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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Sunday, August 31, 2003

if this isn't a pure example of how my life runs on a day to day basis then i don't know what is: Ben worked all last weekend and to make it up to me he decided to take tonight off work ....only i've been ill [floored i think is an appropriate expression] all day i woke up with a headache...nothing impressive ~ i was hoping to sleep it off ...mid afternoon Ben took Lauren out shopping and Nina was asleep so i thought i would do the same as my head was still pounding but as soon as Ben had closed the door Nina woke up :( i managed to keep her amused for about 10 minutes before she kicked off and i ended up feeding her out of sheer desperation! then the phone rang ...a friend was having a 'HotPot Supper' this evening for his birthday and i was hoping to be feel well enough to at least pop along for some grub and a coupla bevvies ...hic!! i finally managed to grab 40 winks before there was someone knocking at the door [i still have no clue cus i didn't answer it] but after having a lil weep cus of how rough i was feeling Ben arrived back laden with bags... i tried to show an interest but i coulda crawled into a lil hole and cried like a baby at this point :( then up turns a new washing machine ...hurray...altho i could have done without 2 hours of banging whilst it was fitted *sobs* was getting on for 8 o'clock and tha supper was looking less likely by now *sulks* ...i've had tea since and a warm bath in tha dark and am feeling just a tadge better... now i'm playing with ma new toys: a digital camera and a mouse that works ...woohoo!!

posted by Tilly @ 12:03 AM ~

Friday, August 29, 2003

holy shit i'm on one... ever noticed how selfish some people are?
if you see me you'd be wise to give me a wide berth ...i'm in rant mode and am not accountable for my actions!!!

posted by Tilly @ 1:10 PM ~

Thursday, August 28, 2003

i think i am going doo-lally last week tha washing machine definitely broke...i know-so cus i wrote about it on here but today after doing another handwash [an' having hands resemblin' sandpaper ma face *L] i threw some stuff in tha machine so it could sit in tha water and soak for a while but tha cycle completed?! of course i grabbed what i could and threw it in tha machine hoping to get another wash outta it before it realised but its not looking promising as it chuggs away while i type this... i just hope its not like this for too long...if ya gonna break then break but doh hold out just a lil giving me hope! already the school summer holidays are coming to a close, Lauren has only 5 more days before she goes into Yr5 and her new uniform is looking pristine hung up in her bedroom ...wonder how long that will last *sighs*

posted by Tilly @ 10:13 PM ~

i've been after a download for an album for tha past week and was just about ready to uninstall tha program i have cus i never heard such shitty/crappy/non-sensical boloox before... i ended up on a mp3 download site and got it downloaded and burned within tha hour...woohoo! might still uninstall ...will see if ma temper is a lil longer in tha 'morrow...sleep well *yawns an' stretches an' wanders of to bed.......

posted by Tilly @ 1:36 AM ~

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Laurens gone skating with ma sis today and Nina and Ben are both asleep ... its really quiet: maybe a lil too quiet ...i'm gonna go wake 'em up ;) oh, and America have offered 40M for Saddam Hussein.... Chelsea have offered 50M ...rotflmfao!!

posted by Tilly @ 1:13 PM ~

how bizarre is the human mind?! check this... whilst you are sat at your computer reading this, rotate your right foot in a clockwise direction and then with your right hand draw a number 6 in the air... which way is your foot rotating now??! weird!!

posted by Tilly @ 12:49 AM ~

Monday, August 25, 2003

i'm feeling just a lil stressed tonight... i could do with chatting to a complete stranger and getting it all off ma chest. it's been a long time since i did the chat scene but i might just do that tonight: wander into a new chat... spill ma guts and then never go back... i'd chat to Ben but he's tired and weary, hungry and bored's the final night of Mardi Gras and he's clocked up just over 50 hours since Thursday evening ...only 11 more to go then its back to 'normal' on Thursday

