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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Tuesday, July 30, 2002

i'm sat in the dark ~ its not late but the rain is comin' down real heavy now. i have a small lamp lit close by as both the kitchen light bulbs blew within 10 minutes of each other but i love it like this. i never liked the summer months ~ hot weather's never been ma thing but sittin' watchin' tha rain come down and listenin' to tha thunders great... i just love those days when you have to dress in tha dark ...think its cus it reminds me of gettin' up at tha crack o' dawn when i was lil' an' goin' away on holiday... *sighs* happy memories...

posted by Tilly @ 4:24 PM ~

Sunday, July 28, 2002

talk about a rude awakenin' ~ 9.30am! an' on a Sunday!! ma dad calls me up an' asks if i have time for a lesson. picture rubbin' tha sleep an' crustaceans outta ma eyes an' squintin' t' look at tha time..."yeah, no worries, give me 15 minutes" [1 cuppa tea an' i am as awake as i'm ever gonna be *teehee] ...i think ma dad knows me better than tha cus 30 minutes later he turns up *L an' in return for tha drivin' lesson i agree to give his hair a trim with tha clippers... bless 'im ~ i haven't the heart to tell him i kinda move it about a bit an' there's more bald bits than bit with hair on nowadays *giggles* havin' wasted an hour chatting, trimming an' drinkin' tea i am finally ready to hit tha streets...

posted by Tilly @ 11:04 AM ~

Saturday, July 27, 2002

hope you had yaself a fantastic birthday Mistah P...
now you gonna keep all tha cake for yaself *giggles*

posted by Tilly @ 11:14 PM ~

Friday, July 26, 2002

its finally over...tha lines have closed and there is a winner in the house...*yippee!!
...put ya hands together for.... *drum roll* ....Kate
*raptous applause from tha nation*


votes to stay%age


an' of course we can't forget tha luvverly canny geordie fella Jonny...a worthy runner up...
comin' close to tha cash but no cigar...


votes to stay%age



posted by Tilly @ 9:31 PM ~

BB:' another one bites tha dust

so just Kate an' Jonny huh...ooooh the excitement *L


votes to stay%age



posted by Tilly @ 9:06 PM ~

so down...three to go


votes to stay%age



posted by Tilly @ 8:01 PM ~

Thursday, July 25, 2002

woohoo *tryin' to sound enthusiastic* i bought maself a gift!! can't remember the last time i did that and altho' it woulda been nice t' have ma hair done or get maself dolled up in a new outfit [even if tha idea of me bein' 'dolled up' is somewhat hard t' believe] i am equally impressed with ma new toy...a microwave!! i was a lil' weary of ma last one since it set on fire when defrostin' prawns a while back but i carried on usin' it but i think i heard it groan over tha weekend so enough was enough...*teehee... am like a kid at christmas

posted by Tilly @ 10:32 PM ~

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

BB: "There once was a girl called Kate
        Who was a very big light-weight
        She drank too much booze
        She was sick in her shoes
        And ended up looking a state!"

posted by Tilly @ 11:10 AM ~

Saturday, July 20, 2002

BB: its the final live Saturday night task for tha 4 remainin' housemates so what has BB got installed?? well back on 22 June i happened to mention tha tha housemates were goin' to have to complete an obstacle course around tha garden but it wasn't to be...until now *yippee!! tha story so far is that the housemates will have to retrieve eggs from all over tha garden and for each egg they get they will have £25 towards tha weekly shoppin' an' all they only got 8 minutes to do it in...thas a helluva long time ain't it...'cept i forgot one thing! this obstacle course will be tackled blindfolded *L
However ...thas not all cus there is going to be a gamble too... onto tha plasma screen in tha house will be played an egg an' spooon race between Spencer, PJ, Lee an' Sophie... whether tha housemates choose tha winner will determine the amount of cash at their disposal this week...
i may be misinformed but if i am then hey...s'great idea ain't it *hahaha!!

