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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Thursday, December 26, 2002

what exactly is Boxing Day?! ...?! ...?!
i mean i know its tha day after Christmas Day but why do we actually celebrate it....s'pose i should look into tha a lil....when i can be bothered tha is *L
i did have invites for today but i just couldn't be bothered to sit with a group of folks who i got nothin' in common with so i didn't even bother with my excuses...i just didn't turn up ~ ooooh, am feelin' rebellious today *LOL ...i stayed at home an' watch Minority Reports an' played games with Lauren instead ...a far better use of ma time

posted by Tilly @ 12:36 PM ~

Tuesday, December 24, 2002

it's X'mas Eve...can't believe its actually here already... i kinda had everything sorted this time last week but in a mad panic i made a fleetin' dash to tha shops to buy any last minute 'necesseties' *LOL if tha huge amount of rubbish i have already bought isn't enough *L
i've had visits of those i really hoped to see before the big day and even a coupla visits from those i didn't...but it's done now...time to sit down, put ma feet up, watch some God-damn awful telly an' consume ma fair share of mince pies so all thas left to say is:

Happy Christmas... an' i hope Santa
brings ya all ya asked for!!

posted by Tilly @ 8:34 PM ~

Saturday, December 21, 2002

i dunno *sighs* really weepy today...dunno why...doh actually care....prolly hormones an' nowt i can do anyway so feck it!!!!!

posted by Tilly @ 1:54 PM ~

Sunday, December 15, 2002

tree's up an' tha presents are wrapped and stuck underneath it [makes tha revelation of no Santa Claus a lil' easier i think....i hope!!] there's plenty under there...loads for Lauren and a few for Ben even but i've had a sneak peek an' i can't see anything under there for me ...yet ...altho i do know what i am getting this year an' tha last 10 days up to tha big day are takin' a lifetime to pass...grrrr!! well am bloody chuffed with ma tree this year, s'lookin' pretty suave even if i do say so maself

posted by Tilly @ 10:28 PM ~

Friday, December 13, 2002

thas what happens when ya try to get everythin' done in one trip ~ tha stuff i bought in town on wednesday i decided had to go back! wasn't that they wasn't good enough or owt like tha but cus they was in a rush i just opted for tha first things i found but when i got home i realised i coulda done so much better so i ventured into town again today even tho' i was only hopin' to have to do refunds in tha new year ~ grrrrr [' yup ~ thas more times this week than i have done in tha last 6 months *LOL] s'all sorted now an' if ya not gotta gift already then am afraid i musta forgotten about ya which to put into laymans terms means tha you doh mean enough to me for me to spend ma cash on ya....geddit!! *LOL

posted by Tilly @ 2:49 PM ~

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

i've decided that i can put it off no longer and am hitting the town centre today to complete (in theory) tha rest of my x'mas shoppin'!!

posted by Tilly @ 12:03 PM ~

Sunday, December 08, 2002

'bout bloody time too!! i finally pulled on me gladrags this weekend, got maself made up, hit tha town with ma sis and a bunch of friends and we had a fan-effin-tastic night. we all met up at a given time and had a few t' drink in one bar then headed off to a new club tha we had all been given complimentary tickets for *vbg ...tha bar bill was paid for an' there was food half way thro' tha night which consisted of scampi, onion rings, chicken potato wedges an' salad etc ...hmmmm!! i didn't manage t' have dance...was feelin' a lil bloated after ma 9th glass of coke of tha night *LOL an' tha thought of throwin' maself around a dancefloor made me feel even worse but i had a great night with great company and we're hoping to do it again sometime in tha not so distant future sis even stayed over for tha night too ...was a brilliant night ...and am hangover free to boot ...altho' not thro' choice an' tha can't be said for all tha were there *pmsl!

posted by Tilly @ 2:52 PM ~

Thursday, December 05, 2002

time to treat me ~ i've been at tha bottom of my very own list for far too long now and i'm takin' a stand *L ...well, i booked myself in at the hairdressers if tha counts

posted by Tilly @ 2:54 PM ~

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

finally i manage to sit down for a breather *L ...seems like i haven't stopped in tha last few days and have just realised that there is no more than 3 weeks until tha big day...uh-oh!!
am almost sorted but i keep remembering folks i hadn't thought of before an' then i gotta rush out an' try to find somethin' appropriate tha doh cost a fortune ~ not tha easiest thing in tha world on a budget like mine ... *sighs*
also i managed to finally pin down an old friend this week [now is tha cus he is old old ... or just cus i known him a while *LOL] we chatted for a good hour or so an' it kinda made me realise, even more than i already had, tha i miss this guy ~ he was always there with a friendly ear an' a smiley face whenever i needed one
NOTE TO SELF: make more time to contact those i miss [an' to avoid those i doh *teehee]

posted by Tilly @ 12:06 PM ~

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