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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Friday, May 30, 2003

Anouska 272,690 45.9%
Federico 105,332 17.7%
Jon 186,818 31.4%
Scott 29,553 5%
bloody typical *LOL ... i didn't like her, then i did....then i didn't and now she's out i feel sorry for her *LOL ...she wasn't a bad lass, she just got a bit too drunk and in ya face on the first night an' thas never a good thing ~ does nobody recall the initial reaction Jade got from the public last year?! Still, with the lack of support that Anouska had [in her tops, not from so-called fans *LOL] then i feel it was prolly best tha she left early and can now go back to a relatively normal existance like most other first Big Brother evictees ...where is that Scottish woman Lynne nowadays??! *LOL

posted by Tilly @ 9:03 PM ~

for the first time in what seems like months i haven't got to be anyplace at a given time... and i'm bored *LOL

posted by Tilly @ 11:37 AM ~

Thursday, May 29, 2003

i really feel like i'm the luckiest person alive ...i have 2 beautiful angels! Lauren is turning into a young lady right before my eyes, something i admit would have been difficult to accept if it wasn't for Nina ~ is that wrong?! doh get me wrong tho' Lauren is still ma lil baby, an' always will be, she's just more self-sufficient lately thro' her own choice and it suits her...i'm a very proud mum. Nina took her first solid foods today *gasps* ...after a chat with tha doc he said she was ready for a lil more substance than milk so we did it... and she loved it ~ what she managed to keep in her she did anyway *L rice this week, Nanna's chicken supreme next... the excitement of that was only marred by the fact Nina had her first immunisations tha poor lil mite ~ y'ouch!

posted by Tilly @ 10:01 PM ~

i've tried i really have but so far this years Big Brother just hasn't clicked with me. mebbe its an age thing cus i feel older by the minute when i watch it. there are only a small selection of the new housemates that i actually like and the others i feel should be sat in a winebar, a tanning studio or getting their nails manicured!! i'm not givin' it the thumbs down just yet cus in time they might grow on me ...think Big Bro could do with throwing a spanner in the works to make it the compulsive viewin we've had in previous years *s

posted by Tilly @ 9:45 PM ~

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

i've finally dived in with both feet an' rung up NTL to book to have BroadBand fitted ....hurray!! 'bout time too i hear ya cry *LOL ...i've soooo much to do this week tho so its good job they couldn't fit me in for tha installation for another 10 days cus i wouldn't have been able to sit down to enjoy it ...eurgh! i got more appointments with this consultant and tha doc in tha next few days than i had thro'out tha whole of ma pregnancy *lol

posted by Tilly @ 11:12 AM ~

Sunday, May 25, 2003

my kids are tucked up in bed fast asleep, the youngest just fed and not due for at least another 3 hours :O) do i
A) run myself a hot bubble bath and take advantage of the 'free time'?
B) jump into bed and catch up on some much needed Zzzzzzzzeds?! or do i
C) log onto the net and try to catch up with some mad, cray-z and down right
     dee-lishus online chums???
...errrrrrrmmmmmm *teehee!

posted by Tilly @ 12:07 AM ~

Friday, May 23, 2003

puts on me best welsh accent an' belts out... ohhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyy's back!!
i can't believe its already here... like X'mas when ya in October i just thought it was never gonna get here *L ...time to find out if ma friend who applied last year has actually made it into this years deranged dozen or has his recent weirdness just been tha norm for him *teehee!

Todays Blessing: May the fleas of a thousand Afghan camels infest the crotch of the person who fucks up your day and may their arms be too short to scratch!

posted by Tilly @ 12:07 PM ~

hey hey hey...not only did i make an almost 100% recovery overnight but we managed to get ourselves a couple of aisle seats for The Matrix:Reloaded ...and at cheap rate too *LOL ...i mean nobody heard me wheezin' cus tha film were so feckin' loud *haha ...tha action scenes were awesome and Keanu was lookin' mighty fine *L ended up in Maccy D's afterwards of course then hit the biggest vending machine EVER to buy some bacon an' eggs on a whim for when we got home ...can't say Ben was too impressed when the bacon was left teeterin' on tha edge of tha shelf AFTER we'd paid for it *giggles* and is insistant that i call up Sainsburys an' give 'em what for *LOL

posted by Tilly @ 12:19 AM ~

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

crikey i feel ropey ~ i was fine until i started with a lil sniffle an' tha next thing ya know i'm floored with a chest infection an' soundin' like a broken down lawnmower ...i actually ended up at tha emergency docs [with ma poor dad havin' to do tha runnin' around] i wouldn't mind but i already got a night out with ma fella planned for tomorrow night so am hopin' its gonna passed pretty quickly ~ still had ma sis over for tea tho' ...i love ma big sis...she bring me cake ...hmmmm!

