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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Tuesday, September 30, 2003

oh god am tired... i stayed up until 3am trying to get my living room into some kinda order.... i rang about my suite yesterday and there is another 2 weeks wait yet so i might as well be comfortable in ma home until then so things are almost as they will be now ...'cept for a fallin' apart couch ....i can live with tha :)
Daily Double:
1. What colour of socks do you own the most? probably black as i bought a pack of 5 black trainers sox recently
2. Which flavour do you hate the most (overall)? liquorice or aniseed... *retches*

posted by Tilly @ 8:10 AM ~

Monday, September 29, 2003

Laurens taken a likin' to Sweet 'n' Sour flavour crisps an' pulled out a lil blue package from a pack over the weekend... we don't often win stuff so i took a look on the Walkers Free Meals website and yippee ...freebie curry with a 10 minute walk...hurray!!

Daily Double:
1. Do you have a TV in your room? in my bedroom, my living room and one in Laurens room also
2. What do like to watch on TV? i've a penchant for reality tv much to my own disapproval *L

posted by Tilly @ 2:08 PM ~

Sunday, September 28, 2003

i really think i might be comin' down with some kinda bug... i feel totally bunged up an' i can't even smell the gloss paint thats been used for most of the day. the bump i had on ma eye has all but disappeared ...and reappeared as a stye... i look abysmal... tired, with a wonkier eye than last week, dark circles and bags big enough to carry a weekly shop :( ...i ache ALL over an' i'm weepy ...a good nights sleep might just help but it's almost 1.30am already ...and another early start tomorrow cus ma dad is helpin' out again with tha decoratin' ...should be all finished tomorrow too ...just a few finishing touches and it's gonna look so glam ...i just wish i could be a bit more enthusiastic right now *sighs* ...tha bottles are calling to me and have been in tha steriliser for far longer than is really necessary but i've ended up havin' a wander around tha net ...i doh know how i end up in half tha places on line that i do but i did hear once that it would only take 5 clicks on links at consecutive websites to end up on a porn site??! only 5 i say ;) ...i've ended up at a 'Daily Double' site tonight [which really does sound like a porn site come to think of it *L]'s a simple case of copyin' an' pastin' then answerin' two even more simple questions. simple i can manage...daily i ain't so hot at ~ unless i subscribe to have tha questions mailed to me but am i really that committed?! on tha otherhand if i only head over there once a week then i doh mind sharin' a lil info so here's ma first shot:
Daily [altho' prolly more likely to be a random thing] Double:
1. Apple Juice or Orange Juice? Orange... apple is too bitter
2. Coca-Cola or Pepsi? It used to be Pepsi but now i find there is an aftertaste so Coke it is :)
as for ma Pop Idol viewin' ...why is it that if you have some kinda disability ...are of a certain age ....or mebbe its a weight thing then you are probable for tha next stage of this competition?? Tonight there were 2 good singers who I think should have gone further but instead of Susanne and Hayley we end up with some bloke who i just doh remember from any previous rounds but who suddenly cries at everything and Zoe Birkett MkII ...congrats Marc an' Roxanne *ironic cheers*

posted by Tilly @ 12:25 AM ~

Saturday, September 27, 2003 living room looks like someone threw a tub of custard at it ...very bright indeed and it certainly made me feel chirpy this morning ~ altho its most definitely YELLOW its really growing on me an' i can see how its all gonna come together ...GayJay came over last night an' gave it a big camp thumbs up

posted by Tilly @ 11:18 AM ~

Friday, September 26, 2003

Osama Bin Laden has been found screwin' sheep...
In his defence he claims they aren't 'is lambs

posted by Tilly @ 10:47 PM ~

as i was saying ....*L ...mebbe tha response i gave ma dad wasn't what he was expectin' cus last night after i spoke to him on tha 'phone he jumped in his car and brought over 2 sets of step ladders, some dust sheets, rolllers and brushes etc and told me he would be over today to help me paint ...doh quite know where tha came from ?!

posted by Tilly @ 8:02 AM ~

Thursday, September 25, 2003

its a good job i'm in no hurry huh!! ma dads just called a day after i was hoping he would drop off some ladders for me to ask if its okay to drop them off on Saturday ???! *shrugs*

posted by Tilly @ 6:32 PM ~

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

oh my god... how much does it cost for a tin of paint nowwadays??! i headed out with ma sis today to get rid of one of ma armchairs and to pick up some paint so i can crack on before ma new suite arrives... £60!!!! can you believe that??! and that was a special offer.... i might have thrown a few lil extras in ma trolley but still :o ...was gobsmacked *L

posted by Tilly @ 3:22 PM ~

Monday, September 22, 2003

unbelievably Nina is 6 months old today's only 5 months since we came outta tha hospital and the time has just flown... we got tha news today that we can now treat her like any other full term 6 month old baby which was wonderful to hear :) *vbg ...she's now able to take weetabix, cheese, bread an' pasta ...wooohoo...tha possibilities :D

posted by Tilly @ 2:20 PM ~

she's mine ~ i win ...d'ya see how that works??!

