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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Friday, January 31, 2003

oh christ i feel ropey think i am comin' down with tha flu an' i feel like someone's givin' me a good ol' kickin' ...ain't pleasant on top of tha runny bunged up nose, sore throat, bangin' headache achin' neck an' limbs, blocked eardrums...tha list goes off to bed with a hot toddy ...sadly tha drink an' not a hot bloke called Toddy [not that i could do owt even if it were *sulks*] ...gimme a hot water bottle an' ma flannelette jammies anyday

posted by Tilly @ 11:13 PM ~

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

its not even 5.30am???! wha' tha feck???!

posted by Tilly @ 5:21 AM ~

Sunday, January 26, 2003

hahaha ~ Man Utd 6 - 0 West Ham *vvbg!!

posted by Tilly @ 5:19 PM ~

Friday, January 24, 2003

oops ~ seems like forever since i last posted on here...altho' i do have good reason
i've been playin' with ma new toys ...was ma birthday last week, 21st January when i turned tha grand old age of 28 *gasps* i got me a handful of CDs an' a new bag an' purse, gloves an' a scarf to go with ma new coat [which i finally sorted out from way back at tha beginnin' of tha month at a very reduced price *teehee] ...i thought i had done quite well considering i got some cash and everything that i was hopin' for ...tha was until Ben stuck some boxes under ma nose...a new DVD for ma bedroom *vbg.... i swear, all i need now is a microwave an' a dinky fridge an' i ain't never leavin' tha room again *LOL

posted by Tilly @ 10:37 PM ~

Sunday, January 19, 2003

hey hey hey ...if it's his birthday t'day then it must be mine very very soon
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Money Makin' Mannnnn
Happy Birthday to youuuu

posted by Tilly @ 4:40 PM ~

Sunday, January 12, 2003

sunday ~ ma day of rest *vbg

posted by Tilly @ 4:28 PM ~

Thursday, January 09, 2003

here's one to keep tha kids amused:
  1. take a brick of lard an' melt it in a pan...
  2. add as much wild bird seed as is needed so all seed is coated by tha lard!!
  3. stir until there is just a 'globule' of gunk in tha pan
  4. drop a sufficient amount of string into a cup leavin' enough outta tha cup to form a hangin' loop
  5. pour in tha bird seed/lardy concoction
  6. place in fridge an' wait for it to set...........
return hours later to see sloppy bird seed/lardy concoction not yet set...
return tha next day to see only slightly set seed/lardy mixture and scoop out mixture into a plastic food bag takin' great effort to make as much of a mess as is possible ...roll into balls an' place in tha freezer then pray to tha baby Jesus tha it all works out okay in tha end....*LOL

all this for tha sake of feeding tha birds!!

posted by Tilly @ 4:25 PM ~

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

ma new coat ~ whatta palava!!!
by tha time i had gotten home i'd already decided that it was just too darn big and thought i would take it back to exchange it...a simple swap ~ dead easy!! or so i thought *grrrrr!!
tha woman behind tha counter obviously ain't gettin' none cus she was in a seriously bad mood an' wasn't prepared to listen to anythin' we had to say...first of all i had gotten a 10% discount which she wasn't prepared to carry over to tha new (identical apart from tha size, only bought 24 hours previously) coat?! we argued tha point 'til we was blue in tha face but she was havin' none of it so what tha hell...there was £15 offa tha full price anyhooo....or so we thought!! this is when she got on her high horse an' there was noooo way she was gettin' offa it .... 10 minutes wasted an' i gave up, an' walked away with no coat at all an' a refund ..i looked all over town then for a coat...but nothin' grabbed me like tha one i had already fallen in love with so in tha end i swallowed ma pride an' went back to tha original store...picked up tha coat an' walked off to pay for it at another counter.... well if ya think i was givin' tha silly cow tha satisfaction off takin' ma money ya gotta 'nother thing comin' *grrrrrrrrr!!

posted by Tilly @ 7:22 PM ~

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

went shopping yesterday t' have a gander thro tha stuff in tha January sales an' did quite well with ma huntin'... got maself a coat, an' a new alarm clock [so Ben can get up in tha mornin's *L] and bought both Ben and Lauren pretty much a new wardrobe each...

posted by Tilly @ 10:31 AM ~

Saturday, January 04, 2003

the first saturday on 2003 and we're already back into tha normal swing of things...reading tha paper...watchin' millionaire on tha telly...ya know how it is...!!

posted by Tilly @ 3:29 PM ~

Friday, January 03, 2003

oh it is .....2003...same shit ...different year!!

posted by Tilly @ 10:30 PM ~

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