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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Thursday, July 31, 2003

weh-hey home i had a lovely time over tha last coupla days at ma sisters house... have been fed and watered regularly an' given lots of light but, as much as i slept like a baby, its sooo nice to be home with ma Ben ...i missed him like crazy misses 'is 'orse

posted by Tilly @ 10:38 PM ~

okay, so am at ma sisters for a break ...and i'm knackered [altho' not having to cook tha roast pork dinner last night was wonderful ....and just want another 5 minutes but ma bed has already been stripped, washed and hung out to dry...not cus of any lil accident y'understand ...Nina is now back in bed after brekkie and an hours play [lucky thing] so am just sitting with a cuppa tea and catchin' up with ma mail etc... not sure what we have planned today but getting outta ma jammies might be a start *bg
crikey ~ i just took note of the date on this post it really August already tomorrow

posted by Tilly @ 9:16 AM ~

Monday, July 28, 2003

god i'm feeling really crabby right now ...i got no inclination to do anythin' which would be fine if i didn't have everything to do today an' hey, even if i wanted t' do it i'd prolly get it wrong...bleurgh!!

posted by Tilly @ 2:49 PM ~

Saturday, July 26, 2003

i've perused tha net tonight, done a lil of this an' a lil of tha but i'm bored...i haven't managed to bump into anyone on ma travels altho i did get sidetracked at one point so i must retrace ma steps an' see who's loomin' in tha shadows of ma den but generally too much time on my hands an' not an awful lot to do [too organised, thas my problem!] got me thinking to what i used to do on a Saturday night, not so much before Nina's arrival but wayyyy back before then... i had friends *LOL ...that were it! so what happened? i think tha fact tha i changed from goin' along with everythin' just to keep tha peace into someone who actually had her own opinions, wasn't gonna do shit fo' shit an' wasn't gonna be there "as requested" an' not when i wasn't ....feck dat!! it was obvious that there would be some kinda fallin' out eventually cus some people always have to be No.1 an' tha wasn't happening. so what did i do wrong? i might just be able to find out sometime soon if it was just tha fact tha i wasn't willin' to put ma childs life in danger or was it cus i didn't just agree with everyone elses opinions cus we know just how important they are... i think tha fact that i decided that after mebbe 7+ years of bein' a "Yes Man" i was suddenly thinkin' for maself an' havin' my own views, an' who would have thought that i could actually voice those opinions when i felt like it an' i did! loud an' proud *rotf...!! well, almost 18 months have passed since then and i have moved onwards and tried not to look back ~ there didn't seem much point as 2 against 1 wasn't a fair battle an' i couldn't be bothered to put up a decent fight! Ben used to tell me there would be a time when they'd come crawlin' back an' as much as it amused me to think so i couldn't quite see it happening, an' wasn't sure whether i wanted it to ~ i'm so glad Ben works where he does ...he gets all tha good goss first ;)

posted by Tilly @ 10:04 PM ~

Friday, July 25, 2003

1st votes %age
Cameron 1,928,570 57.5%
Oh, bloody 'ell!! I didn't want Cameron to win... i kinda knew he was goin' to but tha doesn't mean i have to be happy about it ...and by such a margin too ...eurgh! some small consolations tho' ~ there was almost half tha amounts of votes for tha final o' BB this year than last [somewhere around tha 4.3 million mark this year compared to 8.6 last year ...ouch! thas gotta hurt Endemol *LOL] and in BB2 Brain alone pulled in almost as many votes on his own as all 4 of this years finalists did between them ...doesn't that just sum up just how tragically bad this years attempt has
2nd   votes %age
Ray   1,428,231 42.5%
been an' of course ...Jon got a louder cheer than the official winner so i'm happy regardless but, instead of Ray, a man who has shown all facets of his personality when and where necessary, we have the shy, naive, tee-totaller fisherman as 'our' winner this time around... and will you remember Cameron Stout come Big Brother 5 ...i doubt it!! so long BB ~ til next time *s

posted by Tilly @ 9:27 PM ~

3rd votes %age
Scott  786,97826.7%
Crumbs! i didn't see this comin' at all ...i'da thought tha Scott woulda been a firm fave with various groups of people outta tha house but so far outta 2,947,000 votes he only managed to poll a measly 26.7% mebbe i was caught up in tha whole Tickle thing backing Scott to win an' i thought he was gonna give Cameron a real run for tha money but .... where did all those Ray fans come from?!

