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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Sunday, June 30, 2002

bit of a nothingness day today ~ apart from tha World Cup final between Germany and Brazil [resulting 0 - 2 ] watched tha an' they lounged about with a ruddy great big 'edache for tha rest of tha day... oh tha thrill of it all...can hardly contain maself *giggles*
i couldnae be bother t' even log onto tha net. ma report on tha World Cup final ~ late?!
it'll never do *sighs*

posted by Tilly @ 11:31 PM ~

Saturday, June 29, 2002

BB: oh my gawd!! i never saw that happenin' ...part of me expected tha questions to be really easy for t'nights task cus of tha way the effect of tha divide in tha house has gone but how wrong could i have possibly been?? i was real happy when Jonny got tha first question an' it was about tha stairs cus they had just been discussin' tha at tha table but he obviously wasnae listenin' cus he got tha one wrong... he was followed by PJ, Alex, Adele and Jade leavin' just Kate an' Tim on tha rich side... when it came down to tha 'chance' question Kate jumped in [i mean it wasn't as if Tim was goin' to give up a week of luxuries for jus' a few fellow housemates was it?!] What a killer of a question...
List all of tha 14 housemates from this series of Big Brother in alphabetical order...
i gotta 'fess up that i was tryin' to do it an' i totally f'got about Lynne an' Lee an' so did Kate...along with her busom buddy could she an' she too had to join tha majority of tha housemates on tha poor side leavin' Tim all on his own... prolly not how BB had planned this but what happened next was surely not on tha cards

Jade an' Adele had yet another bust up cus most of tha housemates thought tha havin' one housemate on one side was real stoopid an' were tryin' to think of takin' some action so BB would either remove tha bars or bend some of tha rules ~ to this Alex stood by Adele in tha morality stakes while PJ, Kate, Jonny an' Jade all went in to see BB about the repercussions of them all gettin' thro' tha bars to tha rich! i ain't sure what was said in tha diary room but tha poor guys have said it is all or nothin' an' with Alex and Adele goin' so over tha top with regards their "we want to be on this side, we are actually lookin' forward to it" speech an' even more so, their "we read tha rules when we agreed to take part in this experience an' we signed to that fact" it looks like it is porridge an' pasta for all but one of tha housemates for tha next 7 days... funny how Tim urged tha poor to go to tha rich but he wasn't prepared to go to tha poor to stand united...hmmmm!!
Lemme know your views about BB3

posted by Tilly @ 11:00 PM ~

moooornin' all....*ahem* an' yes is it 'arf twelve already an' i am just sittin' down to tea an' toast but sleep is hardly lending itself to me at the eyes are lookin' more an' more like piss'ole in tha snow [think thas a phrase ma dad used t' use when i wore too much eye make-up at a tender age *L] i gotta coupla things planned for today. watch some 'be a great driver' vids read ma 'learn your theory test' book mebbe watch some tennis an' then tha big task live on tha telly tonight *yippee!! can hardly wait to watch Jade on her own on tha poor side of tha bars cus she got a question wrong *pmsl basically tha task is whoever answers a question correctly about their house[mates] gets to stay on tha rich side...get it wrong an' you are on tha poor... if all questions are answered correctly then tha divide is comin' down BUT if there ends up with anyone on tha poor side then someone from the rich can gamble on one question IF they want to...they must answer it correctly or they too end up on tha poor side an' tha bars stay up.... * easily pleased me!!

posted by Tilly @ 11:34 AM ~

Friday, June 28, 2002

well ya know...lovely gal an' all an' she may have made up with Jade but she had t' go. Jonny has swore he is goin' to get back
to his normal self now an' was already well on his way to tha last night with his humpin' of Kate in tha garden ~ all in tha name of fun of course now c'mon Jonny...its there for tha takin' ...
Sophie879, 87284.7%

posted by Tilly @ 7:51 PM ~

i managed to drag ma sorry ass outta bed a lil' over an' hour ago... i'd been lay there awake for what seemed like forever but was prolly closer to an hour an' a 'arf...i couldn't sleep last night either. i went to bed at a reasonable time but just lay there with ma eyes wide open so gave up and got maself a cuppa instead... my get up an' go has got up an' gone an' for tha foreseeable future i can't see it comin' back....

posted by Tilly @ 11:03 AM ~

Thursday, June 27, 2002

the depth of a friendship should not be dependant on the length of acquaintance...
people come and go throughout life. there are those who are in your life for only a short time have a huge impact and then move on. those aren't tha sorts of friends i tend to have. i find i want to know more and more about those people i want around me. then there are those who are around for the long haul ~ who probably have the least effect on how you live your life... or so it seems, mebbe it is that, unlike tha quick input from an 'acquaintance', the effects become 'diluted' over time... or are they really makin' no difference to your life??
that leaves those in tha middle? what purpose do they serve....??

