Dragon Lullaby|
--Dragon Lullaby--
I think it was a dream..
of some spirit coming to me
strong, masculine and very smart
he knew me but his presence was unfamiliar
he said he was one of many
representing, the truth to a myth
I was not scared but comforted
and felt sadden with a single flap
the air breezed by me, cold and thick
then just before he left I gathered courage
I asked him if he had a name
his eyes smiled and I felt a sudden rush of heat
as he opened his mouth and with a rumble
all I heard was Dragon then as he left with a flap
a rush of warm air laid me gently back to my bed
and fell I asleep..
by, i'chelle
Draconian Visions|back-2-top
Ocean of Love
~* Entry for the Love Sic *~
Love is one of those things you cant describe at all or you can describe in a zillion ways. For someone like myself..sometimes I get so frustrated with it because I try to relate the things that make you the happiest but unexplained. Or something that makes you excited but it's unreachable. I have been in and out of love and back again. Bathing in it sometimes. Love is like a fire, smoldering is ok as long as you still have that spark. Some people are the spark that keeps me going and others are the wax, sometimes keeping me in place and other times my fire is so bright it melts and so does the love. For the past few months, when I think of love I think about a few things and one person. I think of how this person makes me feel. Somedays I wake up feeling better and I didn't even know I was feeling bad. More then thanks goes to this person. I get the honors to love him and be loved by him. Trust him with the most delicate of things: my heart and give this bond we have with each other, my soul. I am completely devoured by his love its insane. He needs not be named, he knows who he is.
I love you so much..more then you could ever know. Forever & Always. {J&M}
Hello|Closer then Far|Unbroken Days|A Perfect Dream|My Shattered Rose|Our Garden of Truth|My Love|In My Sane (little ditty)
She waits.
As the sun fades in the west.
Alone, her eyes fix on the ripples of the lake,
as the wind combs through it. Concentrating.
Nowhere to go, nowhere to be. Lost.
He drives up.
Her heart stops as she listens intently.
The sound of his footsteps fill the air.
Every second...a light year.
She stands, as thier eyes meet. Nothing is said.
They become the only ones on the Earth
as they embrace eachother closely.
Thier lips touch.
The stars begin to sparkle in the sky,
but not nearly as bright, as they.
Thier smiles are as big as the Moon's,
and thier love, infinite.
She wakes.
Still smiling, the sun raises in the east.
As she closes her eyes, she lays thier
remembering her dream. Remembering his touch.
She sighs happily,
like nothing could make her happier.
She has found love & love has found her.
by, i'chelle
Ocean of Love|Draconian Visions|back-2-top
--Closer then Far--
sometimes we are so close
I feel you sitting at the end of my bed
your eyes wondering through my soul
floating never felt so right
then I look up at the moon
she tells me we are close
not to feel sad
it'll be ok one day
I look at the stars around her
she is the brightest,
giant and alone
the distance becomes tunnel vision
I see you again
standing there smiling
a million miles away
just there standing next to me
our love fills the sky
a million miles away
then you wrap your arms around me
I breathe you in
a million miles away
your lips touch mine
I taste you
a million miles away
it feels like a million miles away
and I am walking
with every step..I think of you
sometimes we are so close
I feel your breath hit my cheek
and you kiss me
across a million miles...
by, i'chelle
Ocean of Love|Draconian Visions|back-2-top
--Unbroken Days--
another link closer to you
another day sooner to feel you
another night spent alone
another day of loving you
we have something between us
I feel it everyday, awake and sleeping
your voice sends me your love and trust
thoughts of us while I am dreaming
there are nights when I swear, I feel you
holding me
kissing me
they are so strong..they transfer to you
through our unbroken chain
this chain we make every time we speak
made by something stronger then anything
impenetrable by even the forces of time
and anything unknown, our love
another link is added
another day minused
another night spent with you
another day of loving you
by, i'chelle
Ocean of Love|Draconian Visions|back-2-top
--A Perfect Dream--
as the water washes on the shore
splashing at our feet
bowing to us for the love we share
jealous of something everyone wants
no one else is for me
I see that when I look in your eyes
we live in our love
our own created world
perfect with the both of us in it.