posted by Tilly @ 8:25 PM ~

4th votes %age
Steph  196,0267%
So, its the final night of Big Brother for 2003 and what have we got to look forward to? With Jon already havin' been bundled outta tha camera run via tha diary room to another rendition of "Tickle Tickle Tickle" its just a matter of goin' thro' tha formality of gettin' tha housemates out in tha order they were favoured, and without any kinda surprise, Steph is tha first housemate leavin' tonight via tha main entrance ...the only surprise regardin' Steph at all is tha fact tha she was still there in tha final week an' i think tha shows with her only gettin' 7% of tha final weeks votes so far...2.8 million ...thas not a lotta votes is it *giggles* tha poisoned dwarf Dave Hill lookilikee has left but who's next's down to tha boys but surely it'll be Scott an' Cameron fightin' it out for tha £70k?!

posted by Tilly @ 8:04 PM ~

Thursday, July 24, 2003

i'm not sure whether to be upset or grateful that BB is finally coming to a close this year... what a drab waste of 2 months this years 'event' has been ...i have my own opinions of who the true winner of BB4 is and i was truly glad to see him walk back into the house 3 weeks after he had been evicted [even tho he couldnae win tha cash] in what seemed like a very poor attempt [from tha BB team not Mr Tickle] at stirring up a even more poor selection of housemates. last year the loudest person initially to set foot in the house got through the first eviction and no matter how much you didn't like Jade you couldn't say she didn't make watchable telly ...who could EVER forget her "kebab" and her "mingin' verrucae" ...what have we had this year that could compare to this?? on the last night before the last ever eviction night of BB3 the last 4 housemates took to the pool in a drunken state...moving into the shower [yes, all 4 of them] as they were instructed to come indoors by BB, and preceeded to try to remove each others clothing! an' then Jade revealing to the nation that she likes to have a brazillian as "she doesn't want a smelly fanny" ....the changin' of clothes in tha oversized condoms... tha shoppin' trolley races, tha homemade waterslide, blindmans buff, hide an' seek, tha "how many sexual positions can you re-enact in 1 minute" game, twirlin' round with a brush ...oh tha memories ...what have we this year in comparison?! Cameron reading the passage about the birth of Jesus from the bible and Steph singing [which she should be reprimanded for cus i consider that to be commuinicating with the outside world ~ am sure only her*yawn* beloved dog Ronny would be able to hear her with tha octave she is singing in!!] *sighs* just imagine how different tha house coulda been with tha likes of Anouska, Sissy, Fed an' Nush ...mebbe even Tania in tha house right now ...i waited 10 months for this and all i hope to get out of it now is the satisfaction tha Cameron will be astronomically boo'd when he walks outta tha house *weg' tha Jon will receive tha loudest cheer of all tha final 4 what will my lastin' memory be of this years house?? you leave tha one with me ...i'm sure there was something tha got my attention!
BB5? Oh yeah, i'll still be sat here watching ~ i can't help maself' only another 20 hours or so til its done an' dusted for this year i can genuinely praise tha baby Jesus

posted by Tilly @ 11:48 PM ~

awwww... ma poor lil monkey had her third jab this mornin' an' she' none too pleased about it! it's been quiet alllll day as she has been sleeping off the effect they've taken (and the small dose of Calpol she was given beforehand) i'll be quite happy to listen to her crying alll day tomorrow so long as she is showing that she is back to her normal self *bg