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble, it's a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantement, it is as perrenial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

posted by Tilly @ 10:20 PM ~

: he was a lil' shaky at tha start but Henman managed to hold his own against tha Ozzie fella and has gone thro' to tha next round of Wimbledon... along with another brit *faints* ...a female *faints again* ...alrigh' alrigh'...her surnames hardly Smith or Jones but what do i care....yet again Britain expects.... an' leaves with nothin' no doubt!!

posted by Tilly @ 8:05 PM ~

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

BB: arrrrgggghhhhh!! did i really just hear Tim say tha??!
"i have time for anyone, i am always prepared to say 'alrigh' mate, how are you?'" what a feckin' hypocrite!! how much time did he give Sophie an' isn't that the exact reason he says she gets on his nerves??!! getting so wound up with BB at tha minute...i can't believe Jade and Adele are gettin' away with tha stuff they are sayin'... [but then get a load of Adele an' Alex bitchin' about Jade!! they wouldn't nominate her surely?!] am just hopin' tha PJ voices his opinions on what they have said, to Jonny an' Kate. I think Sophie will go on Friday an' it is best tha she does cus it ain't fair keepin' her in there any longer... Jade nor Adele deserve to win tha money... here's to hopin' Jonny comes back out of his shell an' walks away with tha 70k

posted by Tilly @ 10:52 PM ~

another Wednesday, another 'payday' and yet i am as broke as i always am...and have even reached tha level of typing out a letter for a friend who works in a bakers so i can get free bread [an' cakes *giggles*] ... now thas what ya call tha poverty line *haha

posted by Tilly @ 4:30 PM ~

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

WORLD CUP: tha English guys may be sat back in their very large houses but South Korea are on track for a place in tha final...pul-lease whoop tha German butts today *L

posted by Tilly @ 11:31 AM ~

Monday, June 24, 2002

BB: another week has passed since we found out that Spencer an' Alex were up against each other for tha chop tha followin' Friday night... so who gets tha chance to see their loved ones this week?? with tha rampant bitchin' goin' on on tha luxurious side of tha bars an' Tim's obvious dislike for Sophie i think she is guaranteed to be up for nomination but as for who might join her ~ Kate? Jonny?! this is Jade's first go at nominatin' her fellow housemates since her ban last week so who has she got it in for this time around...and is her time up...along with her partner in crime?? let's face it...if, when the names are announced Jade or Adeles names are called then i can see them being a lil' surprised by tha results come Friday night *vbg mebbe it's a lil' late for this weeks nominations but fingers crossed for nex' week...

posted by Tilly @ 11:32 PM ~

he's a cheeky scamp...
just callin' round for a brew huh?!

posted by Tilly @ 2:05 PM ~

Sunday, June 23, 2002

there are folk out there who are ignorant...those people i can handle...but there are folk who are just plain stupid ~ thas a whole other matter....
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." ~ Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)

posted by Tilly @ 5:45 PM ~

Saturday, June 22, 2002

BB: so with tha latest task complete how did tha housemates fare...
Alex ~ as the winner of this weeks task [for the 2nd week in a row] Alex got to choose which of the housemates he wanted to have on his side of tha house. whilst being one of tha last 2 to take up tha challenge of musical chairs he stressed that the choices would have to be "civilised" how 'civilised were his choices exactly...
PJ ~ this guy deserved to be chosen as he has been on tha poor side of tha house for tha last 2 weeks so mebbe Alex has redeemed himself with this choice
Adele ~ this woman works well...butterin' up everyone in tha house to their faces an' yet backstabbin' at any given opportunity... seems Alex was torn between Tim and Adele for his 2nd choice tho
Jade ~ with only Kate and Jade left to choose between Alex took his time to make this' this could be tha one that comes back to haunt him...'specially after both Adele an' Jade spent last week on tha rich side