posted by Tilly @ 7:03 PM ~

why is it i never manage to get an early night no matter how early i am ready for bed?! i had nothing to do this evening and if it wasn't for my sister calling over on spec then i'd prolly have been ready for bed even earlier. bens working again and ma bro-in-lo' was out on tha town topping up his hangover from last night so ma sis popped in and left with more than she bargained for *L ...yet again [am sure i posted about this sometime last year] my washing machine is on the blink ... put in tha wash, put in tha powder, flick tha switch and it fills with water then...nothing *sobs* ...tha water just sits there, doesn't even swish around a lil bit i've managed to get tha washing out by tweakin' tha dial but since i moved tha machine tha other day its having none of it ...oh, did i forget to mention that i lifted it and moved it *L ...might have something to do with it huh?! ;) well its yet another Bank Holiday so i ain't doing anything about it til Tuesday at the earliest but scraping baby puke off clothes and hand washing them isn't ideal :( i LOVE ma sis... she's taken a bag of essentials and plans to have them back by tomorrow afternoon ...thing tha meantime if you see me, doh be giving me a wedgie cus there ain't nothing to wedge okay!!
i've also been dabbling a lil with my pages [i really need to complete this revamp] but i hit a whopping inclination brickwall and went on a bit of a wander instead for solutions to my problems [as if i could find all those answers in one night *teehee!] i ended up here Codeline Alley - Scripting and Web Resources Message Board [bit of a poncy "alt" if y'ask me ;)] but c'mon ~ update man'd you expect me to crack on if you doh give me tha answers *LOL
one last thing before i get shot: happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Big T!ts ;) happy birthday to youuuuu!! :)
NOTE TO SELF: when taking peoples change of address DO NOT write them on the weekly TV guide ~ doh!!

posted by Tilly @ 1:34 AM ~

Sunday, August 24, 2003

i've been totally lazy today. Ben left at 10.30am, and I jumped back into bed for another 30 minutes before kick off [Man U top of tha table already *bg] Nina slept until after the football had finished an' then myself, Nina and Lauren all went for an afternoon nap *haha ...we crawled outta bed this time around 5pm an' decided on take-out pizza for tea :) cookin' :) hardly any pots to wash :D ...perfect! 'bout Ben working Mardi Gras tho' ...he thought he'd spotted an old friend tonight. at first he said he wasn't sure cus she looked dog rough but he didn't get a second look so couldn't be positive, he just rang me and explained tha reason he couldn't spot her in tha crowds was cus she had gone into tha bar he was working at *L ...he walks in and she's sat there...and he's introduced to her girlfriend you see the hubby had an affair, left her an' tha kids, got someone else, had another kid, didn't take her shit ...altho' he was just as bad as she was musta hit her harder than we thought *LOL might think that LOLin' about it ain't too nice but then...neither was she ...weirdly, i'd go so far as to say she was once my closest friend, and i missed her like crazy when she first changed... i couldn't chat to anyone like i could to her... about anything from tha price of a pint of milk to tha latest goings on in tha government ...she was bright...but she got bitter and nasty :( she used folks, didn't keep to her word and went a lil off tha rails even! needless to say she wasn't pleasant to have around and i told her so in the end when she rang outta tha blue and said she wanted to catch up an' could she stop here tha night. i was looking forward to it, it was great having someone to chat to who wouldn't see their arse if i didn't agree with their opinion ;) well that night never happened [she only wanted someplace to kip for tha night] and i didn't return tha mails either...i just didn't see tha point! an' i never did understand takin' an 8 year old to see Marilyn Manson in concert an' mebbe at that point i shoulda realised that we'd just gone different ways but..... *sighs* ta!

posted by Tilly @ 1:13 AM ~

Thursday, August 21, 2003

ouch ~ ma 'ed hurts today i got up this mornin'...fed Nina then went back to bed. I woke up at 1pm with the same headache i had at 9am :( fed Nina and now i'm considering my next move...i've got so much i NEED to do today
i done tha yams stuff already tho ...copied what i had in mind an' made some fan-effin-tastic covers...almost to tha point tha i didn't wanna give 'em away but i like to share ma talents *L ...t'is all parcelled up and addressed clearly *lmfao!!
*clears ma throat: hey Mr Postman look an' see, if there's a letter in ya bag for me

posted by Tilly @ 12:35 PM ~

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

whatta hectic morning... i've been to tha docs ...again and we've been to the baby clinic to have Nina weighed... whatta piggie: 14lbs 3ozs already *vbg soooo happy about that! now we're sat here checking out the Index and the Argos catalogues to figure out what to buy for ma sis and ma mam ...both of whose birthdays are in the next coupla weeks...and then there's Ben just after tha... not sure which i am most short or ideas??