posted by Tilly @ 1:06 PM ~

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

if big brother is watching you, who is watching them? why doh forks have more prongs? where did all tha nice people go? in the valley of the stupid, the one brain-celled man is king or queen right...just like in tha city of tha blind tha one eyed man is tha one in charge?! so if y'ain't got tha ability to act like ya care then doh bother pretendin' ....s'no skin of my nose fact it would prolly make my life a whole lot easier on tha whole... those tha care show it ~ those tha doh can just go ...whats tha phrase ...oh yeah ...swivel ...ring any bells?! ...talkin' of bells... someone i ain't seen on line for an age is Magpie... she was gonna be gettin' married this month ...hmmm...well best wishes to ya Magpie in whatever ya be doin' an' i hope all is goin' well for ya

posted by Tilly @ 10:59 PM ~

Monday, July 21, 2003

6 *rubs ma eyes* 23am ...bleurgh! ...what tha feck i am doing up at this time ...i don't know but i didn't feel so well last night even tho i didn't go bed particularly early ....did tha just make sense?? prolly not ~ pah! well i just came on to burn a cd tha i downloaded last night [via tha fridge for an ice cold milk]....just cus i could and well...thas it really! thought i would grab a drink and almost a hour later and yup still here ...grrrr!! ma heads starting to hurt again and i realise i am rambling....well i had a moan in ma den too so i think i got it outta ma system now *sighs* ....mebbe i'll be able to get back to sleep now...altho not if i am sat in this chair .....

posted by Tilly @ 5:23 AM ~

Sunday, July 20, 2003

what a pile of shite ....why don't people converse anymore?!

posted by Tilly @ 2:57 PM ~

Saturday, July 19, 2003

oh...and appreciation of friendship that means something :) doesn't take much to pick up the phone and just ask how someone is... hell, it doesn't take much to walk 5 minutes to knock on someones door to see how things are going, whats tha any goss! i'm truly fucked off with being ask "have i done something wrong" an' i swear tha if i am asked once more then i might just give tha answer you wanna hear rather than tellin' ya tha truth tha you ain't done nothin' an' you doh actually figure high enough in my life to affect anything i do anyway on a lighter note: i had company tonight for tha first time on a Saturday night in a looooong time ...was great to have adult conversation [if not a lil one sided] and a drink ...felt a lil squiffy after just a coupla glasses *hic!! ...thas been a long time comin' too *vbg ...i just got on line to some msgs sent so am off to use tha telephone cus ma ability to type seems to have been stolen *teehee!!

posted by Tilly @ 11:57 PM ~

i'm feeling really humbled this morning... i was sat around in a t-shirt an' ma knickers when tha door goes... sounded like ma dads knock to me an' as i ain't seen him since before his birthday i just thought it woulda been him ...oops .... "Hello Mr Postie" *LOL ...well i haven't ordered anything an' thas tha only time i tend to get parcels so as you can imagine i tell Lauren to make sure Nina doesn't fall off tha table and i set at tha box with a pair of scissors... and then i cry ...not just a lil sniffle but a full blown nose dripping/eyes puffing kinda bawl' i wouldn't mind but it was cus i was happy *LOL ...inside was a cutie lil lion ~ Rory's tha name ~ he gotta crinkly mane an' squeaky feet an' a tail you can pull an' then it plays Nellie tha Heffalump ....mebbe tha Lions Sleeps Tonight was too complicated to program *teehee!! ...some CDs too ~ Bens very happy an' i'm just sat here sniffin' a candle ...hmmmmmm ...vanilla yummmmmmm!! whatta lovely parcel' so unexpected too you's an angel Cray-Z Gal' hey...whas this about vouchers huh *L i love vouchers God damn ya ...gimme gimme gimme!!

