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Used Cars

Do you like cars? We hope you don't, because these cars suck! Man, it would even be a ripoff if we paid you to take them. Be tantalized by mediocrity...amazed by low-quality...actually, just buy the cars. As long as there are stupid people in the world, there is

The Schmuck
Ha ha ha! Ripoff of the year! Oh, there you are. Come on, take a closer look. Get your nose off of the screen. Here's a "great" deal! Our worst, most Bottom-Of-The-Line car for the highest price in history! Don't miss out! Reg: $1005381.47
Member: Eleventy Billion

A Bus?
Here's another...uh...bus?? that we have on sale. Honestly, we don't know how we got it. Now that we have it, though, let's sell it! Bwa ha ha ha! (By the way, don't call the cops) Reg: $208345.67
Member: $506227.38

Meet Speedy, the fastest car we have, and the only one with a name that you might give a dog. This baby goes from 0-60 in fifteen minutes! Amazing! Anyway, buy it. In fact, buy all of our products! We need money. Reg: $60237.77
Member: $81429.32

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