Jonny ~ as tha loser of tha game Jonny has to choose who he would have as his companions on tha poor side of tha bars for what would be his 2nd week in tha grotto and he made his choices well...
Sophie ~ Jonny's first choice was a good one as Sophie had already spent a fortnight on tha rich side of tha house... she knew she was goin' an' took it well...
Tim ~ Ha!! he said he would be "spittin' blood" if he wasn't to stay on tha rich side... i am going to enjoy watchin' this smug arrogant git this week... hopefully he will struggle and it seems tha he already has his defences up with regards makin' pals on tha poor side
Kate ~ ya gotta feel sorry for Kate...last week Alex chose to leave her on tha poor side of tha house with no other female comp'ny an' altho' he didn't leave Kate as tha only female on tha poor side he did tha same this week by 'rejectin' sure she will have a whole loada fun with Jonny but it was more down to Alex choosin' Jade tha sent Kate back to tha grotto... this will NOT go down well with a few in tha house i am sure...

posted by Tilly @ 9:34 PM ~

BB: change of plan for tha task apparantly.... it's gonna be down to musical chairs *lmao... how many are gonna fall out before it gets around to pickin' which housemates they wanna live with this week??

posted by Tilly @ 8:38 PM ~

as yet another Saturday night comes around i think of what amazin' activities i can get up to tonight... a night on tha town mebbe?? ...a night in with ma mates even?? ...a trip to tha flicks?? or a meal with friends...hahaha!! yeah right....yet another night sat in for me ~ no plans ~ not as such anyway 'cept tha BB task on tha telly ~ blindfolded obstacle course this week ...think mebbe i will arrange summat for this comin' week...
*puts on ma thinkin' cap*

posted by Tilly @ 6:15 PM ~

Friday, June 21, 2002

there was never going to be much between these huge
characters but at 8.30pm there was only 10% between them...
seems like it came down to the wire but it is Spencer that will climb the stairs tonight...poor Kate

posted by Tilly @ 7:53 PM ~

so... not only have England been ceremoniously dumped outta tha World Cup but it also looks like Spencer is on his way outta tha BB house too...not my day is it?? Alex has climbed his way up the popularity poll an' is sitting proudly on tha top of it as of this arvo and it seems that all we need to know now is by how many votes did Spencer get beaten ...all this on top of tha fact that ma daughter has more of a social life than i do *hahaha...have just got back from droppin' her off at tha school sweatin' like a cornered virgin an' i still gotta go pick her up at 9pm yet *grrrrrrrrrrrrr ~ i hate summer!!

posted by Tilly @ 6:28 PM ~

'arf time report: it was goin' so well for a while there... okay we weren't exactly in control but when Owen chipped tha ball over tha 'already on tha floor' goalie ya could hear tha cheers from all down tha street.... watchin' Seaman fold over like a piece o' paper made ma eyes water and with only a coupla minutes t' go Ronaldhino placed a perfect ball between tha defenders an' tha goalkeeper to level up tha tally... could tha timin' of tha goal be any worse
...come on eng-ger-land!!!

posted by Tilly @ 7:25 AM ~

WORLD CUP: only another 30 minutes t' go til tha clash of tha....well....okay....til tha match where England take on tha mighty Brazilians who knows tho' ~ this tournament has seen a whole load of surprises...will this be another....???

posted by Tilly @ 5:59 AM ~

BB: now thas what i call quality telly... Jonny, Kate and Spencer hatchin' a plan to 'steal' some choc from tha rich side of tha house saw tha three of 'em crawlin' around tha house each under a blankie so tha gadgies couldnae tell which was which an' then one of 'em squeezin' thro' tha bars to tha rich fridge for a lil bit o' luxury ...seems as a result tha Jonny could be on tha receivin' end of a thing tha is definite is that the choc that is left on tha rich side is now being taken away ...doh think tha is gonna go down too well do you *sniggers* nice one Jonny *vbg

SEASONS: t'is officially summer as of t'day sure tha 21st June is tha longest day...altho' ma crappy calendar doh say it is but am sure that the nights start t' get darker by tha day from now on...yippee ~ i hate tha summer... gimme rain/snow/fog anytime

posted by Tilly @ 3:43 AM ~

Thursday, June 20, 2002

BB: i thought tha folks loved Spencer an' even tho' he is top of tha popularity poll still an' has been more or less from tha start it seems that everyone i chat to about an evictee for Friday wants Alex to stay regardin' tha task for this Saturday is that there will be a winner who will reside on tha rich side an' a loser who will stay on tha poor side with the those 2 people taking it in turns to select someone they want to stay with them... jus' like bein' on tha school playground alllll over again *bg ...this should really be fun!!

