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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Monday, November 17, 2003

i'm all nervous... ma suite is due any minute an' Ben has had to go out at a seconds notice, Nina is about to wake up VERY hungry after cryin' herself to sleep for almost half an hour, tha living room has been demolished to make way for tha new suite, Lauren's gotta be picked up, she got Brownies, Bens at footie... i'm takin' 5 minutes before tha proverbial hits tha fan cus i suspect once i gotta start i ain't gonna get tha chance again today ...eurgh!!

posted by Tilly @ 12:31 PM ~

Sunday, November 16, 2003

it feels lovely an' crisp this mornin' and i can really feel maself gettin' into tha X'mas spirit :) I'm even considerin' poppin' into town to buy me a new tree [i was gonna wait til tha January sales but Woolies have a sale on ...yippee!!] ...and i got good new about ma new suite... and a date for delivery ...hurray!! Monday afternoon ~ til its here i won't believe it but i got tha call, thas one step further than i got before *bg ...its now just over 2 months since they took ma *ahem* hard earned cash in exchange for a new suite within 10-14 days... all good things come to those who wait huh :O) which brings me back to X'mas ...i'm like a lil kid already. i was stood at tha kitchen sink lookin' at tha garden which is all crispy with frost an' a robin perches itself on tha fence no more tha 3 foot away ...awwwwww! t'is official t'is winter *vbg

posted by Tilly @ 9:42 AM ~

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Daily Double:
1. What toppings do you like on your pizza? ...pepperoni, ham and pineapple, chicken ...hmmmm!
2. What internet browser/program do you use? IE5.5 for me :)

posted by Tilly @ 3:34 PM ~

Thursday, November 13, 2003

i got stung... royally... and it hurt :'(

posted by Tilly @ 2:47 AM ~

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Daily Double:
1. Are you looking forward to Christmas? ...yup ...the closer it gets the more excited i am ...i have a few presents bought already but quite a way to go yet :o)
2. Do you have a cell phone? yup...a Nokia 3410 i think rings... it works... i doh care what it looks like really altho i could do with an upgrade *wanders off to check out Vodafones website.................!!

posted by Tilly @ 4:40 PM ~

Monday, November 10, 2003

Daily Double:
1. Where do you buy groceries from the most? ...mostly tha local co-op but if i do a big shop its either KwikSave, Morrisons or Sainsburys depending what we want/need ...and how flush i am feeling :D
2. Do you love having pictures taken of you? NO!! i hate it with a passion ...i'm normally tha one behind tha lens ;)

posted by Tilly @ 6:29 PM ~

Sunday, November 09, 2003

we had a great time last night and i was too worn out by tha time i got home to post about it... we went over to ma folks house for winter grub an' a bonfire with fireworks... we got there about 6pm and pretty much tucked into tha food straight away cus Ben couldn't stop long :( ...hotpot...hmmmm!! tha fire looked great and tha kids were loving it ...Lauren even had a neighbours grandaughter to play with so she was in her eliment. there was soooo much food that i ended up bringin' loads home for Ben to have for his tea today. I'm not too sure Nina was impressed with tha fireworks tho... either that or she wanted to be back outside watching with tha rest of tha gang rathe than from tha indoors *L mighta been a right royal pain in tha ass to get over with everything that i was gonna need but it was definitely worth it for tha fun we had and tha girls got a new coat and nightie outta it ...:)
Daily Double:
1. What kind of drinks do you like the best? ...a hot cuppa tea :)
2. How many days are there left until your birthday? ... enough for you to all get saving up ;)

posted by Tilly @ 11:32 AM ~

Friday, November 07, 2003

i'm up early... and late :( ... i went to bed, couldn't sleep, came downstairs for a cuppa an' then tha sun came up *gasps* and now, as i am starting to feel my eyelids get heavy i can hear Laurens alarm clock buzzin' an' Nina is doin' her ritual cot scratchin' ...just time for another brew before all hell breaks lose :O)

posted by Tilly @ 7:43 AM ~

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Daily Double:
1. Do you procrastinate? How often? ...of course ...all tha time [otherwise i'd at elast have ma guestbook lookin' like tha rest of ma site ;)]
2. How much would you pay for a pair of pants? ...enough...but not too much!

posted by Tilly @ 7:23 PM ~

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Holy F@*k!! Kill Bill Vol 1...just how awesome was that... i doh like gettin' caught up in tha hype of a film cus more often than not i am disappointed in tha result [i'm still to watch Titanic and i've owned that since tha day of release *L] but we happen to know a chap who knew a chap *ahem* who got us a copy an' Ben an' i sat down to it last night ...okay... so its violent... its graphic...but its actually quite funny too ...would highly recommend cus it rocks a fat one ;)
Daily Double:
1. Do you have a bad habit? ...aye ...lots!
2. What color shirt are you wearing now? ...a pale blue one ...with vinyl designs on tha front

posted by Tilly @ 9:39 PM ~

Monday, November 03, 2003

Daily Double:
1. About how many people came to your house this halloween? trick or treat?? only a few...and no teenagers with their coats pulled over their heads this year!
2. When was the last time you brushed your teeth? after my shower this morning all clean see

posted by Tilly @ 6:05 PM ~

Sunday, November 02, 2003

am trollied ...hic!! ...*giggles*

posted by Tilly @ 2:55 AM ~

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