posted by Tilly @ 9:37 AM ~

Friday, July 18, 2003

Cameron471,346 33.13%
can i stamp my feet an' throw ma dummy outta ma pram now ...i mean i s'pose if i am honest i knew that Cameron was never gonna be leavin' tha BB house tonight but i could hope couldn't i...well, couldn't i??! was it really that much of a forgone conclusion to most folks that Nush was out so there was no point voting? i haven't voted at all this series (apart from mebbe hittin' tha redial button a coupla times tha time BB sprung a double eviction) but tonight...well i think i may have just added a coupla ££s to next months phone bill *sighs* ..i doh wanna say its not fair but i can't quite get ma head around tha fact tha double tha amount of people tha wanted Nush to stay wanted her to go' poor Scott...awwww  ...poor Ray ...he's gonna have a guilt complex an' a half now ain't he (altho tha sly grin he's shown since tha announcement is a lil odd ~ hmmmm!!) ....but what about Jon...will he declare his undyin' lust for Nush now an' whats tha point of him hanging around anymore (other than to cheer Scott up an' make me laugh of course *vbg) well i never really had a winner in mind for BB4 and i didn't even care once Mr Tickle had left but i knew who i didn't want to win from tha very start ...a sad day for BB too when tha last female left in there is Steff tha poison dwarf *shudders*

posted by Tilly @ 8:12 PM ~

its a lil too early to get up ... *reaches for a glass of milk then heads back up tha dancers......*

posted by Tilly @ 4:47 AM ~

Thursday, July 17, 2003

well well well... i did think i wasn't going to be as fortunate with Nina as i was with Lauren as a lil'un (i couldn't find fault with anything Lauren did as a nipper) but Nina is surprisin' everyone under tha circumstances ....i got clever kids...what more can i say *L other than they take after their mother OBVIOUSLY *LOL ...she's already sleepin' thro tha night...not a full 12 hours but 8+ hours an' who am i to complain ...she's been an absolute angel the past week, fallin' into a perfect routine ...and Lauren couldn't play tha big sis role any better...they got some kinda sixth sense thing goin' on am sure...hmmm!
oh, an' its ma dads birthday this week, yesterday to be precise but we ain't see tha guy yet...he's busy doin' something lauren didn't understand it but am sure we'll get to see him sometime this weekend ...i hope!!

posted by Tilly @ 10:41 PM ~

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

another fantastic nights sleep all i gotta do is go to bed when Nina does to take full benefit of a good nights sleep could this be the route to losin' tha zombified look *bg

posted by Tilly @ 9:24 AM ~

Monday, July 14, 2003

Nina slept from 10.30pm until 8.30am last night yippeeee!! ...its a shame then then i didn't get into bed til gone 2.30am *L back off to bed now i think *yawns an' stretches* ...g'night!!

posted by Tilly @ 9:18 AM ~

Friday, July 11, 2003

 Fed Gos Jon Justine Lisa Sissy
%age  910624 (ha!)123
poor Lisa...didn't exactly get a heartful reception did she *LOL
oh well, back to business: the 14th housemate to go into tha BB house is... ...*drumroll* ...silence* ...*pause* ...more deathly silence* .....Mr Jon Tickle ...*raptuous applause!! Cams face ~ whatta picture!!

posted by Tilly @ 9:43 PM ~

Steff 135,025 12.15%
well that was a shocker wasn't it...NOT!!
here's the shocker ~ one of tha ex housemates is actually goin' back in tha house (why they'd wanna is beyond me!) Tania's got tha right idea for once by not acceptin' tha invitation (prolly she had a better invite to some swanky do elsewhere *L) an' it won't be Anouska cus she 'down under' showin' off her bits an' bobs for her 15 minutes of fame ...personally i want Mr Tickle to go back into tha house but not if he is to be treated how he was while he was in there tha first time ...oh i cannae wait to see tha faces of tha housemates when they see an old *ahem* friend back on tha scene

posted by Tilly @ 8:05 PM ~

Thursday, July 10, 2003

sometimes people deserve for things to go right for them so i was over tha moon this week when i finally turned on ma mobile an' found a message from ma "Money Makin' Man" tellin' me he had finally, hopefully got someplace to live, and it sounds like it is exactly what he was after altho i haven't let heard word of what it actually is ...hey, a roof's a roof, right?!

