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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Wednesday, April 30, 2003

i stink of poo/vomit/sterilizing fluid/regurgitated milk ~ take ya pick accordingly *LOL

posted by Tilly @ 9:15 AM ~

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

i'm finding that i have t' make a checklist every evening...hmmm!! seems not only did i leave my dignity on Delivery Suite but also my ability to remember anything that i have t' do *L
now all i have t' do is remember what it is that i wanna put on ma list .....*scratches 'ed*

posted by Tilly @ 10:59 PM ~

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

well, as i have already updated tha homepage to my site i s'pose an entry on here wouldn't go amiss to fill in tha gaps in my diary for tha last month. well ya gettin' tha editted version cus i ain't bein' sued for emotional damage (or for tha vomit stain tha won't come outta ya carpet *teehee!)
there's a new addition to ma family: Nina, born 22nd March, rather sooner than expected but doin' just fine. she has a full head of brown hair and tha most piercin' blue eyes. i did hear once that all babies are born with bue eyes and tha pigment changes with a lil time but Nina is now almost 6 weeks old and her eyes are still an amazin' shade of blue. she's got bags of character and is becomin' a bit of a chump in comparison to tha lil sparrow that i first saw in tha Special Care Unit. Lauren has been a fantastic 'big sis' and still can't quite believe that Nina is already here (i bet reality hits home once shes sharing a bedroom *teehee!)

posted by Tilly @ 3:52 PM ~

Sunday, April 20, 2003 tha meantime...Happy Easter!!

posted by Tilly @ 10:58 PM ~

Thursday, April 17, 2003

i've really gone an' done it this time haven't i ...whoops!!
well i got ma' bloody good ones they are too... so, i'm back...mebbe not so often but i'm back...bigger and better ...bear with me and all will be revealed...

posted by Tilly @ 1:38 PM ~

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