perfection at its finest
the sun sets between us
even we do not part for the sun
nor the moon
the tide rises to our hips
we hold eachother closer
our lips meet
the touch..can only be felt
nothing can describe it
that is how it is described
slowly our tongues carress the other's
our passion is revealed
everything we are together, surfacing
the moon raises
the light dances around us creating a glow
an aura around us captured by our love
we stand there
oblivious to everything except eachother
hand in hand we walk along the new shore
in pitch darkness
unafraid of anything
living our dreams
our hopes
and our reality
by, i'chelle
Ocean of Love|Draconian Visions|back-2-top
--My Shattered Rose--
The shattered roses
That I steped upon.
Bloodied my feet,
When I awoke that dawn.
The silence defended me
Into unwanted tears,
And my dreams,
My heart was beating
Faster than before.
The tears gushed
More and more.
Then the sun went down.
I had stayed in bed
All day long.
The moon shined
A different frown.
And I laid in bed
With our song,
Until I heard
the gardens close.
This is missing you
My shattered rose...
by, i'chelle
Ocean of Love|Draconian Visions|back-2-top
--Our Garden of Truth--
Being together as long as we were,
I would think honestly.
Some would think we were married...sure!
But I took a step outside, blanketed by the endless sky,
And all the millions of stars, became my questions of why.
Why was I fooled in strong feelings only for you?
Why were all those years of an unreal love, seemingly true?
And in the end which took so long,
I have learned a truth, that makes it hard to move on.
For my days must go on without you.
I will refer back to the days which I thought were true...
When I walk through the garden you grew...
by, i'chelle
Ocean of Love|Draconian Visions|back-2-top
--My Love--
I have a lover
and what I discovered
is that we have a love
that is like a dove
Our love is forever
Our love is alive
we share a love
that will never die!
We were young loves
flying in the air like 2 white doves
nothing in the way
and nothing up ahead
'I am jealous of your love!'
a blue bird once said
One day we were walking along the beach
and we took a vow each
we took out knives
to end our lives
but our love is forever
Our love is alive
and though we are gone
Our love will never die!
by, i'chelle
Ocean of Love|Draconian Visions|back-2-top
--In My Sane (little ditty)--
Words are empty
There's no where to turn
I am blind, I can not see
There's nothing to learn
I wanna go away
I wanna be alone
I wanna be with you everyday
Talk to me on the phone
Love is filled with great regret
I am just that we have met
Always watching time go by
My connection...in my sane...
-chorus end-
It's dark and I like it
I hate them just a little bit
I love the gardens
With growind tombstones
Remove my burdens
I love you so much it hurts
That pain always lurks
Around me...am I am insane...
In my sanity?
I am insane in my sane...
by, i'chelle
Ocean of Love|Draconian Visions|back-2-top
Punishment of the Innocent
^^Stolen Innocence^^
Life isn't fair! I knew this..I understood this..I never thought it could ever be THIS unfair. I hate people who tell me, "well that isn't fair" I feel for you, but you have no idea what unfairness means. If you read Begining of an End. It just isn't fair. Life just isn't fair. Sometimes I feel like screaming and other times (when I can) I actually scream. I think about lots of things all at once, get overwhelmed all at once then stand in a blazing hot shower crying just to get it all out. It helps but then a few days later maybe if I am lucky a week or weeks later I feel the same. I don't judge people, I never have. I sterotype people however most of that is my sense of homour. Which I do have :) So to all the people who say "LIFE SUCKS!" Yes, you are right but what are you going to do about it? You people may like these...
To The One|Something of Nothing|
--To The One--
-Midnight Ritual Remix-
Maybe I should be saying thanks
For chaning my path
Changing my choices
Changing my life?