posted by Tilly @ 12:25 AM ~

Saturday, September 20, 2003

ma uncle michael came to visit tonight ...he doh head up this way that often but was in some shootin' comp and thought he would use ma folks as a stop off point so he did tha rounds....poor fella *L ...we don't see him often enough to really know anything about what he does, where he been, where he at etc ... we just waffle on about ourselves and try our damndest to amuse him but its difficult and i think he feels just as awkward as we do in those silences ...why is it that just cus we are family we have to see each other ...i like tha bloke, doh get me wrong but i'm sure he had far better things to do on a Saturday night *sighs* ...he even got to sit thro' Pop Idol ...i doubt he had seen it before but it filled some time ...but Design Wars...tha was a step too far!!
POP IDOL UPDATE: woohooo!! ...tha Westlife/Ronan fella didn't get 1st place ...Kirsty did and as she seemed to be one of only a select few with a personality i am glad she came tops ...shame about Susanne but i got ma fingers crossed for tha Wild Card!

posted by Tilly @ 9:32 PM ~

Friday, September 19, 2003

i wasn't expecting company tonight but a lil tap on tha door and 'GayJay' stepped in to keep me amused for a lil while... he didn't stop too long but we had a laugh at some pics on the 'net of overly-proud gentlmen ;) and then drank far more than we should do in such a short time ...hic!! ...that boys a bad influence [thas prolly why i like him so much *L] ...i even got a phone call [an achievement in itself!] ...from a very good friend who i've neglected lately :( ...i never meant to, just good intentions that i never follow up ~ i PROMISE to call over the weekend but i hope you are doing well *bh

posted by Tilly @ 10:27 PM ~

i've ended up watching a couple of fantastic films tonight ...the one i saw at the cinema was called Le Divorce and i think we were there so we could be asked questions afterwards as to what we thought about it ...i loved it but i think passing it off as a cosmipolitan comedy wasn't such a great idea ...i think i enjoyed it 'cause i didn't know what to expect and only found out it was meant to be a comedy afterwards, otherwise i think i might have been disappointed but UNCUT gave it 4*s an' they know what they are talking about :) we're goin' again next week to see Young Adam for free ...not sure what the others will make of that one either but i am already looking forward to it *bg ...when i got in Ben, as perfect as he ever is, had sent up another DVD and had a cuppa tea ready and we sat down to watch The Life of David Gale ...WOW ...i don't think i have seen a film like that ever before, it was just..... wow .... but now my head hurts ...ouch ...too much 'visual'

posted by Tilly @ 1:02 PM ~

Thursday, September 18, 2003

you've got to question an apparent straight mans sexuality ...does this man
have no shame?!when he decides for no specific reason to go for tha BSC... tha whole caboodle... back, sack an' crack AND more ...*winces* ...but when you find out that the real reason is because the person in question is going to have it done on a live reality TV show you gotta question his sanity too!! this person happens to be tha same person who i brought to your attention last year cus he appied for Big Brother, well he did tha same this year and got thro' quite a few rounds before BB decided [wisely] against letting him on national telly... seems he knows someone who knows someone on tha production team of The Salon now an' tha poor fella is finally gonna get his 15 minutes of fame [aside from a BB eviction night this year]...i doubt it'll be long lasting tho ...just like the all over body wax!!

posted by Tilly @ 3:58 AM ~

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

i've just been invited out last minute to go to the cinema for free... [i like cheap but i love free :)] ...i'm not sure what we are goin' to see but i know i've got 30 minutes to get myself ready to be picked up by ma sister. Polly and Lynne the Chef are goin' too an' we always have a riot when we meet up so i'm really lookin' forward to it... i really need to make it 'my shout' next time so i'd better start lookin' out for my own freebies ;)

posted by Tilly @ 5:56 PM ~

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

i pulled it off... not literally mind ....roast lamb, birthday cake... 2 fantastic CDs [and a bag of jelly beans off tha girls] as gifts ...and tha boys won 5 - 0 in tha football :) *vbg

posted by Tilly @ 11:12 PM ~

christ i feel shitty today's Bens BIG day and i've done so little ...i haven't been out over the weekend and last week i felt like my feet didn't hit the floor so i haven't got a card from me or the kids and i feel lousy about it :(( ...and what about a gift?? for the man who has everything he requires?! ...well i'd kept Lauren off school for the day with the intention of us all going out for lunch but that hasn't quite come off as i had hoped and we're now expecting visitors this afternoon. i'll find some enthusiasm this afternoon and while Ben is out with his bro' i'll take the girls out and go grab a lil something, a cake and cards :) i'm certain he's here later, tha Champions League is on tha telly, mebbe a take-out's all falling into place but first things first... i've already let him have a lie in, 1 brownie point, now for breakfast in bed ;) another point ....and i'll get Lauren to help :D ....bonus points ;) *bg

