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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Friday, September 27, 2002

ma PCs not well *shakes 'ed* ...not well at all
apparantly tha OS i have is corrupt ...not a fault of mine i might add but it's corrupt all tha same, thats what's preventing me from installing ma CD-Writer so without actually knowing whether i was about t' lose everything stored on ma PC we set about updatin' ma OS to Windows 2000 *L ~ oops!!'er mind..i like t' call it Obligatory Spring Cleaning for ma PC an' besides ...most of tha shite i had on ma hard drive i wasn't too sure why i was keepin'....just me bein' tha hoarder tha i am a not bearin' t' get rid of any of it...well that was sure taken outta ma hands an' now i got a clean PC an' a CD-Writer

posted by Tilly @ 2:38 PM ~

Monday, September 23, 2002

I'd just got outta a really hot bath last night an' was feelin' a lil' light headed so i lay on ma bed. Ben had gone into tha bathroom to use tha loo when suddenly tha house started to shake...only a lil bit but enough for me to roll from side to side slightly!! i asked ben what he was doin' [well?! ya never know *L] but he said he was about to ask me tha same thing ...i sat up to see the bottles on ma dressing table movin' about on their own an' a pot with the lid rattlin'!? Ben got up from tha loo...not tha place ya wanna be if tha house is about t' fall down around ya ears *giggles* no more than 10/15 seconds an' everythin' was back t' normal...weird huh?! Turns out from lis'nin' to tha radio this mornin' tha tha UK was hit by an earthquake...hardly a biggie by earthquake standards but big enough as far as tha UK an' earthquakes go ~ 4.6 on tha Richter scale ~ pah!! Ben coulda got more than tha after eatin' a tin o' beans *pmsl!!

posted by Tilly @ 2:37 PM ~

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

PC was poorly sick an' had to be taken away to a guy who assured us he could fix tha problem!! 2 hours later an' tha PC came back in exactly tha same condition as it left in *L
We bought a CD-Writer and got all excited but it wouldn't install even though there's no reason why it shouldn't *grrrr!! Apparantly we gotta update tha Start Up menu *blank look* if!!

posted by Tilly @ 12:24 PM ~

Friday, September 13, 2002

it's my mam's birthday today...we've got plans an' Lauren has been granted tha day off school which she thinks is fantastic [she can't get over the fact tha school started 40 minutes ago an' she is sat in her bedroom playin' on tha playstation *L] we've decided to go for a meal at a local Brewers Fayre so tha should be great cus i heard tha food is delicious an' they got a brilliant kiddies room so i'll be in there no doubt *vbg we're also goin' to spend tha night at ma sister's house so we've packed our bags with jammies an' a toothbrush an' Monsters Inc on choccie, cookies an' a film...perfick!!

posted by Tilly @ 8:41 AM ~

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

it's only just after 9am which can mean only one of two things... i've either slept really badly/not at all or Lauren is back at school *L Well this mornin' i have sent both tha kids of t' school ~ Lauren went back to school last week, Year 4, and is lovin' it...yet again her current teacher is her favourite [funny how she says that every year] and she seems to have settled in really well and is enjoying school just as much as when she finished in tha summer. As for tha other child...well Ben started his college course this mornin' ~ exploring huh?! he's gone doin' tha 'gettin' to know ya' bit today an' to find out where/when/who about his course...fingers crossed that he enjoys it an' doesn't find it too boring *L As for me, i'm sat doing a lil bit of study of ma own here. yet again i got ma 'ed stuck in ma theory' a rivettin' read it is too *L ...NOT!! most of it i already know...most people should if they got any common sense but mebbe i should hold judgement on tha until i take tha test an' get some results...hmmm!!

posted by Tilly @ 8:39 AM ~

Sunday, September 08, 2002

posted by Tilly @ 4:51 PM ~

crumbs...another week goes by and i haven't managed to park ma butt allllll week an' yet i haven't actually done anything. i had plans but didn't really get around to doin' anything cus Ben had t' go see some tutors at tha local college as he enrolled as a mature student...doing a creative writing course with the desire to do something within journalism. as part of the creative writing he's also gotta take his english and maths GCSE...he didn't even know what a GCSE was ["are they CSEs and 'O' levels??"] thas what i call a mature student *L

posted by Tilly @ 4:36 PM ~

Sunday, September 01, 2002's September already...the school summer holidays are almost over an' X'mas is gettin' far too close for my liking *grrrrr!!
well it's been a while since i posted on here...should have written tha note to maself a lil' bigger i think then mebbe i coulda dragged ma butt on line sometime this week...well i had people t' do an' things t' see
i ended up goin' to a 'bad taste' 21st birthday party at tha weekend...what a fantastic time...i have never seen a loada people dressed up in such comfortable clothes *L now why can't fashion be comfortable and stylish?!

posted by Tilly @ 4:09 PM ~

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