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*~*Who Is Who*~*

MuZiX bY: Ludacris-Get The F*ck Back

Get The Fuck Back


Real Name: Thy(Tee) Vann

D.O.B: 2/5/84

Destination of Birth: Philippines

Location: Stockton, Kali

Sex: Male

Height: 5'9"

Status: Avaluable

Race: Khmer

Things I wanna say about myself.....

        I was basically raised here in Stockton, Kalifornia and moved to Long Beach City in 1992. I graduated from Burnett Elementary and Hill Middle School. Burnett was aiite....but Hill was off the hook. Everybody and they momma went or wanted to go to Hill Middle Skool up in Long Beach. To me, that was the best place ever to go to school. Hill was tite because everywhere you went, there was khmerz all over the campus. Even if everybody didn't get along, it was still koo. That was the best part about Hill. There was fights left and right, day in and day out. To put it into easier terms, words can't express how it really felt to go to that school. If I have a chance and give up everything just to go back to those, ill give it up. I was never the popular guy in middle school or anywhere else. I was just known as the school boy, but every time there was a fight, I was also always there. The rumbles are the best. All you would see is just a shiot load of asianz, mopping everybody, showing no luv. That's how we khmer peepz do it. Things really started kickin in in the 7th grade when I met my nikka Krous. Krous is like a straight brother to me. That nikkah only lived a couple blocks away from me so we would always kick it when we wasn't in skool. I met that nikkah during a rumble with Mexicanz and Asianz. We mopped those nikkah. From that day on till today, we tight like butt holes, aint no shiot can get between us. That same year in the 7th grade, I also started to get to know Maly and Sammy. We was always koo from the get go. The thing about these two was that, even if I wasn't the ghetto thug and popular nikkaz at skool, they always accepted me for who I was and still am today. That's why I love them so much. Basically, I knew all the popular peepz at skool, Maly and Sammy was gettin jocked by everyone, and my nikkah Krous went out with everybody and they momma. Straight Pimp. These three peepz and a lot more nikkah at Hill made middle skool unforgettable. Then high skool was rite around the corner so it was time for most of the peepz to split up. Me and Krous went to Millikan and Sammy and Maly went to Wilson. That really didn't kept us apart. I started playing football for my high skool starting my freshmen year. My nikkah Krous was at Poly summer skool f*cking up so I couldn't let that nikka slip like that so I had that nikkah come and play football with me. What do you know, that nikkah was hella talented and became known for the next three years in football. I started Quarterback, Krous started Running Back, and a nikkah name Seward didn't play at all. I met Seward by playing football on the same team and that nikkah look hella Gay from the start.hahahaha... This nikka was a straight pretty boy not knowing a thing about bangin. I started hanging out with that nikka more often and everything just clicked from there. This nikkah became known in football his sophomore year when he realized that he can lay hitters. Seward became one of the hardest hitters on the varsity squad his sophomore year. That nikka still gay though. Hanging out with Seward, I met Vip and my nikka Seth. They are like the two nicest peepz ever. They can basically get along with anyone period and they accepted me for who I was and everything was all good. Then one day at skool, we stumble upon trying to give a name for our lil group. Seward, out of nowhere thought of the name STiCkYiCkY from Snoop. I guess that's how we got the name. Anywayz...I just wanna say that I love those nikkah in my this family and especially those name whom I'd mention in here. These peepz changed my life greatly, without them, I wouldn't know where I would be. They've done so much for me in every way possible and I am willing to do anything for them. That's how royal and true friends stick together. You f*ck with one of us, you f*ck with all of us. Plain and simple. That's enough about that, let's talk about girls. I like girls. I like girls. I like girls. I like freaky girls, innocent girls, smart girls, friendly girls, sweet girls, and funny girls. I like girls that can dance like no other, girls that can take a joke, girls that can cuddle, and girls that are mature. I like a girl who is out-going and knows how to have fun. so if you think you fit this description, well maybe I like YOU! You're the type of girl that I've always wanted and been looking for. So, if you wanna holla, then holla at a nikkah and we'll work somethin somethin out. You feel meeh? Yeah yeah....Aiite, I think you would know me by now, so if you see me around ever, wave or just come talk to me and we can get acquainted. Aiite ya...thanx for taking your time to learn something about this guy rite here. PEACE!


Real Name: Somaly(Maly) Koeung

D.O.B: 2/8/84

Destination of Birth:

Location: Los Alamitos, Kali

Sex: Female

Height: 5'1"

Status: Avaluable

Race: Khmer

Things about Maly.....    (under construction)


Real Name: Sangkrous(krous) Chem

D.O.B: 11/26/84

Destination of Birth: Thailand

Location: Long Beach, Kali

Sex: Male

Height: 5'8"

Status: Taken by Srey

Race: Khmer

Things about Krous.....    (under construction)


Real Name: Sambath(Sammy) Sem

D.O.B: 1/17/84

Destination of Birth: Thailand

Locattion: Long Beach, Kali

Sex: Female

Height 5'2"

Status: Avaluable

Race: Khmer

Things about Sammy.....    (under construction)



Real Name: Seward(C-walk) Khem

D.O.B: 4/14/84

Destination of Birth: Long Beach, Kali

Location: Long Beach, Kali

Sex: Male

Height: 5'10"

Status: Avaluable

Race: Khmer

Things about Seward.....    (under constructiona)


Real Name: Viparey(Vip) Sithangbao

D.O.B: 9/24/84

Destination of Birth: Thailand

Location: Long Beach, Kali

Sex: Female

Height: 5'1"

Status: Avaluable

Race: Laos

Things about Vip.....    (under construction)