posted by Tilly @ 5:59 PM ~

regardless of the quality of the pop itself each generation has got slightly less talent than tha one before it. Kylies good but she ain't no Debbie Harry now is she. Debbie Harrys great but she's no Ella Fitzgerald an' so on and so on... havin' said that, one can accept dance remixes of Kylie songs but a recently heard dance mix of Atomic by Blondie proves to us tha altho' a diamond can be covered in shit you still have to remove tha shit to find tha diamond... should be ashamed of yaselves afterall MegaMixes should be left for Jive Bunny an' Kenwood kitchen appliances!!

posted by Tilly @ 2:51 AM ~

i doh seem to be able to catch anyone on line at tha minute...'Cray-Z Gal', 'Root Veg', tha 'Geek'' 'Poo'...whatever 'appened to 'im an' even ma sessions with tha 'Hot Scot' an' ma 'Money Makin' Man' are few an' far between nowadays
i've trawled tha 'net to all ma old haunts in a 'arf hearted attempt to catch up but nothin' doh matter what time o' day i boot up MSN there's no one on ICQ is up tha swanny for reasons known only to tha 'puter nerds out there [note to self: get in touch with bro-in-law *L] an' Yahoo...well i still use tha but i stay in hidin' *giggles* too many 'busty berthas' an' semi-clad sarahs' for ma likin' an' folks can always send me offline messages there...
think am gonna have to resort to tha old fashioned way of communication ~ email *L s'been a while since i sent a half decent email to anyone, what with havin' messenger this an' messenger tha... makes me almost feel like reachin' for a pen an' a piece o' paper!!

posted by Tilly @ 1:19 AM ~

Friday, July 19, 2002

oh how i wanted tha whinger to go...okay *L i'd better clarify which of tha whingers i actually mean *giggles* well Tim
deserved to go but i was kinda hopin' folks would take this opportunity to make BB better viewin' for me cus to be frank [which is just an unconfirmed rumour!] an' in tha words of Alex himself ...if i never see him again it will be too soon!! Sadly it seems this ain't t' be tha case cus Brylcreem are wantin' to sign up tha floppy fringed one for their next campaign...argghh!!
hot off tha press: Sophie an' Lee have got it together...oooooh!! so Lee's declaration of love for Carmen wasn't as genuine as he had everyone believe huh *teehee!! wonder if they will turn up to tha final eviction reunion together next Friday?!

posted by Tilly @ 7:51 PM ~

*yawns an' stretches* so ermm...what was i sayin' ...oh yeah *yawns an' stretches some more* that i couldnae believe that i was able to get up this morning but also how impressed i was with bein' able to stay awake on such a lil' amount af sleep *giggles* well i just crawled outta ma pit after grabbin' a coupla hours...did i miss anything *L

posted by Tilly @ 2:28 PM ~

quite how i managed to get up this mornin' to take lauren to school is beyond me!! i went to bed at whats classed as a reasonable hour [for me] an' lay there for tha next coupla hours puttin' tha world to rights til tha subject finally settled on' for once i actually feel like i am doin' a good job Doh get me wrong ~ Lauren's not a bad kid just a bit 'ed strong [ain't sure where she gets tha from *teehee] so when it comes to her doin' summat she doh wanna do...boy have you got a battle on ya hands, and even when she does get round to doin' it [cus ya just know i'm gonna win in the end] then she doesn't quite do it the way y'ask her to *L
is that defiency or independence?? is there a difference in this case?!
this parentin' ain't the easiest job in tha world but am gettin' better at it bit by bit, only by tha time i've sussed it we've moved on to tha next phase... ya know ~ terrible 2s... shockin' 7s... terrifyin' teens *breaks out into a sweat at tha very thought of Lauren bein' a teenager*
i lay there thinkin' over tha facts...i doh give in, i discipline appropriately when necessary... an' praise when thas appropriate too, talkin' of which ~ outta tha 80+ pupils in ma daughters year at school, 6 pupils work was chosen as a sign of excellence need i go on *lol so hey...i can't be doin' tha bad a job *s...well this brings me up to about 4am an' me still not havin' had any kip so i tootle off for a bath...waste a good 'arf hour if nothin' else! in tha end i musta fallen asleep about 5.30am an' was up at 8am an' so far so good ~ unbelievably!!

