Everyday is all the same
You've got a crowd
And I'm on the side
I wish I were special
I wish I were with you
But no, I am not
I'm not worth it
I'm not special
I'm just me
I have no beauty
I have no strength
I am not smart
I am not talented
I am me
I don't stand out
Nor do I fit in
I am not anything
But a lonely girl
With scraggly hair
And dirty glasses
No make-up
No fancy clothes
Just me
You are an angel
You are a saint
I am nothing
But a drifter
And a loner
Your eyes will never see
The longing, lonely girl
Standing to the side
Far beyond the crowd
With dirty old glasses
And scraggly black hair
Watching with big, sullen,
Heartbroken and sad eyes