posted by Tilly @ 11:27 PM ~

can ya believe it ~ i doh see nor hear from tha guy for months on end and then after i bump into him at work i cannae get rid of him *L ...mebbe thas a lil over tha top but it was great to bump into ma "Money Makin' Man" this time on line... seems he is takin' full control over his life now and sortin' out tha wheat from tha chaf [thas tha good stuff from tha crap to you an' me *L] ...good for you honey *vbg... now all ya gotta do is get ya batchelor pad, buy ya very own 'puter an' ya sorted *weg

posted by Tilly @ 10:09 AM ~

Saturday, May 17, 2003

saturday night an' what am i doin'....?!
havin' a fan-effin-tastic time with good ol' "Big Tits" *LOL
there's no-one else i can sit an' talk utter bollocks with for hour after hour and not get bored [an' tha fart text messages are just an added bonus *sniggers*] ...drinkin' copious amounts of tea, bitchin' an' gossipin'...surfin' tha net for daft sites ...perfick *LOL

posted by Tilly @ 6:13 PM ~

Thursday, May 15, 2003

i'm sure i am meant t' be doin' something today *scratches ma 'ed* *teehee

Ahhhhhh *LOL thas it...this was ma EDD, ma due date for delivery, only
8 weeks after tha actual event, Nina's arrival!! how strange it is t' think of what i coulda been doin' in comparison t' what i actually did get up to...

We went into town today, a "12 Hour Spectacular" was being held in Debenhams an' i figure if i am going to spend a fortune then i might as well get a lil bit of a discount thrown in ...bloody good job under tha circumstances *giggles* Ben an' I fought t' get thro' tha crowds whilst tha crowds seemed to be fighting with each other just to get tha 20% off a £4 t-shirt or a rather disgusting £2 dress *L ....was it worth it...i doubt it *L
i did pick up a coupla bargain includin' some clothes for maself an' some trainees an' this an' tha but tha best thing was bumpin' into ma "Money Makin' Man" who was hard at workin' how t' look like he was workin' without actually workin' *LOL ....thas ma boy' he looked damn fine too *vbg ...keep smilin' honey, you knows it suits ya its been TOO long since i last 'done lunch' an' i think i am gonna be rectifyin' tha in tha future ...not just with tha "Money Makin' Man" but in general.... am off out tonight for some decent tucker at tha local Indian restaurant, all dolled up like a dogs dinner me, not tha meal week tha cinema *s

posted by Tilly @ 4:14 PM ~

Thursday, May 08, 2003

uh-oh ~ i went shopping...oops! i only needed to buy feedin' bottles but ya know how it is: i saw this outfit, then thaty outfit *L
well Nina has a whole new wardrobe an' Lauren has a coupla new things but my plastic isn't feelin' so happy this evening *teehee!

posted by Tilly @ 10:39 PM ~

Monday, May 05, 2003

Bank Holidays ~ what they all about??!
"Bank holidays have been recognized in English Law since 1871.
The name "Bank Holiday" derives from the fact that the Banks were shut and so no trading could take place."

posted by Tilly @ 3:25 PM ~

Sunday, May 04, 2003

*teehee ~ t'is Star Wars Day t'day... May the fourth be with you *rotf...geddit?! *ahem* ...sowwee! anyhoo, am being naughty and staying up past midnight...awwww tsk!! this is actually the first time i haven't been tucked up at this time since i came outta hospital but i was lay in bed with tha kids snug as bugs an' playing snake on ma mobile was getting just a lil too addictive for ma likin' so i decided to get on line an' catch up with tha latest ....same old same old *sighs*

posted by Tilly @ 12:00 AM ~

Thursday, May 01, 2003!
the past few weeks have really flown by an' i doh even know where April went to... most of was spent in hospital where i couldn't even tell you the day never mind the date but its good to be getting back into tha day to day flow of things now... even if we have got more hospital appointments than we know what to do with...

posted by Tilly @ 11:33 AM ~

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