posted by Tilly @ 6:35 PM ~

2 early[ish] nights in a row...somethin' ain't right!! granted tha first night i actually got back up again cus i couldnae sleep but still ~ not bad goin' for me...even managed to follow those early nights with gettin' up in tha mornin' an' stayin' up...could this be a change in my 'sleeping pattern'.. ..i very much doubt it *L

posted by Tilly @ 9:53 AM ~

Wednesday, June 19, 2002

look at tha time it's almost 3 in tha mornin' an' i can't sleep. i've already been to bed once tonight. i feel really rough tho' here i am, drinkin' boiled lemo jus' like ma nan use to make it *vbg reminds me of bein' a kid an' drinkin' tha proper lemonade tha ma nan use to make herself...nothin' ever come close to tha since ...*sighs* to be a kid again huh!

posted by Tilly @ 1:59 AM ~

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

BB: Spencer?? thas not right?? am surprise tha Jonny nominated tha quiet man an' i reckon tha coulda swung tha amount of people up for nomination this week...well sorry Alex but you get ma vote this week...

posted by Tilly @ 5:54 PM ~

BB: ooooooh....find out who is for tha chop t'day...shame Tim can't go...he's a bit of a prick ain't he *pmsl Reckon there could be a small handful up for the push today...Alex and Sophie no doubt will be on tha list mebbe joined by Jade and/or Kate and/or PJ and/or Spencer.
well its open house really this week innit *L i reckon 3 or 4 could have their names called out. i jus' can't wait til Adele is up for tha push, surely tha public would have her out in an instant?!

posted by Tilly @ 8:35 AM ~

Sunday, June 16, 2002

Trust ~ its a fickle thing. for something that builds up over a lengthy period of time an' can appear to be solid it can so easily fall apart at the slightest of incidents. whats the point in trustin' everyone...i have those closest to me who i trust implicitly an' they know who they are an' tha feelin' is reciprocated an' if ya sat reading this thinkin' 'she means me' then think of tha song "you're so vain"...!! it is what makes someone all the more important to you, knowing that regardless of things that happen, things that are said, there is never an issue of that confidante being broken. so what happens if you find yourself not trusting someone who previously you had? mebbe tha trust that was there before wasn't so solid as you would like to think... afterall, if your trust/belief in someone ran so deep then wouldn't you accept an' explanation for the reasons you had started to doubt anyway??
"He that trusts every one without reserve will at last be deceived." ~ Johnson

posted by Tilly @ 10:15 AM ~

Saturday, June 15, 2002

WORLD CUP: watch out Brazil or Belgium...tha English are on a mission to make tha world stand up an' pay attention so it seems. a glorious trouncin' of tha Danes this arvo was spectacular ~ not so 'great' anymore are they *giggles*

BB: for this weeks task tha housemates have gotta throw darts...tha one with tha highest score goes in tha diary room and chooses the side of the house they wanna be on and which 3 other housemates they wanna be with...this should be fun. I think if Jonny or Kate win then they will stick together and Kate will choose Spencer, PJ will wanna stay with Spencer an' Alex will stick with Adele but other than tha i have no clue. in general i think it will be more excitin' to see who doesn't pick who...*teehee
also i heard that tha bars are coming down sooner rather than them staying up til tha end of tha show...think tha first reaction t' them was great but now they are just demoralisin' tha guys an' it's not really makin' good TV!!
so...Alex hit tha outter bull huh...takin' Adele, Jade an' Sophie onto tha rich side of tha house with him...i suspect Adele cus he gets on with her, Jade cus he felt sorry for her an' Sophie so he can get to know her a lil more an' also cus choosin' between tha other 2 poor residents from las' week would have been difficult with one of them havin' to stay [an' with Adele an' Jade tellin' Alex he was bein' influenced by tha 2 boys may have swayed his decision also]
am sure Jonny, Kate, PJ an' Spencer will have a barrel of laughs together this week tho...

posted by Tilly @ 8:40 PM ~

Friday, June 14, 2002

BB: day 22/week 3...
Adele ~ i really doh like this gal no more! she backstabs everyone an' yet is so clever in tha way she does it tha no one seems to have noticed it... 0 nominations so!
Alex ~ wow!! how times change huh, it seems that Sandy leaving tha house has given Alex a lil' breathin' space and is really bringin' laughter to tha poor residents. i mean would he have lit one of his farts if tha scot was still there i think not *lmao
Jade ~ what exactly did go on under those bedcovers? will we ever really find out?! had a tough weeek this week but only another day til she can try to get herself a place on tha other side of tha house. will she walk tho' if she fails this weeks task??
PJ ~ he got his cake, ate it, didn't like it, threw it away...poor Jade ~ would you want this man to be your lawyer?!
Spencer ~ this man is in his element on tha poor side...only a lack of alcohol and smokes has got to him but he plays tha part of "farmer boy" seems t' suit him

