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"Official" Member Form!

Greetings potential sucker! (Whoops! *Potential MEMBER!). I suppose you've already checked out all of our "top of the line" products, and are thinking: "Does being an 'Official'™. member really make a difference in my bill? The answer is : (Drumroll please...)YES IT DOES! Well, moron, for only $250 Canadian (And that's American Money!), it allows you to pay 10% more on all purchases! So what are you waiting for? Fill in the crappily-constructed form and start BUYING BUYING BUYING!

Member Stuff
Your Nickname:
Your Forgettable Password:
Stuff We don't actually need to know
Childhood Nickname:
Stuff we care about a LOT
Credit Card Number (drool...):
PIN Number (Wet keyboard...):
Your "Meaningful" Input
I, would like to see from More annoying banner ads
Worse Customer Service
Higher prices, lower quality.
Just Submit the stupid form!