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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Friday, October 31, 2003

we've had a bit of a Hallowe'en party here tonight... nothing big an' fancy an' all for Laurens benefit but it was fantastic. My sis and ma folks came over an' Lauren dressed up as the obligatory witch in a bin bag but she looked great with sparkly tights an' face paints an' a cape... we decorated tha dining room with black an' orange streamers at tha door, an orange table cloth with a black web design on it tha we did ...and lil pumpkin faces all over... we tucked into tomato soup an' hot dogs follow by jelly with lil creatures in ....hmmmm! there were tangarines, treacle toffee, french fancies ...we all had a brilliant time an' tha pumpkin we lit up looked marvellous :O)

posted by Tilly @ 10:00 PM ~

Daily Double:
1. Are you watching TV right now? If so, what show? ...have just watched 2 Fast 2 Furious... cars...brrrrm brrrrm ...not much else but it passed the time :)
2. Are you listening to music right now? If so, what song? ...nah...but i was lis'nin' to tha Blu Cantrell album early on this evenin' ...t'is good ....i like!

posted by Tilly @ 12:44 AM ~

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Daily Double:
1. What is the scariest movie you've ever seen? ...House on Haunted Hill ... i made Ben turn it off half way thro' ...i DOH do jumps!!
2. Have you ever encountered a celebrity? ...when i was lil we went on holiday to Wales and Prince Charles was visitin' ...we have photographic evidence but i doh remember tha day at all

posted by Tilly @ 10:02 AM ~

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Nina had her 7/8 month check this mornin' unbelievably and regardless of tha 2 month disadvantage she passed with flyin' colours [apart from tha sittin' up thing but it wouldn't be so much fun if we couldn't guess which way she was gonna fall each time ;)] we headed straight up to tha supermarket after tha cus our cupboards were starting to make Mrs Hubbard look like she'd been splashin' out on groceries! ...i have nowt else to do today 'cept head to tha docs, tha chemist, tha post office, tha local store *sighs*' watch ma boys on tha telly later obv!
Daily Double:
1. What are you dressing up as for Halloween this year? ...nothin''s taken me long enough to sort out Lauren's witch an' Nina's cat costumes
2. What is the worst Halloween costume you've ever worn? ..the skeleton with a cape and a top hat didn't exactly turn out how i had envisaged!!

posted by Tilly @ 2:11 PM ~

Thursday, October 23, 2003

we're just packin' to go to visit some friends [altho i'm takin' a 5 minute break while Bens off pickin' Lauren up from school!] ...our friends have a new addition to their family' baby makes 3 we've made up a baby hamper full of goodies an' we've given them a few days to settle in at home but now i HAVE to go visit! Nina is still ma lil'un but she's a chump *teehee doubt i'll cry when i see this lil squirt an emotional fish! if you doh know tha by now then you doh know me at all!!
Daily Double:
1. Is it cold at where you live? ...ruddy freezin' today :(' wet :((
2. How much candy do you eat a day? depends i watchin' a film with this candy or wha'??

posted by Tilly @ 2:21 PM ~

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

HOLY SHIT!!'s all happenin' at the minute! i reckon if i stop i'll never start again :( ...but i am about ...some place... doin' ma thing MY way ;) ...i got a shitload of Daily Doubles.... s'gonna be more like a quickfire thang so am gonna get it outta tha way:
1. What is the most used program on your computer? ...PhotoSuite 2000 or Nero
2. What is your favorite animal and why? tha giraffe, long and slender, just like me ;)
3. When was the last time you cried? ...tha other day when friends had a baby girl :) *vbg
4. Do you like to eat hamburgers? from time to time ~ Maccy D's cheeseburgers :Þ
5. How often do you listen to the radio? ...not often enough... i prefer to flick thro tha music channels on tha telly
6. How many CDs do you own? long you got?!
7. How many people do you have on your messenger list? enough, but i only chat to a select couple *waves @ Cray-Z Gal vigorously*
8. Where is the most beautiful place you have seen? ...Llanaber in Wales... we went there on holiday a few years back and watched porpoise swimming in tha sea while we ate breakfast... a holiday i never want to forget... it was bliss!
9. How many e-mails do you get a day? ...depends... some days i can't move for 'em ...other days i'm forgotten :(
10. How many movies have you watched this month? ...quite a few... the offer at the local video shop is BOGOF so we do ....been to tha cinema just the once tho'
11. Are you artistic? i think i am ...but it bores me!
12. Which new release movie would you love to watch in the theatres? Kill Bill... got tha babysitter but i ain't got tha cash yet
13. What makes you frustrated? ...people cancellin' plans without informing me!!
14. How long are your blogs usually? ...depends whats going on in ma life... an' how long it is since i was last here ....oopsie!
15. Do you enjoy Shakespeare's work? If so, which play is your favourite? NAH!! i was tha only kid in school in top group who was told i could do Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men instead of Macbeth... i just doh get it *blushes*
16. Do you have a microwave in your house? ...yup ...doesn't get used that often but i would miss it if it went
17. What gum brand do you like? ...orbit, if i have it
18. Which do you like more, the sun or the moon? the moon, i doh do mornings!!
...oh an' *hahaha... tha worst kept secret is finaly out ....literally *LOL wha' took ya so long Lollipop ?? ...what took you so long to let me know ... i 'member GayJay gettin' someone else to ask if he could still come round to visit or didn't i wanna know him no more.... rotflmao @ tha .... ....what really is tha shocker is you... a catholic gal ...whatever will tha 'BIG' man say??

