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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Friday, May 31, 2002

BB: Hey-hey....tha first evictee from tha BB' Lynne is packin' her bags as I type this...her stay was' not so' I doh think she will be all tha missed *L
Thas what happens if ya manage to get up everyones nose from tha very start!!

So we got rid o' Lynne but who's left...
Adele ~ the bi-sexual virgin with her eyes firmly fixed on Lee
Alex ~ oh wow ~ tha man looked real good on tha first day - wha' happened?? an' is it me or is he jus' a lil' camp?!
Alison ~ heyyyy ~ you go gal ~ a barrel of laughs but how long til it's jus' annoyin'?
Jade ~ loud/in ya face/fun ~ i like her ~ think i may be one of only a few tho'.
Jonny ~ hey, he's a geordie ~ tha make him instantly funny in my book *pmsl ~ ma fave so far ...almost
Kate ~ i'm undecided ~ seems like fun but is trying too hard
Lee ~ he's a quiet chap in' he ~ but a good laugh once he starts
PJ ~ ewwwwwww!! He thinks too much of himself to be fanciable *L ...but at least he is now minglin' a lil' more than he did at first
Sandy ~ tha daddy of tha group but i doh think he will appreciate tha title
then there's Spencer ~ i like him, quiet an' yet always takin' everythin' in and instigates a lot of tha fun ~ s'gotta be tha one tha i would like t' see walk off with tha cash...for now!

posted by Tilly @ 8:04 PM ~

Woohoooo...i actually did it...filled in tha forms, got proof i'm me, wrote tha cheque and am finally jus' waiting for ma provisional license to drop thro' ma letterbox now...

Watch this space...

posted by Tilly @ 9:58 AM ~

Thursday, May 30, 2002

WORLD CUP: OMG ~ only just over 15 hours to go til tha very beginnin' of tha World Cup ...tha 'George' is draped over tha goggle box, tha fridge is stocked to tha brim with Carling... Jules Rimet's still gleaming an' tha sun is shinin' out Sweden cus erm....yeah...we got Sven an' if ya doh let us win then y'ain't gettin' him back

posted by Tilly @ 7:00 PM ~

What an eventful world we live in...
I've just got back from a coupla relaxin' days at ma sisters ~ was feelin' jus' a lil outta sorts and in need of a break...
Good food, a comfy bed and 4 different walls and i am feelin' totally refreshed...i doh ask for much do i?? good job cus tha way i am not disappointed ~ hmmmmmm?!       ~ also today...
BB: Sunita has exited tha BB house on only tha 6th day...a loss in my eyes as i reckon she'da got better as time went on [a la Spencer]...shame she didnae hang in a lil' longer to find out... and all this on top of tha fact tha Jonny, deservedly, won tha £1M las' night on Survivor

posted by Tilly @ 6:59 PM ~

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

got me some gifts in tha post today...thanks to ma 'Money Makin' Man' i finally received tha eagerly awaited pics of tha 'Very Hot Scot' and yup ~ tha man must be at least 8' tall *giggles*
Now i gotta find me a hobby....any suggestions??

posted by Tilly @ 10:43 AM ~

Monday, May 27, 2002

things have been pretty slow here ~ got my only social invite of the year so far only to realise i couldnae go cus ma daughter had already pre-booked ~ grrrrrrrrrr!!
tha kid has more of a social life than i do
start of yet another 2 weeks off school for the kids here...didn't they only go back about a fortnight ago??!

posted by Tilly @ 9:28 AM ~

Friday, May 24, 2002

BB: t'is may look different - tha inhabitants may be different [phwoooaar ~ did ya get a load of tha Alex ]' i doh think much of tha £9.99 charge to view tha house on tha net but hey ~ t'is back...ya know BIG BROTHER an' already am hooked *L
no sign of ma pal thank god...thas a blessin' if ever there was doubt he'll be applyin' for Chained, Survivor, Temptation Island and Bar Wars as we speak ~ what some folk will do for fame huh?? *sighs*

posted by Tilly @ 9:48 PM ~

hey hey hey ~ think ma luck could be changin' ~ i gets a text from tha Carphone Warehouse saying i could qualify for a new mobi ~ i pick maself up off tha floor and pull maself together and decide to give them a call... Richard...bless 'is lil' god damn lucky was i t' get tha man?? first of all he offers me two new [with no catch] mobiles and when tha doesn't go thro he battled like a trojan for me...pulling off tha deal of tha century ~ Yippee!!
So, I send them ma very very old mobile and they give me [well Ben, to be precise] a brand new, only slightly outta date V50 an' a cheque for £20...