posted by Tilly @ 1:25 PM ~

i've been out tonight ...for a meal at TGI's ...never been before and what an experience it was ...*LOL ...its ma sisters birthday on Friday and someone had mentioned this to tha staff before we got there... apart from the meal which was pretty impressive the staff all gathered around our table and started clapping and then to tha choon you'd expect tha army to march to they began: is it true cus we've been told... someone here is getting old....and so on *LOL ...oh tha shame of it!! pretty cheap night it was too... a friend who was with us had won a competition for a night out with food to tha value of £120 *vbg ...and then someone else with their name and details registered on tha TGI's website had received a voucher for free cocktails each *vVbg ...woo woos, silver mercedes, goldmine, pineapple sunshine and Lynchburg lemonades all round please :)

posted by Tilly @ 12:05 AM ~

Monday, August 18, 2003

i keep seeing adverts on tha telly for a programme called 'Masters and Servants' and its prompted me even to have a wee rant about it ... i watched the first episode last week and was looking forward to it... simple as: two families, one week, one family the servants the other the masters for first half of week then vice versa ...or so you would think. i missed the first 5 minutes of the programme but was trying to weigh up the pros and cons of being the servant or master first ~ how wrong was i??! i figured that if you were the servant for the first part then surely you could get your own back in the second part if your master was totally OTT with you...right? well, from what i saw there are a few flaws in this as the first family to be servants [Family A] were used and abused by their masters [Family B] who lived in a mansion no less. Family A had to arrange a party for 30 children and supervise that whilst serving afternoon drinks to the parents of those 30 children and on top of that had to cook and serve for a dinner party ...using a camping stove as the AGA cooker had gone on the blink, and on their own Family A's 2 young boys were made to polish the wooden floors by hand *sighs* thas not on i'd say, so you'd think when the time came to change that the servants [or slaves as i got to call them] would have a chance to get their own back ....WRONG!! Family B now had to move into the property owned by Family B ...a largeish Victorian terraced house...hardly a comparison! the previous Lady of the Manor decided that she wasn't cut out for cleaning and moved back home after being asked by her Master to run him a bath *LOL ...incredible *shakes ma 'ed*

posted by Tilly @ 2:28 PM ~

Saturday, August 16, 2003

i'm absolutely drained's been an emotional few days, more so than normal, and i've just got back from tha 'rents house where we had a lovely bar-b-que in tha garden, sat around chatting, eating great food lovingly prepared by ma dad who's request to be known as chef for the evening didn't pass us by ;) Ben had to leave early to go to work for the longest shift ever due to Mardi Gras week sneakin' up on us so he was grateful of a variety of meat products and a can of lager in the meantime. food scoffed and the rest of us lazed in the garden and caught up on tha latest ...Nina's sudden growth spurt :) Lauren's sudden growth spurt :( ...tha fact that ma bro-in-lo' is being shipped of to Dubai for 3 weeks, the general nastiness of some folk and finally tha 'C' word: Conservatory ...but doh mention that to ma sis, she doh need anymore of a headache about her neighbours home improvements and we had a laff at her neighbours expense after the eyeful ma dad got when he went into my sister's garden for a smoke an' peered over tha fence to see tha sorta thing you'd normally only get to see if adult movies :o *rotflmfao!! It started to get a bit chilly so we headed indoors an' ma dad, who was trying to figure out how to get a counter to show on his video recorder, was about to show me The Who in concert that he taped off tha telly [new TV with dolby etc ~ he's impressed, bless him *L] when we remembered The Premiership was back on tha box with Des "Wine 'Em, Dine 'Em" Lynam *giggles* ....oh how i missed ma boys on a Saturday night *sighs*

posted by Tilly @ 11:41 PM ~

Friday, August 15, 2003

holy cow... i think i done it ....

posted by Tilly @ 2:54 PM ~

Thursday, August 14, 2003

...........arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!! ...*ahem!!

posted by Tilly @ 10:35 PM ~' now i'm pished cus one minute i think i feck it all up an' then its lookin' grand an' then i get here an' for some reason everythin' centred [altho not now so this ain't makin' no sense huh?!] ~ arrrrggghhhhh!! well i messed a lil but it'll wait: it is SO UNimportant now i couldn't even begin to explain ...eurgh!