posted by Tilly @ 10:21 PM ~

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Daily Double:
1. Are you glad that hockey and basketball has started/is starting soon? it has?? *shrugs* i like hockey but ....?!
2. Do you believe in friends forever? nope...i think people fulfil a 'job' ..some people come into our lives for a very short time, some for longer and some just seem to hang around forever like a bad smell *L ...all these people play a part in our lives :)

posted by Tilly @ 3:12 PM ~

from left to right: Lauren, Nina,
Ben, Nina, Me *gasps* Lauren, 
Chorlton ;) Ben and Nina

posted by Tilly @ 12:52 AM ~

Friday, October 10, 2003

i didn't have any plans for tonight apart from doin' nothing ;) ...chatted on tha fone to ma sis which included an invite up to her house on Sunday for some grub an' no doubt watchin' tha footie an' then i spoke to 'Ma Money Makin' Man' about gibberin' *giggles* ...and risin' to tha occasion ;) an' trust *pah! i'm just gonna make some bottles then am off up tha dancers'night :)
Daily Double:
1. What are two websites that you visit on a daily basis? my eMail an' here prolly...altho not always daily i have been pretty good just recently an' not stopped on line tha long ...tha internet lost a lil interest just lately
2. What is the most romantic thing you can think of? heart shaped butterscotch angel delight *giggles*

posted by Tilly @ 10:57 PM ~

Thursday, October 09, 2003

i've been out with ma sis tonight to another freebie preview showing of a film at tha cinema and it was absolutely brilliant! the movie flowed thro tha life of Jim Sheridan, who directed it, on his hardships of uprootin' his family from Ireland and going to live in America ....thas tha name of tha film: In American. to describe it is hard: tearjerker, heartrenching, down to earth, tragic, happy, sad, beautiful :))
Daily Double:
1. What was the worst movie you've ever saw? DareDevil ...its shite!
2. How long have you been doing the Daily Double? Why do you choose to do the Daily Double? i only started a coupla weeks back ...i wanted to put across a lil about me an' havin' random questions to answer helps tha :)

posted by Tilly @ 10:34 PM ~

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

i've felt like i've been gettin' thro' life on ma own lately... i've not had a lotta confidence in people [not Ben mind] but it didn't take much for GayJay to restore ma faith this evening only took for him to offer to babysit if Ben and I wanted to go out ...i didn't let it show at tha time but i've been a bit weepy since... if only those closer to home would be as thoughtful :(
Daily Double:
1. What was the last lie you told? crikey...a lil white lie ...prolly to Ben cus i told him i'd put tha washing out when he called only then i legged it around so tha washing was out by tha time he got here ;) shhhhh! ...doh tell him i told ya :)
2. Do you feel you have ever done anything heroic? i do ...but its a lil too personal to go into on here ...sorry!

posted by Tilly @ 9:18 PM ~

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

i just took some garden ornament quiz?! i was bored, ok!!

Daily Double:
1. Do you have a sweet tooth? er yeah, you doh think i'm naturally this big do ya
2. Who did you last speak with, and what did you say? Lauren, we've been for our flu jabs :( and just gotten back ...we chatted on tha walk home about when i was in hospital, how lil tha jabs hurts in comparison to last year, what we were going to have for tea and Lauren practised her times-tables :)

posted by Tilly @ 3:48 PM ~

Monday, October 06, 2003

i'm finally comin' to a closure with tha decoratin' in ma living room now ...apart from tha lack of a new suite which won't be here until at least tha 13th of this month :( how rude!! i've bought new shades to replace tha old glass flowery ones [which originally replaced some hideous gold frilly tassled ones *retches*] an' today i went out an' bought a new shade for tha middle of tha room [along with lotsa cake ...hmmm!!] ...t'is a bit funky ....papier mache parchment type like i had in ma bedroom when i was just a lil'un ...i like it so there :oÞ
Daily Double:
1. Which author annoys you the most? i can't think of an author i would read regularly if they annoyed me so i wouldn't know just how annoying they were, right?? I loved Kathy Lette... Mad Cows was a riot but i read 2 of her books one after tha other and realised just how similar all her books are :(
2. How often do you listen to the radio? not often enough... occasionally mebbe to listen to tha football commentary but thas all
Yesterdays Daily Double: ~ oops!!
1. Pick one food that you really want to try. i've never tried crispy duck ...sounds delish!
2. Do you know what stickycaps are? What is your opinion on them? i don't know what they are so i have no opinion!