Here's to all I have to deal with
Being poked at and mentally abused
Here's to the people who thought they knew me
Now they have grown even further apart
Here's to the ones I love and those who love me
I am sorry you will never know the truth
...I don't want to hurt you
...I don't was you to look at me funny
Here's to my mom
She'll always worry about me til my dying day
Here's to my dad
Who will always hate what happened
Here's to my brother
Making light in the blackest dark
Here's to THE love of my life
Accepting me, Understanding me
...Loving me beyond imagination
Here's to the two brightest stars in the sky
I am sorry, I will always love you
...You will always be with me
Here's to the future I will never have
Those family game nights, laughing and worry-free
So here's to the one who changed my life
I feel nothing and everything for you
...Numbness consuming my mind
...Death slowly eating away at my body, making me weak
...Though you have tortured everything I once knew
...Turned it upside down
...Shook it up and threw it into a sleeping volcano
...I will wake again ANGRY
...Hunt your soul and kill you everytime you breathe!
*raises her almost over full glass with a concentrated look in her eyes..staring into the fire she nods her head before throwing the glass into the firey pit, she pulls her hood over her head, turns and walks away*
Reflections|Ocean of Love|Draconian Visions|Punishment of the Innocent|back-2-top
--[]--Something of Nothing--[]--
(Rollercoaster Kinda Life Remix)
let me give you my lesson about life
it isn't fair
it isn't suppose to be
don't bother asking anyone
things are the way they are
just leave them be
they aren't fair
not always wonderful
not always horrible
tempting to hide in the dark
sit in the corner and cry
run for miles and miles
stop in a crowded park
and scream til all breath leaves you
there are no ifs
no hope and no turning back time
what you get is what you get
who you are now is who you will be
it wasn't all your fault
things happen the way they happen
live with it
deal with it
suck it up
and move on
somedays it feels like
everything is crashing
like no matter what you do
it can't make anything better
somedays you feel like not getting up
like down for a life long sleep
but you know it wont help
and sometimes you hurt so much
it explodes within you
everytime you blink
everytime you breathe
everytime you speak
everytime you sleep
everytime you dream
you know it will never end
but there's nothing you can do
only one thing in your life
..to live for
and it's worth every minute
every day of waiting
every day of wanting\
is worth all your strength
it's worth everything
it means everything
and there's not a thing
in any world that could take it away
so precious
so perfect
so love...
[you know it'll never end]
[last forever and ever]
[and ever]
Reflections|Ocean of Love|Draconian Visions|Punishment of the Innocent|back-2-top
~* Lonely to Alone *~
If things aren't right, confusing, hard..heh or even impossible as they can sometimes seem..gotta take care of self. Never had many I could trust in. Somedays I really felt like I had no one. Til one day I got sick, was forced to stay in my room for a week, couldn't do anything. I got bored and pulled out some paper, wrote a poem to the only person I had at the time who was thousands of miles away. My best friend. It came rather easily, sounded nice, had all my feelings and made me feel better. So over the yrs I have poured myself into my writting. These are Reflections of my life for the time.
As humans, when the past repeats itself, we only try to remember what we learned.
Friends Forever, Belong Together|My Shadow, Me|The Unborn Child|Teen-Aged|Suicide Bliss
--Friends Forever, Belong Together--
Why do I feel emptiness?
Why must I carry this love in sadness?
I keep feeling all the pain
& it goes deeper and deeper into my veins.
Living in the dark, living alone
Only being able to hear you on the phone
and here is something else I miss
not being able to see the smile on your face
Inside I know this can't go on forever
and one day soon we'll be together
but until then, emptiness goes on
so I think of our better days and it keeps me strong.
by, i'chelle
Reflections|Ocean of Love|Draconian Visions|Punishment of the Innocent|back-2-top
--My Shadow, Me--
See the light flicker on the wall.
See my shadow, standing proud and tall.
I step away and peer into a mirror.
I see myslef as I do not want to appear.
Look at the flame that burns so deep and so bright.
Innerself is what you see in the light.
But a dark sullen being taking up space...time.
Light, smiles, and fear you do not find.
I hold myslef tight away from reality.
Looking at a person, who I wished wasn't me.
Looking at the shadows,
Of things that aren't in my room, Dance on my walls...
I see my shadow, not me, standing proud and tall...
by, i'chelle