posted by Tilly @ 8:08 AM ~

Thursday, July 18, 2002

BB: ooooh!! s'all kickin' off tonight ain't it *L ~ he said that she said that they said tha mebbe he kinda said tha she said tha!!!?! can you imagine it *' all because Alex has t' have his lil' digs at his lesser housemates...grrrr!! Of course Alex has been blowin' hot an' cold all week since tha announcement of tha nominations *giggles* an' i 'fess up yet again tha i didn't suspect it would be Alex an' Tim [who are both eager to get outta tha house as soon as] up again each other for tha last place on offer in tha final week ~ or tha battle of tha sex gods as Kate put it?! thas what 9 weeks in 'captivity' does for ya *rotf?! It started with tha 70s theme night as a reward for tha completion of tha roller skating disco task but Alex an' booze are startin' to become a bit of a bad concoction an' he just had to comment to Jade about things that had been said about her...and off she goes ~ tha speed at which tha woman talks is incredible an' she gets faster an' faster tha more upset/annoyed she gets... I dunno tha outcome of tha night cus as the expletives are bleeped out there wasn't really much t' hear altho' ya could hear a pin drop when tha sly "take PJ, one minute ya slaggin' him off and then ya suckin' his d!@k!!" insult left Alex's chops *pmsl!!

posted by Tilly @ 12:27 AM ~

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

was ma dads birthday today 52!! i mean wow...just how old is tha?? *L we haven't done much today but hopefully we can all get together over tha weekend for some needless drinkin' an' feedin'... hey ~ y'ain't gotta ask me twice *bg seems the presents were a big hit yet again....i do good gifts i do *vbg an' with tha obligatory birthday cakes doin' tha rounds i feel it wasn't such a bad day after all...

Which flock do you follow?
this quiz was made by alanna

posted by Tilly @ 9:41 PM ~

Monday, July 15, 2002

i almost went for a record today of the fewest ever hours to be outta bed before gettin' back in it *lmao! i got up at 6pm [i have ma reasons *L] an' by 9pm i was back to feelin' rough again but i held out...did some gardenin' [which didn't help ma 'ed an' achin' loins *grr] then 'ad me a chuck roast supper an' am still wide awake *ahem* at 'arf past 1...cuppa tea an' bed i think

posted by Tilly @ 12:31 AM ~

Saturday, July 13, 2002

BB: so, tha task for t'night was to answer questions on tha other 4 remainin' housemates an' for each correct answer £25 would go towards tha shoppin' allowance an' there would be 5 seconds added to tha amount of time tha one of the housemates could use to call a loved one! 8 correct answers an' £200 to spend on cheap cider later an' tha decision was made to let Tim use tha fone... it was his mum on tha other end an' she put tha toff's mind at rest sayin' all was well ...but is it? stories leaked are tha Tim's girlfriend has dumped him over some bet he had with a mate tha he would be able to seduce Kate while he was in tha house..oops!! Shame tha he thinks all's goin' good tho' cus yesterday it looked like tha ginger whinger coulda been leavin' via tha back door... after 3...1, 2, 3 awwwwwww ~ NOT!!

me?? well i had a pretty cool day t' up reasonably early t' find a gift at tha bottom of ma garden...a spade *hurray *lol...been borrowin' ma sis's for as long as i can remember an' i needed t' use it again only she needed it too so she bought me a brand spankin' new huh *lmao tha day was pleasant enough, sittin' round tha house not really doin' much, bit o' reading, list'nin' to tha radio, watchin' some' then it was time for Lauren to get ready to go to a swimming party ~ arrrgghh!! i can't think of anything worse than bein' responsible for 20 8 year old kids all bobbin' about at tha swimmin' baths an' i was a lil' nervous about leavin' but i had a date with ma sis for some decent grub [an' t' drop off one of ma hoardes of gifts for ma bro-in-law] so i didnae feel too bad *L it wa' nice t' be child free an' relaxin' in adult comp'ny if only it was for a coupla hours...then ma dad turned up and...well... see for yaself *L