posted by Tilly @ 5:26 PM ~

Saturday, October 04, 2003

so i doh talk to many but when i do i talk too much *sighs* ...i wanted to listen, hanging onto your every word... catching up with old acquaintances [no, not acquaintances but friends] an' what do i do ....prattle on about shit! my non-descript lifestyle an' day to day crappy existence! i'm totally fulfilled an' yet lacking in so much ...i don't do anything an' yet i have no time! i NEED to make some positive changes an' hopefully fast but i doh know where to start ...eurgh!!

posted by Tilly @ 11:21 PM ~

POP IDOL: this week was just a bit bland and altho i was confident that my 1st choice to go thro', Kim, would go thro' i wasn't so sure about Leon, my 2nd choice... turns out Leon was favoured for poll position [pmsl @ tha 'tinkler' gettin' all cocky then comin' in in 4th position only .3% infront of Tarek *vvbg ...tha daily double is crap today ...i wasn't going to answer but:
Daily Double:
1. What would you say/do if you found someone in the opposite sex in your bed? unless it was Ben then 'what tha feck you doin' in my bed??!'
2. What would you say/do if your crush told you the he/she loves you? i'd prolly laugh out loud at tha very thought!!

posted by Tilly @ 9:37 PM ~

Friday, October 03, 2003

i feel like i have let a lot of people down lately ...i haven't been there for folks when they might have needed me ...i can honestly [and positively] say that i have more friends on/via tha 'net than i have [from] IRL i like it this way but i doh seem to have been doin' quality online all that often lately, even more so recently, but i doh use it to tha main advantage... to keep intouch with people ... i doh seem to boot up my mail tha often and type a coupla lines just to ask how someone is... i know tha makes my day so why shouldn't it of others?? there was a time when a day wouldn't pass when i would be in contact with people on my mobile, texts, eMail, my house phone but its been months since i contacted some people and they deserve better... i started making up for this a coupla days back with just one phone call... there wasn't any answer but just leaving a message made me feel a lil better but there is so much more i gotta do ... to those who've experienced my recent shittiness first hand i apologise :( those tha haven't realised it... i apologise too :(( ...without even having to think about it i could name 5 folks who deserve more ... *sighs* ....god, am so crap!! i wouldn't want me as my friend so why would you?!
i wasn't gonna bother with tha daily double today but i like tha questions so...
Daily Double:
1. Do you have any posters or pictures on your bedroom walls? ...i have a large picture of Lauren of the first time she ever saw snow :) i also have 2 scan pictures of ma babies which i didn't think were appropriate for anywhere else...
2. If you had to give up one, which sense would you give up (sight, smell, touch, hear, taste)? ...most definitely taste... i wouldn't like to live without seeing, hearing, touching or smelling my children on the soppy side but also dieting would be a damn site easier if i couldn't taste chocolate ;)

posted by Tilly @ 9:43 PM ~

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Daily Double: ~ oops!!
1. Where is the computer in your house located? in tha kitchen, in an alcove
2. Have you ever farted and denied it? of course...but at home i like to get peoples attention first *teehee!

posted by Tilly @ 2:17 PM ~

wha' tha feck am i doin' up at this hour?! i was all geared up for an early night... i even managed that an' then Nina woke up ...not for too long but it kinda threw me... so i lay there listenin' to her snufflin' and wrigglin' for a while and finally around 3am i figured there wasn't much point just lyin' there so i gotta bath [might not seem normal but its nothin' outta tha ordinary here] ...i lay in tha for a while but i'm still not sleepy enough ...Lauren snorin' ...Bens breathin' heavily ...Nina's huffin' from time to time and i'm on my second cuppa tea ....God damn!!

posted by Tilly @ 2:59 AM ~

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

i was puttin' tha rubbish out behind the back gate this evenin' when in tha distance i heard tha X'Mas carol Good King Wenslas?! my back garden backs onto a church so it didn't take too long to figure it was comin' from tha church ...tha choir didn't sound like they needed to practise ...was real nice actually but NOW already? in October?? *gasps* ...that only brings home to me just how lil time i got to save :(
Daily Double: i'm not doin' too bad huh ;)
1. What was the weirdest name you've ever heard of? Xuxu ...i couldn't pronounce tha ...apparantly its Zuzu ...go figure?!
2. Are you artistic? i can be...if i set my mind to it ...i did get some artwork displayed at the local TownHall when i was 15 but it never interested me enough to take it up

posted by Tilly @ 10:20 PM ~

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