UPDATE: hmmmm - thought it mighta been too good to be true ~ seems tha cus i am in a contract i cannae get a new fone...and cus Ben has another free month available to him we can't get tha V50 yet ...gotta call back in July...mebbe there'll be a better offer tha time...wish me luck! I tend t' need it *L

posted by Tilly @ 2:10 PM ~

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

anyone know the address of a Reality TV therapy group?? I think i may be addicted... luckily for me Big Brother is just a coupla days away woooOHoooo...and with Survivor comin' to a close the timing couldnae be any better *bg
I gotta pal who applied to be on BB [think tha offspring of a foreign student an' pond scum ~ now with ponytail and bumbag *shudders*] would be great to see him get on jus' to watch him be tha first to be voted off cus he got tha attitude of something livin' in tha bottom of tha ocean!! Ben and I didnae think he would get on cus his video application sounded naff but an impromtu visit to London for a 'new job' leaves us wonderin' if he somehow managed t' come across as normal....
all i can say, if he did get thro' is god help us *pmsl

posted by Tilly @ 10:56 PM ~

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

eurgh - a nothin' ness day, i hate them ~ didn't get up to much at all today ~ chatted, watched tha telly, read a lil' jus' tha usual tripe...
had a coupla ideas for other folks but am schtump'd where ma own pages are concerned...

posted by Tilly @ 10:21 PM ~

Monday, May 20, 2002

somethings jus' never change...
      ...and for tha matter somethings jus' seem t' get worse an' worse

posted by Tilly @ 10:30 PM ~

Sunday, May 19, 2002

in scenes of hysteria and desperation not seen since *ahem* well...that day last year the computer decided early on this week to crash the car in spectacular fashion ~ everything has now returned to normal and the bloodstains and vomit will no doubt clear up given time...
so ~ am back [an' am bad] and did anyone notice at all tha' i wasnae 'ere?!
*gone - t' make like a hippo an' wallow*

posted by Tilly @ 8:22 PM ~

Monday, May 13, 2002

do i have 'mug' tattoo'ed across ma forehead?? on second thoughts...doh answer tha!!
i have spent tha last 4 hours on tha phone lis'nin' to everyone else go on about their problems...and only once was i asked how i was doin'... i even moaned about bein' kept talkin' 'bout shite on tha phone to one...who then kept me on the phone for almost an guessed it...talkin' 'bout shite *sighs*

posted by Tilly @ 11:51 PM ~

Oh man *shakes 'ed* what a day *L ~ think i just wanna crawl into a v large hole and hibernate til nex' spring now ~ tha hurts... ...tha big dent in ma ego tha is *giggles*
Good to see all you folks comin' for a natter...even tha 'Root Veg' and 'Cray-Z Gal' ...i think i peaked *sniggers* ...all i need is for tha ever elusive 'Poo' to show his face an' it cannae get no better *bg

posted by Tilly @ 4:30 PM ~

what is it with charities sending out free pens?? mebbe it works for some folk...*sat eating brekkie, openin' tha post and yup ~ i got tha pen so i will fill in the form straight away* ...well i reckon if you were that determined to fill in that form you would have managed to find some kinda writing implement and done so regardless... they prolly cost less than a penny in mass production terms but pen pot is starting to make it look like i have been round Index pinching all the pens and i am sure that the money used to make those pens ['specially the fancy ones with the charity logo on the side] could be put to a far better use...

posted by Tilly @ 9:23 AM ~

Sunday, May 12, 2002

tha guys good ya know ~ not only did he reply to ma questions but he be makin' me gifts a plenty *lol ...and givin' me an insight into tha people who are attemptin' to move in ma circles...true friends are hard to come by ~ an' you, ma lil' 'Geek' are very much a true friend

posted by Tilly @ 8:42 PM ~

some people really do not have an sense of shame...self respect [call it what you will] ...but to sink to a low of crawling along on your hands and knees grovelling kinda takes tha biscuit get a' if you can't do tha then at least sort out ya priorities!!

posted by Tilly @ 12:57 PM ~

Saturday, May 11, 2002

have managed to alter a few things on my page today ~ working on a links pages for tha 'Hot Scot' gave me a coupla ideas for my page considering it seems that a few folks unfortunate enough to have NTL TV Net cannot see all of the links on my homepage, so i added a text page with just links on to the rest of my pages....hope this helps some of you guys out...any feedback would be great *s
I put a coupla questions before tha 'Geek' ~ am still awaiting some response...

posted by Tilly @ 8:48 PM ~

whats tha phrase? "early to bed, early to rise"?? ~ i doh think i have gotten outta bed with 'am' in the time for quite a while now...hey, i doh even think i have gone t' bed with 'am' in the time over tha last 7 days...mebbe this forced retiring to bed will be a blessing in disguise "a sleeping pattern??" i hear you cry ~ well doh hold ya breathe...but do watch this space...