posted by Tilly @ 9:41 PM ~

Friday, July 12, 2002

i was sat in bed last night talkin' about fate after watchin' an excellent John Cusack film called Serendipity... a typical romantic comedy but with John Cusack in [which automatically makes it great in my eyes...*L] we were talking about how people come into our lives and what effect they can have on the way you are, your beliefs an' tha path you will take from tha point onwards. I was tryin' to make a hypothetical point tha wasn't comin' out quite right so i used my friends to back up my ideas which led Ben to talk about someone who had a very major effect on how i see people... this person wasn't from my town and thro' other friends we got to know one another really well. I loved her company an' could talk for hours whether it be just jokin' about, playin' cards, tha PS or real indepth issues an' we didn't have to agree...she never got tha hump if tha was tha case. For one reason an' another she had to move back to her home town an' i hated tha... we kept in touch as best we could but it was difficult an' something about her changed until there was one point where i had just had enough ~ enough of bein' used by her, something that i didn't see would ever happen but mebbe tha distance was hard to overcome. about 6 months ago came tha final insult an' i chose to have no more to do with this gal. it was hard cus we had some great times but i knew it was for tha best cus she became selfish beyond belief... well she only gone an' got in touch after all this time...i mean what do i do? Ben told me she would get in touch eventually but i insisted she wouldn't...thinking that her own stubborn streak would prevent her from tha, even if tha thought had crossed her mind. this isn't the first person to surprise me with an email outta tha blue an' i doh like tha awkward position i have been put in... another pal, similar to the one already mentioned also mailed me recently but this was after 3 or 4 years... an email sayin' "hi, how are you...blah blah blah" do you reply to tha after so long?? tha ball has been put well an' truly in ma court by tha way these 2 people approached me an' i ain't even tha one with tha issues..........or am i???

posted by Tilly @ 10:20 PM ~

i didn't want either of these 2 characters to leave this evenin'
i suspect Jonny felt tha same but all good things must come to
an end ...he may have lost his only close male pal but he still
got his playmate to have a laugh with... ...yippee!!
poor PJ ~ he thinks he is gonna get boo'd but i cannae see tha...

posted by Tilly @ 7:49 PM ~

i think i should attend parentin' classes cus i am failin' at this job miserably!!

posted by Tilly @ 3:05 PM ~

Thursday, July 11, 2002

i despise shoppin'...okay okay, there's more to tha sentence than just not likin' t' shop but one thing i do like is buyin' presents an' with 3 birthdays this week i was in ma element, maxin' tha plastic to tha very last degree so what does tha gal with nae cash get for tha man who has bro-in-law?! he's a golf fan so was gonna go down that route but on spottin' an exceptionally outrageous t-shirt with 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina', some reference to June tha 7th 2002, tha St George flag on it an' possibly a lil' pic of a football *giggles* i soon changed ma mind *L then for ma dad ~ he'd be happy with a coupla pairs o' socks which makes buyin' for him so much more fun cus he appreciates tha thought regardless [altho' tha toupee didnae go down too well a few years back *teehee!] i got a v casual shirt from Chino cus he's a hip happenin' kinda guy so tha seemed appropriate an' then all i had t' do then was pick out a gift for an 8 year old gal tha i know nothin' about ...not as easy as i was hopin' but i stumbled upon a bargain bucket with a purple picture frame with pink hearts on it...perfick!! then all i needed t' do was take up tha offer from ma sis of brekkie in tha cafe an' all was done

posted by Tilly @ 7:12 PM ~

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

i was just browsin' as ya do an' a pop up appeared to test tha strength of ya relationship so i thought wha' tha hell an' gave it a go. this is tha result:
"Well done. You obviously have a close and very supportive partnership. You have good communication skills, negotiate any hiccups with ease and diplomacy, and your sex life is healthy. You're not living in cloud cuckoo land because you know that every love relationship has its ups and downs and you've worked out ways to deal with them. Don't rest on your laurels though. If a life crisis strikes, or if either of you change over the years, you'll still need to work at the relationship. Remember that the best relationships need working at every day."
i erm...dunno what t' say 'bout tha... i 'fess up tha i wasn't expectin' tha reply...?!

