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Have you ever gone to a store, looked at the price and said: "These prices are too low. I'm outta here!". We can assure you that this never happens at With a combination our the highest prices on the internet and carefully placed SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES, you'll never want to leave!


To celebrate our first year in the business we're having a sale, and you're welcome to come for a small admission fee of 20$. Everything in the store is raised in price! You can be ripped off from 10% to 90% on all products. Hurry and come to buy because we need money NOW!

Nick, If you never updated people might think that I was the only one building this site.That would make ME a skitzo, and that's not a good thing.We'll be updating the WHOLE site today.So c ya!
- Aaron the Great and Mighty
Well, Aaron's been on my case about "making a name for myself" by "updating", so here I am. Satisfied? If you aren't, I assure you that we don't plan to put up a customer service section, SUCKER! Anyway, I'm busy perfecting the amazing Member Form, so we can all enjoy being ripped off to a greater extent! Well, that was fun.
- Dirty Rat
As you now know, we have our site up now!!!!!!I've hooked together all the sites and am adding some new ones.Such as the members area and stock market.Speaking of stock, Nick is working on that right now.You'll be able to get ripped off by our fake stock market shortly.By filling out our member form you get the password to the members area.So join up to see the hilarious things there.Things like the updated daily humor "Where's Osama Bin' Hiding?" and a weekly funny pic of a different singer/actor!!!Our daily tip, fake news, product descriptions and french,german,spanish versions of are going to be up shortly.That's if Nick isn't being a dumbass.Goodbye for now!
- Aaron the Great and Mighty
I have been trying to add more annoying banner advertisments... but since it's not working I have decided to give it up until a later day. Next time I come on I'll try to fit more things in our side bar (table). I'll also be fixing our DAMN TIP OF THE DAY THINGY! GRRRR!! Stupid little thi....I have g2g now. C ya
- Aaron the Great and Mighty
FINALLY!!!I have hooked up every single thing to!!! Except for the daily tip, cheesey trail thingy and a couple other *little* things. BUT I AM DONE!!!! HAHAHAH!!!!!!
- Aaron the Great and Mighty
Yo, we're gonna be connecting everything we have into one big happy, site. Hopefully everything works out and we'll still have all information, which is extremely unlikely due to the reason that I am connectiong it, although, I did do a good job on the department of deals. That's all for now. I'll keep updating since I'll be here all night doing this.C ya.
- Aaron the Great and Mighty

Hey, I've been working on Spanish, German and French versions of! Check 'em out if you know what the hell they mean, cause I sure don't know. Yep, I'm just as bright as a blck lightbulb, wait, black bulbs are pretty bright, n/m. C ya 4 now
- Aaron the Great and Mighty

Hey, just posting some new things. Our web site is no longer going to be called as the Magnetic Corperation won't sell it too us. Our domain name is now, that's it for now.Bye.
- Aaron the Great and Mighty

Hey, I am just updating the Department of Deals right now. If you have any questions, found a faulty link or just want to tell us how great our site is e-mail me, Aaron, at or Nick at ya.
- Aaron the Great and Mighty

Wow, great. Havent done any updates in a couple weeks but then again, who'll see 'em?That's the unfourtante part with the net, money money MONEY!Which we of course we don't have, and won't for a long time. Bye 4 now. I think
- Aaron the Great and Mighty

Just Updated all of, like anyone will see it anyway... I need something to do. Oh, I added a new poll this morning.That's it for now
- Aaron the Great and Mighty

We still haven't updated yet. I pity myself. Weird, eh?
- Aaron the Great and Mighty

We now have The department of deals set up, but, they're not full of anything, just set up. (not enough time). I will update as soon as possible.
- Aaron the Great and Mighty