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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Saturday, June 28, 2003

Ramblings: i was shoutin' ~ waitin' for you to answer, hopin' for a second when i could give you MY thoughts ...i doh tend to shout, i just needed a listenin' ear... i tried to get thro' but to no avail... or was it? regardless you weren't listenin' ...not even takin' time out to ask me how i was, if things were okay...and i wouldn't mind but they were, until I made that call ....arrgghh!!

posted by Tilly @ 10:45 PM ~

Friday, June 27, 2003

Nush 99,104 15%
Steph 90,054 13%
Tania 486,951 72%
i s'pose i knew before the announcement was made that Tania would be tha one leavin' tha house tonight but something inside me was hopin' it would be one of tha other 2 names tha was read out... imagine how upset Steph woulda been if she had only just got her man back an' she was kicked out by tha public *teehee... or Nush, havin' been nominated by tha same guy who left her outta tha reward room last about twistin' tha knife... on both occassions Cameron said he chose Nush for her own benefit Nush won't get to see that nomination sadly an' those secret's are safe until she leaves tha house (an' i'm even startin' to think hopefully 70k richer *sighs*) ...all we've got to look forward to now is the amount of blusher Tania applies an' whether she'll end up top heavy an' fall over *LOL

posted by Tilly @ 8:36 PM ~

Thursday, June 26, 2003

i wanted to make this post last night as i didn't want it to seem like an after thought but Blogger™ was having a bit of a make over and wow ~ s'lookin' reet swanky i can tell ya... ...i had a surprise visit from "Ma Money Makin' Man" and i was soooo chuffed havin' not seen him since bumping into him at work... we chatted about tha latest happenings an' what we had been up to. he told me how things were goin' with tha ex (well, how do they ever go...eurgh!) about our kids (not 'our' in tha biblical sense), housin' situations, family, friends... it wasn't til he made his excuses an' left that i realised how long he'd been over... doesn't time fly when ya...well, bitchin' an' moanin' and havin' fun *vbg

posted by Tilly @ 11:57 AM ~

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

i can't decided which suits me best...balding or going grey *shrugs*

posted by Tilly @ 12:57 AM ~

Friday, June 20, 2003

for the 1st eviction tonight...
of the total votes so far...
Federico 503,851 40.1%
for the 2nd eviction tonight...
Cameron 589,664 34%
Jon 641,80237%
thas so not on ...! ...i fully agree with Fed gettin' tha big heave-ho cus some of tha stuff he came out with was just too far over tha line for him to be in there an' not actually get swiped at by someone eventually... but Jon, i'm gutted an' i doh get it...what a character, his musings, talkin' to tha plants, his inventions... what we gonna do this week?! watch Cameron pervin' over tha girls an' yet gettin' away with... no thanks *sulks* things for sure ~ BBLB will be tha best thing on telly since, well, since i watched Alex Sibley leavin' tha BB house last year *weg ...Fed and Jon chattin' with Dermot an' givin' their real opinions of those that they left behind an' ya never know, mebbe Dermot can shed a lil' light on tha whole votin' thang cus when Mr Tickle left tha house tonight he got raptuous applause, almost worthy of a winner ...hmmmm *ponders* surely not a conspiracy by BB4/Ch4/Endemol to rid themselves of someone who didn't quite fit their ideal of a winner can you image Cam gettin' that kinda reaction...?! ...i think not!! Jon has left the building, long live the Tickle!!
PS: i know tha %ages and figures doh add up but thas cus of Fed leavin' midway *s

posted by Tilly @ 7:59 PM ~

Monday, June 16, 2003

oh dear! it's nomination day today in tha BB house an' i think Feds luck may just have run out *vbg all started when he first walked down the BB stairs, informing the housemates that he wouldn't answer to anything but Federico in a snotty manner didn't get him any brownie points an' he was up for nomination the very first week. then came the pedalo task ~ not a difficult one an' the 50% of tha shoppin' budget they gambled seemed a lil bit too cautious but wha' do i know huh ...Fed only went on a wander for some chewing gum saying that it was okay for him to get out [apparantly he is above tha task rules] an' promptly failed tha task! he then went on what seemed like a mission to upset tha vegetarians in tha house with his ramblings about his lack of respect for all animals! ...thas so not a good ploy if you wanna stay in a house with 3 vegetarians for long but it doesn't stop there... tha live task, ok it was more down to a lack of instructions on BBs behalf but he managed to waste over a minute of only 6 minues between all housemates and on top of that he cheated to get into tha reward room! he did actually manage to rectify that incident by gamblin' his own place so tha winners could take one more person in tha reward room with them and fed may have been a hero for a lil while... you'd think that would be all he coulda done to make himself a sitting target for nominations this week but then it happened: he messed up again at this weeks task of "SuperHeroes" by not managin' to get himself dressed in tha allotted time *teehee ...he's frettin' already, and with due cause i do believe *vvbg

posted by Tilly @ 9:40 AM ~

Sunday, June 15, 2003

today was Daddys Day an' Lauren was soooo excited! we waited until Nina woke up an' then Lauren came hurtlin' into our bedroom with presents an' cards *bg ...tha first to be opened was a larger than norm bar of choc with a message down tha side of tha box which is nowhere to be seen only a coupla hours later *L and tha second was a t-shirt with "I'm the Daddy" written on it ...not only true, but a favourite quote of his * Bens normally a cool character an' doesn't go overboard but i swear i actually saw some emotion when he opened tha ...awwww!!