posted by Tilly @ 5:52 PM ~

BB: there are only 6 housemates left in tha house now an' tha place is lookin' huge...
Alex ~ okay, i admit tha on first impressions i was taken in by tha looks but it only took for him to open his mouth an' i soon went off tha guy. credit where its due tho' ~ he managed t' get himself back into tha group an' can actually be funny when he allows himself to be....then he hooked up with Adele an' it was a downhill slide from there... now even Alex, with tha smell of Adele still in tha air, is doubtin' just how genuine she really was *teehee
Jade ~ looking back to tha first week who would have ever thought that Jade would still be in tha house. She escaped bein' evicted in tha 1st week an' i imagine is only there now cus tha 2nd time she was up for eviction it was against Adele... now i seem to have tha same feelings towards Jade as most of tha housemates do...she's funny an' up for a laugh but tha backstabbin' of everyone has taken its toll an' i think she may have dug her own grave with folks finally findin' out tha truth...
Jonny ~ surely this guys wallet will be bulgin' in just over a fortnight?! he managed to avoid eviction 3 times [never gettin' more than 15% of tha votes from tha public] he's hilarious and i suspect he has never once played up to tha cameras... tha most genuine from tha start i would think an' deserves t' win for takin' so much shite from tha guys who think they are above him in tha BB house!!
Kate ~ hahaha...okay okay ~ am sorry but like most women thro'out tha UK i was *ahem* jealous *L i mean she got tha looks, tha humour, tha figure, tha talent AND she got Spencer *lmao....of course i was gonna hate her but she proved herself to be a fantastic person regardless of tha personal knocks she has received from other house'mates' and could 'possibly' pinch tha cash from Jonny as tha 1st woman to win BB ~ go girl!!
PJ ~ where'd he pop up from?? he was a non-entity for tha first few weeks but with Spencer gone PJ had to make new pals in tha house and after bein' with Jonny an' Kate on tha poor half of tha divide they were tha likely' good ones they were too. tha new pals have brought PJ outta his shell an' into tha house [but i still think Davina will be shoutin' ya name on Friday...sowwee!!]
Tim ~ eurgh!! what a whinger?! he moans tha he ain't gotta hoover, that there is nothing to do, that when things are given for them to do he moans that he doh wanna do tha... he went on about havin' no laundry service...yadda yadda yadda....about as much chance of winnin' Kate who ya so desperately long for [oh yes....did ya see tha dirty look tha he gave Alex when Kate was givin' Alex a massage *pmsl] as ya have of winnin' tha cash... but then of course he ain't in there for tha cash [as he feels he needs to say as often as possible] he is in there for tha experience even tho' he didn't have tha backin' or tha blessin' of his girlfriend who has since left him ~ oops!! went in with everything an' could be leavin' with nothin'' he doh deserve more!!

posted by Tilly @ 9:20 AM ~

i gotta problem!! a cash flow problem....tha problem is there is actually no flow *grrr *L
not only do ma outgoings far outweigh ma incomings this week but Laurens gotta party on Saturday an' its ma bro-in-laws an' ma dads birthday this weekend too ~ arrgghh!! bad timin' or what?? couldn't they have been born later *hahaha!! oh well, tha flexible friend yet again gets me outta another lil' crisis...

