-Don't be fooled by his innocent cute-ness! In him lays the soul of a TIGER! You mess with him, he bites-a your face! You look are him the wrong way, POW! There goes your hand. But if he likes you, he'll only bite and scratch at you a wee bit. And when I say 'a wee bit' I mean you get to keep your limbs.-

-Oliver's stats-

Name: Oliver Wood
Date of Birth: March 26, 2003 (He has the same birthday as me!)
Breed: White longhair
Named After: Oliver Wood from Harry Potter :-D
Likes: My socks, sniffing people's armpits, sniffing my bookbag, driving me and all my friends crazy, snooping and sniffing and licking my food even though he has his own food, FLCL (an anime on Adult Swim), The Matrix (he has a thing for Trinity, for real, whenever she came on-screen he'd stop whatever he was doing and watch her), chewing my hair, playing fetch, and biting people's faces.
Dislikes: People who don't wash their faces, having his nails clipped, when I won't get out of bed to feed him, and thunder storms.