posted by Tilly @ 11:45 AM ~

Friday, May 10, 2002

grrrrrrrrr's @ tha net for bein' tha thing tha it is...?!
well i had a great night ...managed t' be child free for one night ...woooOHhooo!!! ...had me a real great chat with someone very special to me...a decent friend [mebbe a lil' too carin' an' emotional at times but hey...thas no bad thing]' on behalf of ma 'flexible friend' i managed to stock up on brain food and cheap plonk...can't be bad!
So what did i do on ma one night o' freedom...did i go out on tha town...paintin' it a nice shade of scarlet? did i go out to friends...makin' tha most of not havin' t' get home at a reasonable hour? did i 'eck *L i sat in ~ did nuttin'...drank too much ate enough chocolate t' make me feel sick...and i had great time t' boot ...mebbe i should consider doin' this more often.....
*wanders of t' holler for Ralph*

posted by Tilly @ 11:32 PM ~

so much for an early night last night...and i am s'posed to be out tonight ~ think i may have to pass on tha one [altho' i do have tha option to have a night to maself so i may be doin' tha instead]
Have done some work on a links page for tha 'Hot Scot' ...he bein' unable to see some of the links on ma main homepage i decided to make him one all of his own with jus' text....ain't i what can i ask fo' in return *wg

posted by Tilly @ 10:00 AM ~

Thursday, May 09, 2002

after a very late night *ahem* early morning i finally got maself int' bed at around 9.45am causin' me to more or less miss tha whole day an' prolly another late'un tonight cus of tha....viscious circles...but better than arrogant squares ~ i 'ate those!!

posted by Tilly @ 6:19 PM ~

Wednesday, May 08, 2002

almost everyone i could wanna chat to has been on line this mornin' in various forms [where you at cray-Z gal??] 'Geek' was on line for a long long time, tha was nice, i missed him ...and tha 'Root Veg' ...boy i miss chattin' to him so often, altho' tha only makes when we do get t' chat all tha better *bs
Was talkin' 'bout tha perils of messengers in ma chat this mornin' too *giggles* ...kinda got a lil' too involved in tha convo...only for tha room to fill up at tha precise moment i spilled ma guts 'bout tha bloke with tha incredible talents for turnin' round ANY comment in his favour *lmao
Timing never was ma strong point *teehee ...oh, an' it's ma anniversary today

posted by Tilly @ 10:16 AM ~

eurgh!! am feelin' shitty this mornin'...haven't slept at all, watchin' to see if ma fella is just in a daze cus he is sleepy or is he actin' a lil' more odd than normal?! He seems ok but he ain't as lucky as we first thought an' tha shiner 'round his eye is gonna come up a corker...

posted by Tilly @ 9:26 AM ~

Ben arrived back from work early this evenin' havin' had a lil' altercation with approximately 8 disgruntled gentlemen who seemed quite enraged than they could not gain entry into tha establishment without paying. Having spent tha best part of an hour in tha back of an ambulance an' a rather fast journey home with Rupert, he emerged with a head resemblin' a BMX park ~ bumps, troughs and valleys included...

with a cry of "no more R'n'B nights for me" and tha smell of TCP in tha air he waltzed off into the living room to watch tha rest of Withnail & I... [tea, toast an' biccies to hand]

posted by Tilly @ 1:57 AM ~

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

Grrrrrrrrrr...fell out with Yahoo! t'night...we can do this an' tha an' this some more..but can we get our programs t' work correctly in unison - thas a big fat NO!!
How can ma peope call me if i ain't answerin' tha fone....?? see!!
After coincidentally checkin' ma mails and receivin' a mail at tha same time i met up with tha 'Hot Scot' an' ma 'Money Makin' Man' for a good ol' natter ~ cleared tha cobwebs an' chewed tha fat for a lil' while...

CONGRATULATIONS to Magpie and the arrival of Leo ...hmmm ~ is 9 years too big a gap between two kids??

posted by Tilly @ 10:40 PM ~

"don't it always seen to go, that you don't know what you got 'til it's gone" ~ *sighs*

posted by Tilly @ 12:02 AM ~

Monday, May 06, 2002

so?? i'm keen ~ can you blame me *giggles*
d'ya ever feel cheated?? like you know you deserve summat but it just ain't happ'nin'...not thro' any fault of y'own ~ s'jus how others want it to be... thro' their own selfishness/jealousy/pettiness...
i feel tha it's best jus to be me, nothin' more and certainly nothin' less ~ so long as i ain't kiddin' me then i can't be outdone *bbg

posted by Tilly @ 7:19 PM ~

if only you had seen what this place looked like before i made it background, images, buttons, links... a coupla cups o' tea and a few frazzled brains cells an' here ya go...I proudly present TILLYS DIARY [not to be confused with Tillys Dairy which is a whole other matter *giggles*]
...well as it is Bank holiday Monday here i am off to put ma feet up for a lil' while...hope y'all doing well

posted by Tilly @ 3:30 PM ~

...after spendin' what seems like an eternity tweakin' this and fiddlin' with tha i finally manage to have my 'diary' up an' runnin' :O) it took some time an' a whole lotta patience but i think i am finally gettin' there...

watch this space to find out what i been up to, whether it be behind tha scenes or in ma own'll be first to hear about it right here

love tilly xx

posted by Tilly @ 2:08 PM ~

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