ODE TO A SMALL TOWN This was written one night after talking about my hometown with a friend. I think it aptly describes the small town life. Thanks to everyone in EB. Written February 15, 2005.

Ode To A Small Town

The fading sun threw amazing colors
Across the summertime sky:
Purples, blues, reds, pinks, oranges,
All of it impressive and amazing.
The stars peeked out of hiding,
One by one by one.
The night pushed daylight away,
But our days were only beginning then.

All of us grew up in this small town.
We knew everything there was to know
About boredom, bliss, and each other.
We made our own fun out of nothing
Because it was what we had to do
To survive living in this town.
Living was what we wound up doing,
Though it took us forever to know it.

We were finally free from burden;
High school was finally behind us
And college was a few months away.
We had to make the most of the summer.
Sleeping all day long was habit,
Driving around all night was day.
We all grew up those short months,
But we all somehow stayed the same.

Now the weather is bleak and cold,
Though our thoughts now turn to summer
And the town and fun that await us.
Whispering memories over distances
Helps rekindle our former youth.
None of us will ever forget
All of the things we learned
And the town that saved our lives.