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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Tuesday, October 29, 2002

it's strange how you can find yaself drawn t' folks on tha net ~ folks ya prolly wouldn't give tha time o' day to out there in tha big wide world... i bumped into an' old pal on tha net t'day ~ Lollipop ~ who found herself in tha strangest of situations ...not only did she find herself attracted to someone when she was already in a relationship but it also happened that tha person she was attracted to wasn't her...ermmmm *ahem* normal type...
it all started when she went into her regular chatroom as a whole new person ~ different name, age... outlook on life even. it was meant to be a one off but no doubt steppin' outta ya day t' day tirin' life for tha life of a young energetic gal who's got no boundaries mighta been too much of a excitement to give up... i'm yet t' find out tha intimate details but can assure ya i will *vbg

posted by Tilly @ 7:41 PM ~

Saturday, October 26, 2002

i've spent tha last coupla days with ma sis and Lauren and most of Thursday was spent in  Blackpool fightin' tha crowds with tha whiff of fish an' chips an' various other  seafoods in tha air *sniffs* deee~licious!! we had a great time, managin' t' get  there early evenin' ~ we parked up one end of tha Golden Mile, hit tha prom an'  caught a tram to tha Tower ...makes ya feel reet dizzy if ya look up at it for too  long ya know *L ...s'great *giggles* ...we headed back in tha direction we had  come from managin' to spend a small fortune in tha arcades and on tat on tha way ~ a sequinned cowboy hat, candyfloss, illuminous knecklaces and o' course rock to name only a few of tha items *L it took us close to 3 an' a 'arf hours to get back to tha car but we had summat to eat before we set off to join tha solid jam o' traffic tryin' to get to tha other end of tha Golden Mile ~ eurgh!! we were actually pretty close to tha Pleasure Beach but we avoided tha...ain't good for a woman in ma condition an' doh even mention tha Big One!!
*rotflmao ~ hahahahahahahahahaha!! *ahem*

posted by Tilly @ 5:59 PM ~

Thursday, October 24, 2002

we're off t' Blackpool t' see tha lights ...Yippee!!

posted by Tilly @ 11:22 AM ~

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

i was sat here just yesterday when i thought i heard a very very large van go passed ma front door... only thing was that it didn't seem to be moving passed ma house. tha things on ma 'puter desk started t' wander around tha top an' then there was a rumblin' equatin' t' ma belly after a coupla hours of neglect *LOL ...yup...Manchester has had its very own tremor an' it put Birminghams efforts a coupla weeks ago t' shame *gigglin' [ tha very thought of a certain *ahem* yam yam* ~ hahahaha!!]

posted by Tilly @ 12:23 AM ~

Saturday, October 19, 2002

i'm so totally feck'd off t'night...DOH get in ma way *grrrrr
i just can't be arsed with bein' blatantly lied to...whats tha point??! people change...i accept tha..why can't other folk??!

posted by Tilly @ 11:31 PM ~

things doh always go ma way but i gotta call from tha gasman ~ Simon ~ this mornin' informin' me that tha most i'll have to pay to finalise ma aquaintance with tha Texans is £14 ~ woohoo!! i also called up AOL t' cancel ma account with them as mebbe 24/7 access t' tha net is great but not if ya gotta keep loggin' on every 'arf hour. well i signed up with another ISP for £6 a month less an' have had no far and chucked into tha bargain i got another free month with AOL why couldn't they have told me tha before i had signed up with tha new company...heyyy...i ain't gonna complain...beggars can't be choosers!

posted by Tilly @ 5:26 PM ~

Friday, October 18, 2002

i knew it was bad this mornin' when i heard tha *thud* on tha floor jus' as tha postman was passing....eurgh!! credit card fone bill...junk mail...ahhh...and ma gas bill. i've recently changed supplier after the inept attitude of a particular Texan based company [no names but can ya see where i'm goin' with tha *L] ...was kinda hoping on mebbe a lil' cheque after settlin' up with a final meter reading...WRONG!! ma outstanding amount [requested within tha next 10 days] was just short of £700 *' falls off ma chair*
i figured it was obviously an error on behalf of ma old gas supplier so gave them a call expectin' some good news only to be told if i used it then i gotta pay for it...feckin' loon!! i know tha much but i was questionin' tha meter readin' an' tha amount owin' ~ *grrrrrrr (why is it i always get tha one person at customer care tha has no care for tha customer ) ...he didn't last too much longer before i asked to speak to someone above him an' finally i was put thro' to tha luvverly Simon who to be truthful didn't have much of a different attitude until i told him i'd be payin' £2 a week until tha bill was cleared *L now get this...turns out tha tha company in question have not taken a meter readin' since i signed up with them...what i should point out is that i have supplied meter readin's an' had ma meter read but they haven't actually billed me accordin'ly ...i mean tha last readin' they had was for November 2001....but they didn't bill me against it...turns out also tha i ain't got tha kinda meter they think i have so have been payin' more per unit than i shoulda etc etc etc...i could go on and on and on...*sighs* ...but back to tha luvverly Simon...not only did he say he would deal with this personally but also he said he would knock some off tha total amount owin' for tha inconvenienced caused *teehee! he calls me back with tha good news...altho' it's not confirmed til tomorrow but i used £380 of gas an' have paid £396 since i been with tha company...thas me bein' in credit to tha tune of a grand £16 but anythin' is better than bein' in debt for £700 ...but...with my luck i ain't holdin' ma breathe...
"Parting is such sweet sorrow." ~ William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) ~ HA!!

