you heard us right.When you find osama you get nothing!Natta!Zip!Kaput!Good for you!Now get lost!