posted by Tilly @ 3:08 PM ~

Friday, June 13, 2003

Federico 346,649 38.61%
Jon 150,004 16.71%
Sissy 401,199 44.68%
he's only gone an' done it again *LOL ...from being the definite one to be leavin' last week Jon has been left gobsmacked tonight by escapin' eviction once more....*yippee!! but oh dear *giggles* ...jus' how paranoid are tha girls in tha BB house this week?! Poor sissy, she shouldn't have been tha one to go this week and i think if the footage of Federico sayin' that "he didn't mind what women did but he didn't have to respect them for it" and that he'd "been to Newcastle an' all tha women are slappers" footage had been shown before the phone lines had closed then i think he woulda been tha one walking up tha BB staircase tonight. Even tha other guys who thought he was just tryin' to get a rise outta tha girls thought tha he was over tha line and i think he might get quite a lotta nominations against him next week ~ we can only hope so huh?!

posted by Tilly @ 9:32 PM ~

Thursday, June 12, 2003

ma mam and dad bought me a food steamer yesterday. it was one of tha items that i was intending to buy with tha money I got for Nina as i thought it'd be better than flitterin' it away on yet more clothes... well i figure i better use tha thing so i called up ma sis and invited her for tea and to watch tha England footie match on tha telly: food was divine, cod and salmon with steamed new potatoes, steamed savoury rice and salad *drools ...tha football on tha other hand was crap!

posted by Tilly @ 1:57 PM ~

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

had a fantastic time today, out with ma sis doin' a lil bit of retail therapy an' we had a great time doin' it ~ i spent some of tha cash i got when Nina was born and put it to good use buyin' baby gym an' a butchers block, things are actually findin' a place in ma house now rather than havin' tha gift look about them...i seem to have spent tha day on ma feet but it was worth it ~ even if Ben did see his butt over tha amount of time spent [not tha money spent you'll notice *LOL!!] we got back to news tha David Beckham could be leavin' Manchester United Madrid and Barcalona seem tha more obvious places he'd wanna go but who knows ~ is it just hype?! prolly not, he ain't really had a place in tha team since the "boot kicking" incident with his boss! it'll be sad to see him go but as a very wise man once said "No one man is as big as tha team" ...*nods ma 'ed in aggreement*' one last thing:
tha nominations have been announced on BB tonight and Jon, Fed and Sisssy up for tha chop ..Fed to go ...pretty pullease!!

posted by Tilly @ 11:10 PM ~

Friday, June 06, 2003

Jon 276,705 43.2%
Justine 363,376 56.8%
hahahaha ....rotflmao!! I 'fess up ~ i thought Justine was lovely when she first set foot in tha BB house but she soon showed her true colours, going on a bit of a bitch-fest [even more so after the nominations were announced last week!] and even makin' the occassional suggestion to the other girls with a glint in her eye about how great it would be if all the guys were evicted first...tactics if ever i saw 'em *LOL .... whatta cow!! well it doh matter now cus tha british public has shocked me this week an' have chosen to keep Jon in *vbg ...mebbe there's hope yet....

posted by Tilly @ 8:50 PM ~

Thursday, June 05, 2003

wooohooo!! am all excited cus tha nice man is comin' to install broadband today *bg

posted by Tilly @ 12:17 PM ~

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

...*teehee!! ya doh 'arf say tha nicest things ~ thanks for just bein' you *vbg

posted by Tilly @ 6:48 AM ~

i'm not quite sure what i am s'posed to get from this years housemates?! there's just a whole nothin'ness to tha majority of them an' those that have a lil somethin' about them, a bit of go, some quirkiness are bein' plucked out it seems not only by the housemates but also the public. Anouska was a *ahem* wee bit loud i admit but i could forgive that cus she made watchin' E4 worthwhile just to see if she was gonna manage to stay inside her bikini top or not!! of course she has since left the BB house *sighs* ...i doh think i have switched on E4 after 2am to find anyone still awake, drinking too much alcohol an' havin' a good ol' bitch an' a moan about someone in tha house...or foolin' around in tha pool ~ anyone would be forgiven for starting to think that tha pool is actually for swimming in...sheesh!! tha next two 'mates up for tha cull are Jon an' Justine both of who nominated one another. on initial inspection i thought Jon was a bit nuts an' Justine was great but boy, have my opinions changed! i'd love to have to watch Justine get her po-face outta there but i suspect thas not gonna be tha case ~ pft!! either way i doh care enough to vote *L
Big Brother, oh how i am disappointed in you this year *sulks*

posted by Tilly @ 5:37 AM ~

Monday, June 02, 2003

i'm knack'd! it's not even that i am up early...or i was up late... i think it could just be a build up from the last few weeks but i've been strugglin' to keep my eyes open this mornin' an' it's not even 11am yet!! i'm expectin' ma landlord over sometime soon to fit an airbrick in ma livin' room wall ~ fingers crossed that he knows what he's doing *L he ain't the sharpest knife in tha drawer, thas a cert *LOL

posted by Tilly @ 9:55 AM ~

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