Jonny ~ i only have to hear tha geordie accent an' i am in stitches. he been quiet this week since tha news about tha nominations but hopefully he will perk up' with only 2 laydees for comp'ny t'night...whatever will he do *lmao
Kate ~ this is tha biggest shocker but i really like Kate now... even more so since i saw tha look on PJs face when she bent over in a bikini *pmsl ...anyone with a limited knowledge of lipreadin' would have understood what PJ mouthed at tha very moment *hahaha
Sophie ~ how will she cope without Lee's stimulating conversation an' will her paranoia about tha other housemates get to her in tha end... personally i think this gal is all me me me!!

posted by Tilly @ 9:00 PM ~

wooohooo... *does a lil' dance* ...jonny is stayin' put one more arrivin' on Sunday so tha makes erm...
10 - sandy - lee + mystery fella = 9 to go...


posted by Tilly @ 6:35 PM ~

i wasn't expectin' this but now i have ma provisional licence i'm pappin' maself about havin' lessons an' haven't done anythin' about organisin' them dad still doh know i got it an' he is a qualified drivin' instructor *sniggers* still this feelin' ain't as bad as tha feelin' i got watchin' a 12 certificate movie a coupla nights ago ~ jesssssssssus ~ i spent most of tha time duckin' behind a cushion...*pmsl

posted by Tilly @ 6:20 PM ~

Thursday, June 13, 2002

whoooooo...tha was a weird 'un an' i only nodded off for a matter of minutes too...hmmm?! i thought i would just grab maself 40 winks an' i had tha most incredible dream...had it before but was a whole load more vivid this time... tha main characters were me an' ma old schoolmates [mainly dawn bagient] manchester united [roy keane and nicky butt were in tha main scenes] an' westlife???? yup...tha irish fellas but not moon'ed...he weren't involved at all *giggles* thank god!! so...there i was at ma school leavin' do with all ma mates an' our parents...i get there early an' find a place t' sit in tha corner with ma friends, away from tha 'rents. things were goin' good but then tha guys from westlife came over an' mark an' shane were being pricks an' really showing me up an' ma folks were lookin' over with a look of disgust...nowt i could do an' no one else seemed to care... at tha end of tha night a whole load of us pile into one of tha houses of a mate [in tha real world i recognise tha place but it ain't where this person lives?!] an' everyone seemed to turn against me...all 'cept dawn...she stood by me when i ended up runnin' outta tha house in tears...i was shoutin' at another pal tha i still see from time to time [altho' not so much of as late] but she didn't wanna know me...
tha last image i had was of dawn an' me walkin' home an' roy keane an' nicky butt in a pub we passed on tha way there...
erm....anyone into dream analysis out there??

posted by Tilly @ 4:55 PM ~

tha postmans ma friend this mornin'. considering i hadn't received any post in over a week i was kinda worryin' about tha first lotta post i was gonna receive...ya know *thud* an' another rain forest demolished for tha sake of my bills, but he has been exceptionally kind to me today... coupla bits of junk [an application for a free trial hearin' aid and a discount voucher for a large sofa company with a very annoyin' advert on tha telly] but thrown in with those was a brand spanking shiny new credit card...okay, no more available funds but tha card looks nice *pmsl...but by far tha bestest ever was ma provisional driving licence...'s official... after years of sayin' that i am gonna do it for years i am finally gonna be on tha roads!! who could i get t' teach me how t' drive... *giggles*
*wanders off t' call ma dad..........*

posted by Tilly @ 9:24 AM ~

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

ma daughter got an early send off t' school this mornin'...not sure whether it was the desire of tha headteacher to have tha kids in early cus he wanted t' be able t' watch tha footie himself or tha he realised there would be a whole load of kids arrivin' a lil' late this mornin' otherwise. either way the school opened its doors at 8.25am t'day an' there was a rush of dads droppin' their kids off coincidentally at tha same time as 'arf time in tha match *giggles* funny tha...i doh remember tha happenin' when i was a lil' un *L

posted by Tilly @ 1:04 PM ~

WORLD CUP: *yawns an' stretches*
we've got all to play for ...could it really be tha the Argies are on a flight home before reachin' tha final 16 in tha World Cup...surely it couldn't go that much in our favour??