posted by Tilly @ 9:14 AM ~

Monday, September 15, 2003

how tha hell am i s'posed to get ma daily fix of BBusa if E4 think its bright to start showing the Salon all day instead??! i wouldn't mind but there are only another coupla weeks to go before tha end of BB now and it was making for fantastic viewing in comparison to tha normal daytime telly [and our attempt of BB this year!] ...and it is really necessary to run a second series of the Salon only 5 months after the first one?? i'da thought it was longer since but i remember watching it day in day out stuck in tha hospital so i'm not mistaken ...looks like Ricardo & Co's 15 minutes are over... your time is up... your replacements have been found!

posted by Tilly @ 8:28 AM ~

Saturday, September 13, 2003

i've had a few people mention the fact tha a lil friend is missin' from tha homepage here so as i had a coupla files on ma computer i thought i would share them: Feeling Nostalgic?? i've done a button on tha main page but excessive bandwidth consumption ain't allowing me to do no more now so whats done will have to do for now :) *phew!! ...oh, an' i just got a coupla offline message from ma sis... ma bro-in-lo' is away in Dubai for tha next 3 weeks and is living tha hi-life [on tha flight over thas for sure!!] ...i won't go into figures as thas none of my business never mind yours but put it this way... he cut off from his phone call home during his flight cus he was about to get a facial/massage from tha stewardess ....hello!! well, here's tha view he's got from his window * ...with tha hotel standing pretty much on tha sand *sulks*' ma mam and dad are planning to go abroad in a coupla weeks... jus' like tha about last minute bookings ...sheeesh!!

posted by Tilly @ 11:42 PM ~

Now if i could just get my living room to have any resemblance of this picture then i would be laughing as that is the suite i have purchased today ... hardly bought on a whim as i have been over and over the pros and cons of each type of sofa for months now but i think i have settled for the right one... not too expensive [so i can build towards buying my tan leather sofas in tha future ;)] sturdy enough for tha kids, the right colour [cinnamon ~ its not that red in reality] not too fluffed up etc etc etc ...its exactly what i wanted :) now all i gotta do is go out and get tha right colour paint to decorate ...eurgh!! ...besides landin' maself in debt for however long it was ma mams birthday today and she was on top form [i s'pose when ya get that old it ain't worth worryin' about no more *teehee!!] well i bought her a radio and she loved it ...opened it up straight away and tuned it into tha football commentary ...might not seem much to anyone else but that really made my day :) ...of course now i gotta dash cus Pop Idol is comin' on and altho i would love to tell you that i doh really watch it ...i can't; i'm hooked and have already chosen who i want to be my new Pop Idol ~ i put ma metaphorical money on Will last year but where tha hell is he?! ...*disappears chantin' "Michelle! Michelle!"
UPDATE: wooohooo!! Michelle and Chris are tha first of tha final 50 to go thro' to tha next round... c'mon it for us biggies :D

posted by Tilly @ 8:14 PM ~

i've been trying to get an early night all week and it was lookin' promising tonight until i got on tha telephone to ma sis *L's ma mams birthday tomorrow and we were making the final arrangements for going over to see her and how we were going to fit in doing a bit of shopping too but tha more we chatted tha more her vodka kicked in and by tha time we'd been chattin' for an hour she wasn't makin' much sense *L'er mind...i'll try again for an early one tomorrow :)

posted by Tilly @ 12:30 AM ~

Thursday, September 11, 2003

i get the strangest post some days :o? i must be on every mailing list going and i get sent some awful things but this morning i think i got the most bizarre one ever!! with the opening line of the acompanying letter starting with "apparently we've got about 15 seconds to whet your appetite before you lob this in the bin as just another piece of junk mail. Oh the pressure!" ...worked on me *L ...and it knows exactly who it is marketting: "I Want One of Those" is really a lil mag full of executive toys but if you like your gadgets then this is the place to head. It can be found at and altho i haven't checked it out yet i might just pop along to see if they have anymore crazy ideas like the ones they previewed in their brochure... i never realised just how much i wanted to own a Twister duvet set ;) or my own remote control blimp *L a breathing fake cat mebbe??! or indeed... my very own ant colony *hahaha might just revolutionise this years X'mas tho' ...the tagline of 'stuff you don't need... but you really, really want™' hits the nail on tha head :D

posted by Tilly @ 11:12 PM ~

oooooooooooh...September 11th ...2 years on since the World Trade Centre bombing ...prolly not gonna be much going on on tha telly today then huh ...eurgh!!