posted by Tilly @ 8:37 AM ~

Monday, July 08, 2002

oh my gawwdd!! i had one o' these [altho' i actually preferred Magna Doodle cus ya could draw a diagonal line without getting blisters on ya fingers *lol] but to find this on ma travels ~ cooool! on line etch-a-sketch... i've peaked *Lclick here to play on line etch-a-sketch

posted by Tilly @ 11:13 AM ~

Sunday, July 07, 2002

i feel like all 7 of tha dwarfs rolled int' 1 this mornin' altho' am not quite sure what emotion Doc is but i could do with seein' one thats for sure i went t' bed with a bit of a sore throat last night an' by tha time i crawled outta ma pit ~ WOW!! well i feel rough put it that' i ain't looked in tha mirror yet just incase i look as bad as i feel. so with tha sore throat tha has spread to ma shoulder an' passed ma ear to ma 'ed i didn't appreciate tha unexpected bout of hayfever when i woke up no one needs t' sneeze tha many times *L

posted by Tilly @ 11:42 AM ~

i enjoyed a good ol' natter into tha wee small hours of tha mornin' with a great pal last night. I didn't come on line til quite late but it was great t' finally bump into someone who was becomin' a distant memory ~ we had a laugh, got serious, had more laughs an' yeah....he really is a good 'un ~ ta!!

posted by Tilly @ 3:19 AM ~

Saturday, July 06, 2002

BB: wow ...what a shocker!! an' what a fantastic weekly task for tha remainin' 6 housemates!!
basically between tha 6 of 'em they had to choose 2 housemates who would get to see a personal video message from their loved ones on tha outside. this in itself was a hard decision to make but there was a price to pay! those 2 that got to see their messages would immediately be put up for eviction for tha followin' Friday...y'ouch!!
there was no other civil way about it an' tha house drew a lot with Kate an' PJ bein' tha un/lucky housemates winnin'...or is that losin'..., no nominations for tha housemates an' a lil' extra time for tha public to vote...personally i think PJ will be leavin' on Friday cus with only 1.09% of almost 3.5m votes last week Kate seems a popular lass ~ oooh you's nasty BB!!

posted by Tilly @ 9:33 PM ~

Happy National Kissin' Day mmmmwwwwaaaahhhh!!
[*tsk ~ as if ya need an excuse!!]

posted by Tilly @ 3:26 PM ~

click for rules, and more drinkin' games ideas *hic   i think i have found tha most perfect game of ALL time...
   PS: ignore tha price an' make ya own version...only for intellectuals!

posted by Tilly @ 1:17 PM ~

Friday, July 05, 2002

i imagine up until Davina announce who tha public wanted out Jade
woulda been petrified... Oh, how tha mighty have fallen huh *wg' it couldn't have come soon enough ~ an' yes Adele...people voted you out cus they didn't like ya, it wasnae [as you thought, or more likely hoped] BB usin' some ploy t' confuse tha housemates! "Adele you have been evicted, please leave tha Big Brother house" ...oh such sweet words!

posted by Tilly @ 7:57 PM ~

: just summat else that tha good ol' brits failed at ~ Henman went out in tha semi-finals at Wimbledon to tha #1 seed ne'er mind...its tha Commonwealth Games just around tha corner so we get yet another chance to show tha world just how crap we are at everything!!

posted by Tilly @ 5:25 PM ~

BB: doh Fridays come around quickly when ya not thinkin' about it...seems only a coupla days since i heard there were 4 up for eviction from tha 4 walls [or is tha 7?] that make up tha BB house! tha knives were well an' truly sharpened las' night [this is what happens when ya get up at 3.30am!! ~ i finally crashed at 6 ~ eurgh!!] with Jonny, Peej an' Kate sat around rippin' Adele to' she doh deserve anything less! seems ma 'get her out while we can' theory has been blown right outta tha water cus she ain't gotta chance o' bein' in tha final 4 now...*teehee!! let's just see how things go this evenin' ....*vbg
i reckon Jonny an' Kate will share no more than 20% of tha votes between 'em an' Adele an' Jade will share tha other 80% between themselves... with Adele bein' tha *ahem* unfortunate one with jus' tha lil bit extra