BB: he really did wanna go didn't he!!

posted by Tilly @ 6:23 AM ~

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

BB: well it may be that Sandy has miraculously managed to get away with not bein' nominated this week and his sworn enemy Jonny is in the firin' line but even so he may be walking!! the man upstairs knows i doh ask for's a runnin' joke but please...jus' this once make it so... with Alison gone and Jonny possibly on his way out [let's hope its Lee] i can't see a reason to watch BB no more...but with Sandy still there, tha actually gives me a reason to switch off!!

posted by Tilly @ 8:20 PM ~

i've jus' got back from tha first school run of tha last half term so by my reckonin' its only another 7 weeks til the kids break up for the summer holidays...can hardly wait!!
well, a full day to maself an' not an awful lot planned altho' after jus' watchin' France get knocked outta tha World Cup mebbe ma day has peaked too soon *sniggers*

posted by Tilly @ 8:24 AM ~

Monday, June 10, 2002

BB: nomination day *does a lil' dance* ~ well i know who i want on for the push... Adele and Sandy but somehow i can't see Adele getting enough nominations so am kinda hopin' those tha Sandy wants out aren't up for eviction then he might be more inclined to walk... it would be an honour to watch tha man skulk out tha back door into obscurity!!
I reckon there could be 3 up for eviction this week...mebbe even 4 an' i imagine Jonny [along with possibly Lee and/or Kate] will be one of those with his neck on the line...let's hope folks doh go tha same way as they did with Alison las' week ~ tha house hasn't been tha same since...

posted by Tilly @ 1:19 PM ~

well tha brakes may not be workin' but i didn't expect to come to halt in tha fashion!! all tha shite tha was floatin' around in ma 'ed had t' come out at some point [trust ma sis to check on ma site jus' then *giggles*] ...with a bucket loada tears shed and ma life resemblin' tatters i had to do summat about it ~ 'bull' and 'china shop' was ma chosen route...
am feelin' remarkably sane this mornin' ya're a star

posted by Tilly @ 10:48 AM ~

Sunday, June 09, 2002

i feel like shit!! not jus' a lil' bit but i feel totally fed up ~ i feel tired yet can't sleep...i got so much crap jus' floatin' round in ma 'ed. i feel useless ~ i got "issues" but can't do feck all 'bout 'em at tha minute. ma bump on ma 'ed is feelin' a tadge better...thas summat at least but am on a downhill slide right now an' tha brakes ain't workin'!!
"Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain." ~ Lily Tomlin

posted by Tilly @ 1:47 AM ~

Saturday, June 08, 2002

"Sometimes I think I shouldn't be here."
~ i happen to agree with you Sandy!!

posted by Tilly @ 2:00 PM ~

am feelin' crabby this mornin' ...i gotta bump on ma 'ed thas gettin' on ma nerves. i can't turn ma 'ed without turnin' tha whole of ma body and havin' slept on tha same side alllll night long i can't feel one side of ma face *pmsl i woke up with a wet towel on ma 'ed after fallin' asleep after washin' ma hair [not recommended] so tha obviously didn't help!!

posted by Tilly @ 12:57 PM ~

Friday, June 07, 2002

BB: watchin' Alison leave the BB house tonight was hard. never before, during the last two shows did i actually get a lump in ma throat when someone said goodbye to tha remainin' housemates [apart from Bubble ~ i liked him] an' i think i may have even got a lil' bit of sand in ma eye at one point... doh ya hate it when tha happens?!

posted by Tilly @ 10:23 PM ~

BB: *puts on ma best welsh accent* ~ "Ohhhhhh Myyyyy Gawwwwddddd!!"
i didn't see tha comin' at all' i think tha is so unfair and Jonny is gonna be lost!! the place is gonna be real quiet now and Alec or Sandy so deserved to be given tha push, especially after Sandy's comment "Someone out there knows the truth." - how outta order is tha??! also, can't believe how 2-faced Adele is bein' either but then i s'pose they are all after the cash at the end of tha day...