posted by Tilly @ 9:15 AM ~

3am??? i ask ya...*shakes 'ed*

posted by Tilly @ 2:03 AM ~

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

today was Parents Consultation Day at ma daughters school
seems we've done a grand job of bringing our daughter up... she's excellin' at of tha best in tha year and tha teacher really didn't have anything bad to say at all. she praised Lauren for her attitude to class work and her class mates, her respectful manner ...even commentin' on how Lauren stands like a ballerina [ma child ain't no ballerina thas for sure *L] an' tha she's a pleasure to teach, is always beautifully presented [even pipin' up with tha word 'angelic' ~ hahaha!] polite, curteous... generally an' all rounder for all thas good
now obviously i gotta praise tha gal when she done good so she's now tha proud owner of tha Princess Diaries film an' a new playstation game after we popped int' Blockbusters on tha way home from school. i may have just picked up a coupla things for maself an' Ben too *vbg Tha Royal Tenenbaums dvd, Mulholland Drive dvd an' Memento dvd *vvbg

posted by Tilly @ 2:34 PM ~

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

i think i have been makin' up for tha lack of sleep yesterday mornin' cus it's almost 1.30pm here an' i've not been outta bed for any longer than 30 minutes ~ oops!! i did quite a bit last night startin' with goin' to tha Brownie Hut to be served tea an' cakes as part of tha Hostess Badge. it was real nice, sat at tha table [not Lauren's tho' cus tha woulda been unfair] with a bunch of people i know an' a plate of fairy cakes infront of me...marvellous! we didn't have to stay long and i think tha brownies thoroughly enjoyed servin' up sandwiches on dainty lil' plates an' addin' tha sugar to tha tea as requested ...after tha i felt pretty good [which made a refreshin' change from how i had been feelin' for tha last coupla weeks] so i decided while ma momentum was in gear i would go visit a friend who i used t' see a lot of an' tell her ma news which went better than i expected it to altho' i didn't outstay ma welcome *L ...i think tha walk home was what took it outta me tho' an' today ma chest sounds like a broken lawnmower an' i can't get up tha stairs without havin' to have time-out at tha top *L *grrr!!

posted by Tilly @ 12:25 PM ~

Monday, October 14, 2002

~ i'm knack'd!!

posted by Tilly @ 5:46 AM ~

Friday, October 11, 2002

i managed t' track down a bunch o' pals on line t'night an' had a good ol' natter...haven't done that in ages...even ma timin' was spot on an' i managed t' catch tha "Root Veg" for a catch up session...s'been a while since i done tha chat thing so made a nice change ...i even got some suggestions for some crackin' choons to download and bumped into a few other oldies on ma travels *s ...i may even pop along again sometime soon...but i won't hold ma breath...jus' in case *giggles* i even got a mail from "Ma Money Makin' Man" while i was on line who i mustn't have spoken t' for almost a month...mebbe even more [even tho' he did leave a 10 minute message on ma voicemail which was just 'im mumblin' an' listenin' t' some dodgy music *L] ...s'nice t' catch up with old friends but it ain't nice when ya hear things ain't goin' right for some ...'specially when ya feelin' on top of tha world yaself *vbg

posted by Tilly @ 11:42 PM ~

Thursday, October 10, 2002

washers fixed yippee!!
only now tha means i gotta catch up on a fortnights worth of washin' eurrrgh!!

posted by Tilly @ 9:25 AM ~

Monday, October 07, 2002

 woo-hoo!! just picked up Lauren from Brownies an' she's got yet another badge ~ House Orderly ~ to add to her sash... what a star ~ an' next week i'm gonna go have me a cup o' tea at tha Brownie Hut so she can get yet another badge... her Hostess one

posted by Tilly @ 6:50 PM ~

i am meant to be makin' time for me tonight...HA!!
Ben left at 5pm t' go t' play 5-a-side footie with tha boys an' lauren went to brownies from 6pm til' i haven't sat down since she left *lol
i've often said that it's a good job i have bad luck cus if i didn't then i'd have no luck at all well ma washing machine's only gone an' hand's are as dry as a bone thro' hand washing...lordy knows how folks managed back in tha day

posted by Tilly @ 6:29 PM ~

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

this year seems to be flyin' by...doesn't seem 2 minutes since i was openin' ma X'mas pressies an' ravin' about ma new monitor an' here we are in October an' only 10 weeks away from X'mas 2002 my daughter keeps informin' me *grrr *L
considering just how fast 2002 is goin' it seems that the days are draggin' to me. this has gotta be tha longest week of ma life...i ain't been feelin' too well an' have had t' rest up all week an' all....BORING!!

posted by Tilly @ 11:27 PM ~

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