posted by Tilly @ 10:50 AM ~

it's 3.54am an' yet again i can't sleep. another night of gettin' into bed, lyin' there for a coupla hours wide awake, tossin' an' turnin' then gettin' up an' havin' a bath [luckily with a plentiful supply of hot water this time!] there's stuff buzzin' round in ma 'ed an' cus tha things i am thinkin' about ain't got no solution then there's no gettin' away from tha issues *haha!!
i gotta real good friend on tha net, had some great indepth conversations over tha last few months [doh get me wrong...we talked enough nonsense to drive any man insane too *L] but he asked if we can meet up ...oh excited am i *ahem ~ stops dancin' around tha room an' straightens ma hair* slight problem ~ too much of a paranoia thing goin' on an' not enough of a confidence' thas a whole other can o' worms *sighs*' then of course there's them damn pedals... i swear i am wakin' up with cramp in ma leg cus i lie there with ma feet pushin' on tha non-existent pedals tryin' t' master tha brakin'/distance matter *lol tha brakin' on it's own ~ no worries...add tha distance thing and it jus' ain't happenin' *giggles*

posted by Tilly @ 2:54 AM ~

Thursday, July 04, 2002

You are Scooter!
You're quiet, organized, and a bit put-upon. Though people don't always pay attention to you, you try to keep a sunny attitude.

its amazin' what you can find on tha net when ya not really lookin'...!!

oh!' to ma 'merican pals:

posted by Tilly @ 3:35 PM ~

y'ouuch! i hadda sore throat this mornin'' a stonker of an 'edache joined it this arvo makin' me feel all tha more with it...NOT!! 2 packets of lozenges later an' i still feel no better *grrrrrr... [shouldn't really be grrrr'in' today cus tha hurts *teehee] Lauren is tha same so we've sat around in our jammies all day with no intention of doin' anythin'...s'great *bg

posted by Tilly @ 2:48 PM ~

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

BB: the nominees for this week are *long pause* in alphabetical order *longer pause*
Adele *teehee* ...and Jade *sniggers* ...and Jonny *sighs* ...and Kate *gasps* what??!
so who voted for who...??
  • Adele voted for by Jonny and PJ
  • Jade voted for by Adele, Alex, Jonny, Kate, PJ and Tim [an' yes...that is all housemates!!]
  • Jonny voted for by Adele and Alex, and finally
  • Kate was voted for by Jade and Tim!

posted by Tilly @ 1:22 PM ~

BB: so we are just passed tha half way mark huh?
there are still people in that house who i would have thought would have been long' sadly *sniffles* there are those tha' are no longer livin' with their new found "friends" tha likes of Alison an' Spencer should still be' i doh think i will ever understand how they were voted out?! as for Jade and Adele...surely their time is limited now. seems folks have cottoned onto Jade more so than 'Delly' so has tha manipulator turned tha knife in tha back of tha manipulated??     it's nomination day today...surely it will be Jade out this coming Friday but havin' had a look at who will vote who this week i am none tha wiser as to who 'Bubba' will be up against...i suspect there will be more than the usual 2 up this week tho' ~ haven't i said that every week *L

posted by Tilly @ 11:31 AM ~

its almost 5am an' here i sit...havin' yet again been to bed in a half-hearted attempt to get some decent sleep. i lay there for a grand total of 2½ hours before i gave in an' decided on havin' a bath to make me sleepy. i ran tha bath, added some salts, got tha fluffiest towel i could find an' stood there butt nekid only to dip ma lil' tootsies into tha water to find it ice cold ~ arrrgghh!! just another night with little sleep and at present am waiting for tha water to heat up ~ i WILL have a bath before i get in bed...Lord only knows what time i shall crawl outta ma pit tomorrow?!

posted by Tilly @ 3:58 AM ~

Monday, July 01, 2002

congratulations to Magpie with regards tha big day
[June 21 2003 ~ write it in ya diaries *L]

posted by Tilly @ 5:51 PM ~

saw a long haul pal for tha first time in ages today...was good to catch up...seems like everyone else is moving onwards an' upwards an' leavin' me behind so was great to put a coupla hours aside to have a good ol' gossip... should prolly make a point of gettin' together more often ~ haven't had a bloody good drink at tha weekend in ages...

posted by Tilly @ 3:27 PM ~

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