posted by Tilly @ 8:09 PM ~

BB: as i said over a week ago now the house is indeed going to be split into two halves [a poor and a luxury side] and BB has confirmed it!! Happening after the task which will take place tomorrow evening the winners and losers of a 'thro' tha hoop' competition will be separated with the winners going to the more lush girls bedroom, which coincidentally is also the side of tha house with the kitchen, pool, bathroom, hot water etc etc etc [can you see where i am goin' here..*L] and the losers will go to tha more sparse boys bedroom. while they are shut away in the bedrooms glass bars with be placed down the middle of the house... I suspect there may be more blokes on the winning side than females!! call me sexist but the first 5 to shoot a hoop get to go to the girls room and i can't see some of the blokes missing as often as the likes of ...well...
I predict Spencer, PJ, Kate, Jonny and possibly Lee to shoot a hoop first...
i got 3 outta 5 and the other 2 i predicted didn't even throw a ball!!

posted by Tilly @ 4:21 PM ~

WORLD CUP: end of second half ~ up tha boys ~ sink tha Bel Grano!!    0 - 1
36 years of hurt never stopped us dreamin' an' tha boys may have started to flag towards tha final whistle but they kept on like jack russells ~ snappin' at the heels of the 'alice band brigade' who made an artform outta droppin' to tha ground at any given opportunity!!
All we need now is a draw against Nigeria next Wednesday but 7am?? HOW RUDE!!

posted by Tilly @ 1:54 PM ~

WORLD CUP: with absolutely no reference to the Falklands what-so-ever and with greater love than a mancunian has ever had for a scouser before with our hearts in our throats Owen sidesteps tha Argies ~ reminiscent of 4 years previous ~ and hits the post. Our boys finally grab the bull by the horns and remembers that England expects. Up steps 'GoldenBalls' and forgetting 4 years of pressure from football 'fans' and the media alike hammers the ball straight at the Argentian 'keeper as if he was having a kick about in his big back garden. if we win this does it really matter if we doh go any further...?
PS: even Heskey is playing could we possibly lose?!

posted by Tilly @ 12:21 PM ~

WORLD CUP: only 20 minutes to go an' i feel sick ...ya never know...seems the underdog has been getting quite a lot of tha luck in this tournament so far so fingers crossed an' lets hope they doh lose tha 'eds this times...
altho'... revenge would have a nice taste to it!!

posted by Tilly @ 11:10 AM ~

i have often thought that 'sorry' is the most inadequate word in the world. you would have thought tha somebody, say Shakespeare or suchlike, would have come up with a word that expresses sympathy, empathy, loss, regret, grief... but sadly nobody's thought up a word to describe the feeling of walking thro' quicksand with ya eyes closed... sorry!

posted by Tilly @ 1:10 AM ~

Thursday, June 06, 2002

BB: while Spencer stays firmly stuck to tha top of tha popularity poll on the official BB website it is Alison who seems to be plummetin' at great speed to tha bottom of tha 'friends' list. okay, this is only a popularity poll for those that have actually bothered to take the time out to vote but with 51% of 58,126 votes things aren't looking good for tha big gal now she is positioned in 11th place. Sandy is on tha slide too, havin' found a cult like following at tha start it seems his people have upped and left, leaving him in 7th position with 56% of 55,877 with Alex sat just above him also 56% of folks likin' Alex...but thats out of a whopping 86,322 votes!! i still think Sandy has to go altho' watchin' him dive across tha rain sodden grass in a drunken state last night like he had scored tha winnin' goal at tha World Cup was a moment i shall hold dear... Roll on Friday!!

this chart is no longer in use...

posted by Tilly @ 1:10 PM ~

*sighs* ever waited for summat for sooo long and then when tha opportunity is there ya doh make tha most of it and ya let it slip thro' ya fingers?? *grrrrrrrrrrrrr
i done tha tonight an' am actually annoyed with maself!! what a dill?! ne'er mind ~ there'll be plenty of opportunities... i hope?! funny cus i ain't normally shy but i was tonight...hmmmm?!