posted by Tilly @ 12:08 AM ~

what a fuckin' awful day... it didn't start out as i had hoped... waking up after going to bed on an arguement is never a good thing but normally it just passes like it never happened.... not today :( ...the atmosphere was heavy and there was nothing i could say to make it any better... i spent most of the day chatting with my mam and looking at properties in Greece where she is hoping to move to sometime in the near future. i'd love to be completely happy for her and my dad but i'll miss them prolly more than i could ever bring myself to say to them until they are actually gone ...i wish i could be a lil more open with them about it before then! i did a mad shop before the footie came on the telly tonight and bought completely the wrong gift for ma mams birthday on Saturday so i have to go out tomorrow to rectify that before i head into town to look at suites that i can't afford only to get more miserable altho the one i do like i can afford just not right now ...Laurens room still needs decorating ...just another expense i could do without but since i was intending to do it around March time and Nina arrived i should really MAKE the time to do it now before Nina moves into Laurens room... then theres the living room, if i am going to spend a fortune on a suite then i ain't putting it straight into that room as it stands at present ...its dowdy/drab and needs a complete overhaul ...yet more expense ...arrgghh!! i'm even considering getting someone in to do the decorating in the living room cus tha thought of it is stressing me out and i'm not sure how much i can take on my shoulders before they buckle under the strain of recent events :((

posted by Tilly @ 12:04 AM ~

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

i'm not feeling so hot this morning/afternoon... i gotta go out ...and thats the problem ..i don't wanna!! it might not be normal but i feel comfortable in my own home, like its my security blanket and i'm safe here. Its 3 weeks since Nina went to the baby clinic and i know i HAVE to go and i WILL go *sighs* ...i know i know, it's not normal but....

posted by Tilly @ 1:29 PM ~

Sunday, September 07, 2003

i've just spent a fantastic night putting tha world to rights! you were prolly mentioned in some way whether it be about tha fact tha you doh wear tha right clothes or you ain't bringing up ya kids how I would or ya just a prick!!...and i had a drink nearly a whole bottle too ...hic!! ...funny how taboo doh taste how i remember but Gay Jay and I were finishing off tha remnants of his Hot Pot supper alcohol supply from last week *slurrrrrrrrrs*

posted by Tilly @ 12:53 AM ~

Friday, September 05, 2003

hey ~ i just found ma mobile fone... not bad huh ...'specially as i didn't know i had lost it *lmao ...i doh remember tha last time i used it and its so low on battery that it won't even switch on ...*ahem* ...oops!

posted by Tilly @ 9:27 PM ~

i'm tired and as much as i would love to crack on with some of the ideas that loiter in ma head i'm really considering getting a very early night ...there's so much buzzin' about in ma 'ed and i need to put some of it into practise otherwise i'm gonna start forgetting what it was that i wanted to do anyway! i'm not sure i got ma tech'ed on regardless cus i could do with catching up on some Zzzz's ~ i might be able to grab the occassional 40 winks during tha afternoon but nothing beats a full nights sleep and as i've hardly seen anyone i know on line for ages now its not like i'm gonna end up on here all night ... i s'pose folks circumstances change *sighs* ...mine too really, but have we all really gone in seperate directions?! i hope not ...but big thanks to tha "Will Cox" for keeping me comp'ny into tha wee small hours of tha mornin' ...i couldn't have done it without you ;)
well, if ya knockin' about and fancy a natter BUZZ me ...i'm here for a lil longer :)

posted by Tilly @ 8:12 PM ~

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

if it hadn't taken me 20 minutes to go to tha loo, make a cuppa, set up a DVD stick the empties in tha steriliser AND on the front door step then i woulda be posting this back at 9pm and raving that my routine, all be it only 1 day old, is running perfectly so far *vbg ...the kids are both tucked up in bed and Ben and i are about to settle down to watch 'Catch me if you Can' could be crap for all i care is just wonderful :o)

posted by Tilly @ 8:20 PM ~

my not so lil baby has gone back to school this morning... i'm missing her already and she only left the house 20 minutes ago :( she looked so grown up in her new uniform and her big dobbin' shoes that she'll no doubt fall over in and then i'll just realise that she's not so big after all *vbg

posted by Tilly @ 8:19 AM ~

Monday, September 01, 2003

Lauren, 30th August 2003Nina, 1st September 2003i love my new toys *vbg ...i didn't think i would put a digital camera to good use so have always put off buying one in the past but when Ben turned up with one the other day i wasn't going to complain :) and check out my angelic babies ...both these pics were taken in tha last coupla days ...doh they melt ya hearts :D

posted by Tilly @ 1:55 PM ~

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