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Used People

Looking for a new boyfriend?? We have a the uglyiest, most used people in the world!!! Here they are showing off their disgraced faces for your viewing.. er.. pleasures.

Bill Gates
Ah, Bill Gates.Creater of microsoft.Now this computer geek has been reduced to our crappy site!Buy him now and you get a free copy of windows 2000*!!! Reg:

Oh dear queenie.First in gold, now in crap.Buy today and you'll get an old lady with lots of money!There's a great deal!I mean, who wouldn't want to take advatage of an old lady!?! Reg:

bin Laden
Where's Osama Bin Hiding?Well, he's been hiding here!The only place where he could ever possibly get a date!Order today and recieve our special "buy one get one free" offer! Reg:

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