posted by Tilly @ 12:38 AM ~

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

BB: so how are the 'in-mates' fairing so far...
Adele ~ hmmmm ~ she seems to be quite 2 faced ~ tends to agree with everyone with
"yeah, ya right" is her favoured phrase
Alex ~ is he a woman?!' old naggin' woman at tha??
Alison ~ if she wins by tha time she pays for any damages she not gonna have much change left *giggles* she still cracks me up with her antics with Jonny but a lil OTT at times
Jade ~ birthday girl 21 today!!   ...louder/more in ya face/still fun ~ i like her ~ and i reckon tha public are warming to her a lil' more ~ likes to speak her mind...could tha be her downfall or will fallin' for PJ go against her? am sure Danny ain't too chuffed!!
Jonny ~ "day tree" an' Jonny still has me in stitches with his bonkin' of Alison at any given opportunity ~ an' he's ain't embarrassed to show his sensitive side [always a plus with tha gals]
Kate ~ tryin' too hard to be something to everyone ~ an' you shouldn't win £70k cus ya flirt ya way there *miaaaow!!
Lee ~ crumbs ~ he's come outta his shell ain't he but is he shrinkin' in size??
PJ ~ i find Peter James a bit desperate...altho' it does seem he has finally got his claws into Jade an' seems to just 'fit in' when there's a group activity
Sandy ~ did he leave an' no one told us??
Sophie ~ tha newcomer to tha house ~ seems like she's always been there ...much to Kate's annoyance *vbg
Spencer ~ how chilled can one man be?? I'd like this guy to be one of tha few left at tha end but whether he could win...well at present he stands firmly at tha top of tha public popularity poll

posted by Tilly @ 8:10 PM ~

WORLD CUP: a shocker of a result with the Americans pullin' off a victory against Portugal ~ only jus' tho'. it was a lil' touch an' go for a minute there what with the US bein' 3-0 up at one stage and managin' to score an own goal makin' tha score 3-2...who knows what coulda happened...? now if only tha Irish can get one over on tha Germans *vbg

am really missin' tha 'Geek' ~ i mean really missin' him ain't seen him about for a long time an' it's not lookin' good

posted by Tilly @ 11:13 AM ~

Tuesday, June 04, 2002

BB: Alex and Sandy i can fully understand but Alison?? i'm still a lil' shocked by tha altho' i can't imagine tha public wantin' her out jus' yet. Alex may be a moanin' old woman but still, i would prefer to hear more from tha 'weegate' saga an' have a clean freak who apparantly wrote on his application form tha he was bi-sexual cus he was "in a rush" than watch tha wierd lil' Scots man and his incredibly annoyin' habits!!
it seems tha public have really gone off Sandy too in tha last couple of days from lookin' at tha BB website ...him now being ranked 5th outta tha 13 who have entered tha house as opposed to his higest rankin' of 2nd ~ here's to hopin' he's packin' his 'custom-made kilts' quicker than you can say "och aye Jimmy"

posted by Tilly @ 8:55 PM ~

oh boy ma 'ed hurts ...but what a great time i had to get it *L
Yesterday was spent at my parents home ~ a street party for the Golden Jubilee... the street looked amazing, buntin' up an' down tha road, 50 union jacks hung all around tha street includin' outta tha top windows of tha houses, gazebos placed 'ere an' there [my dad only went out an' bought a St Georges one din' he *lmao] and a huge marquee sat at tha top of tha road. Each house had its own deco an' the street was blocked off allowin' tha kids to run riot. there was a DJ, who managed to keep goin' for the whole 12 hours an' games, bar-b-cues , a footie tournament [grown men, alcohol, World was pretty much inevitable *L] more booze than necessary and everyone had an awesome time. the weather stayed perfect [apart from the hour stood under tha gazebo in tha rain and tha 30 mins stood upstairs with ma trollies in tha dryer but other than tha...oh, an' ma mother showin' everyone tha photos from tha Silver Jubilee when i was 2, yeah....all in all it was a roarin' success...
Not since the millenium has tha street seen an event like it....lordy knows whats gonna happen if England manage any kinda success in the World Cup ~ fingers crossed

posted by Tilly @ 11:28 AM ~

Saturday, June 01, 2002

BB: I can't believe all the hype for BB and their live task an' all they had to do was answer 10 questions...and they only had to get 7 of those right to get tha £400 for next weeks shoppin'!! then to be given a 'surprise hamper' on top of tha for completely tha task sucessfully?? doh get me wrong cus i think the contestants have been great so far but there seems to be no involvement from BB this year ~ where's the practisin' for tha task in tha build up to attemptin' to complete it...watchin' last years bunch trying t' complete tha obstacle course an' train tha stoopid dog was what was entertainin' thro' tha week las' year...
Lucky for the viewers this year we got quite a funny bunch o' people in there otherwise i think i may have turned off by now... here's t' hopin' tha house gets a better task for this week ahead!! Oh, an' I think Sandy has t' go ~ tha man's jus' plain ol' wierd..?!

posted by Tilly @ 10:18 PM ~

got me a haircut this mornin'' a fringe for tha first time in years, jus' a lil' wispy thing ...and it was so much cheaper than counsellin' *LOL

posted by Tilly @ 10:56 AM ~

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