posted by Tilly @ 11:46 PM ~

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

slept like a baby last night, and most of this morning to be precise (without the need to be bottle fed intermittendly i might add *L) ...i decided upon an early night and a late mornin' too *vbg ...think it might have a lil to do with my shoppin' expaditions yesterday: morrisons trip ...oops! ...debenhams sale...double oops

posted by Tilly @ 1:39 PM ~

Saturday, July 05, 2003

Gos 265,413 46%
Nush207,714 36%
Ray 103,858 18%
only 24 hours late but tha man with tha roughest cough on tha telly is leavin' tha house was pretty much a foregone conclusion i would have assumed altho tha votin' figures show that there wasn't that much [to quote tha man himself] "innit mate" *teehee! i didnae mind actually, i bumped into ma "Money Makin' Man" online last night and we chatted into tha wee small hours of tha mornin' [sorta] like tha old days ~ yup, more bitchin' an' moanin' an' puttin' tha world to rights *vbg ...but back to BB; leavin' tha house must have been a bit of an anti-climax for Gos cus there were no crowds to welcome him as he made his way to tha was actually pretty eerie but he took it well

posted by Tilly @ 8:34 PM ~

Friday, July 04, 2003

theres a security alert down at tha BB house tonight... i ain't sure of tha full details but it seems there ain't gonna be tha evictions as planned tonight.... dunno whether they are taking place at a later date or a later time as of yet ...apparantly tha housemates have been evacuated an' taken a safe place.... tha most excitin' thing to happen on BB4 so far!!

an' before i forget, as i prolly will: HAPPY 4th JULY to tha few Americans i still keep intouch with online [i should prolly read into tha cus i doh actual know what its about *ahem*]

on a more personal note.... i ache ...not just a lil but alllll over *sulks* i think i've got a bit of a delayed reaction to ma 'leap' down tha stairs an' i can almost work out how i fell from where i ache and how much ...i feel like i been beaten up ....twice *L ya can all stop with tha laffin' now ...*giggles* ...i'm off to hopefully bump into someone to annoy seein' as ma normal tv veiwing has been affected ...*wanders off to have a butchers.....

posted by Tilly @ 8:34 PM ~

Thursday, July 03, 2003

i had myself a bizarre dream last night that i slipped down tha stairs while holding Nina...i felt really uncomfortable about it but didn't make a big deal cus i didn't have reason to.... not until i fell down tha stairs tha is...without Nina i might add ...and it bloody well hurt i can tell ya! right from tha top to just 3 steps up from tha bottom ...i doh know which was more butt or ma pride *L ...of course, i wasn't alone when this happened an' i think Ben was just as shocked as i was when he found me perched precariously just a few steps up ...i doh actually feel tha bad considerin' tho...i woulda expected to have felt a whole lot worse taking tha kinda fall ...oh, an' tha stairs are okay too *L

posted by Tilly @ 3:22 PM ~

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

ahhhh ~ i got me a fone call from "Gay Jay" ..tha lil sweetheart *bbg ...he's havin' man trouble [ha! aren't we all *L] an' decided to ask me ma opinion [as if was to know] i think he just knew he would get an honest opinion an' that i wouldn't fob him off with a pile of nonsensical shite! he's a good'un

posted by Tilly @ 9:13 PM ~

i was feelin' sick all mornin' but i did try to be rational *L ...i had an appointment at tha dentist for ma very first filling ....i'm 28 so not bad going but i really was petrified *L ...i sat in tha chair thinkin' if i can go thro' labour an' ICU then tha would be a piece o' cake ...i still left with lil bits of tha chair under ma fingernails but it wasn't as bad as i was expectin' *bs
"always expect the worst... anything that then does happen can't be as bad as you'da thought it would be!"

posted by Tilly @ 11:50 AM ~

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