posted by Tilly @ 1:50 AM ~

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

we got some guy round today to have a look over tha puter cus its not very well an' it was lookin' pretty good...until he left that is Poborskys tha name and he said he thought we had worms ~ charmin'!! he works in computers and had just been up tha hospital fixin' their set up of a particular virus thas just hit the scenes and it sounded like we'd been hit by tha same thing. he pressed a coupla buttons...uninstalled this, did a lil of tha and it was all lookin' like new [even my mouse was free-wheelin' ] he left with a coupla instructions for us and tha very best of luck but only 20 minutes after he'd gone we're right back where we started *sulks* ...Nortons gone AWOL, most of our files are doin' tha same, our broadband connection is tha opposite ~ we cannae get rid of tha unless we pull out tha plug from tha port so i think i might just switch off until tha weekend when ma bro-in-lo can start from scratch altho Bens tryin' to convince me to install XP tha we got here *LOL ....well, we can't fuck it up anymore than it already is can we *hahahaha ~ so... i may be back later or weekend ....enjoy yaselves in tha meantime ...ciao!!

posted by Tilly @ 8:45 PM ~

Monday, August 11, 2003

oops ~ i dunno what i done but i done it wrong *L "money Makin' Man" helped me out a lil with tha problem altho tha solution is still provin' to be a lil harder to find and might have to wait until the weekend when i can grab ma bro-in-law to have a butchers at it as i think its on a bit of a go-slow anyway and needs a service

posted by Tilly @ 9:08 PM ~

Sunday, August 10, 2003

Up tha Arse!! i didn't realise i was missin' tha footie season until today when i got back into ma Sunday routine of headin' over to ma sisters house for bacon an' egg butties an' some decent football. today was tha mighty Manchester United versus Arsenal and hopefully tha metaphorical we have started how we mean to go on
now i'm just chillin' ...a long soak in tha tub with some glossies to browse thro' tha ma sister gave me as i got a appointment with tha hairdresser tomorrow

posted by Tilly @ 8:38 PM ~

well, thas it...its late and it warm and i think i may have just managed to put the beginnings of my new layout online ...yippee!! i don't much fancy doin' all tha pages i have made in tha past ~ thas a lil dauntin' so i might just happen to lose some of those as so far i only done a coupla pages but that was enough to drive me nutty' now i gotta figure out how to use ma ISP webspace so i can remote host ma images from ma old ISP tha i doh have no more ...eurgh! borrrrrin'! if you find an error ...get over it ...i doh care no more *LOL ...or mebbe lemme know on tha homepage tagboard so i can deal with it at my leisure

posted by Tilly @ 1:13 AM ~

Saturday, August 09, 2003

oh god help me *LOL sat here fiddlin' with ma updates to ma site and i cannae get ma template to line up :o( looks simple enough an' is HTML friendly but tha preview doh look so hot :o ...feckin' centerin' or a blockquote someplace but i cannae see it *sulks* all HTML'd out now :O(

posted by Tilly @ 2:32 PM ~

Thursday, August 07, 2003

ma baby's home ...funny how you could do with tha break... a few days apart yet the second they leave you just want 'em back again...askin' for everything, makin' loadsa noise ...eatin' you outta house an' home ...she might be a pain in tha butt sometimes but i miss her when she has asleep over elsewhere...

posted by Tilly @ 3:08 PM ~

Sunday, August 03, 2003

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to tha ghetto ho with tha fabolous nai-yels
happy birthday to youuuuuuu *bg

posted by Tilly @ 5:14 PM ~

Friday, August 01, 2003

i was sat around doin' absolutely nothin' earlier [ma girls were both tucked up in bed an' no one was comin' out to play] when i got a BUZZ on ma 'puter from ma "Money Makin' Man" ...i was considering loggin' off an' havin' an early night 'til that point but ended up chattin' on tha telephone instead ...we've only just done chattin' an' prolly could have gone on for a lot longer if he didn't have to get up for work in less than 4 hours ...oops ~ sorry its great that after 3 years, mebbe almost 4 now, we still keep in touch after we first met on line in LD back in tha day *sighs* ...whats even better is that we seem to be on tha same wave length about most thing but whats truly great about him is that it wouldn't matter if we weren't cus he doh mind if we doh agree... and we're both prepared to listen to tha others opinions and it ain't gonna make us fall out if we doh happen to end up thinkin' tha same way ....oh, ain't it nice to be an adult with a lil depth .... *gasps* shallow i heard you say ...tut tut ...thas not very nice now is it *teehee!! ...ooooh miaaoow!!

it's amazin' what chattin' on tha phone to someone who makes you feel appreciated can do *vbg

posted by Tilly @ 11:44 PM ~

its 8.45pm on Friday, Bens already set off for work, Nina is tucked up in bed an' Lauren is in bed watchin' tha same film for tha 2nd time today ....s'all good in the world *bg

posted by Tilly @ 7:47 PM ~

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