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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Sunday, December 28, 2003

Joni Mitchell once sang "don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got til its gone" ...and quite right she was but whats the equivalent when you think you miss something until you get it back and then you realise that it wasn't quite as good as you remember?? same goes for people i guess :(

posted by Tilly @ 5:45 PM ~

Saturday, December 27, 2003

WOW mam excelled herself tonight with a chinese themed meal at her house ...Ben had to work so he got first helpings so he could leave ....we had honey barbecue spare ribs for starters with chicken pieces that had been marinated in tha most pleasant of spices and then there was sweet'n'sour which i'd never been a fan of but am sure was delicious all tha same... next came tha stir fry with pork ~ just tha right side of crunchy :) ...and with red thai curry to follow tha whole thing was a total success :) ...hardly chinese but we had trifle for dessert *L ...cleansed tha palate a treat tha did :)

posted by Tilly @ 11:57 PM ~

Friday, December 26, 2003

Christmas wasn't so bad even if i did think that i had messed up everyone elses plans from the onset... i always find it is best to include everybody involved in plans and then things doh go wrong *sighs* ...we got some great gifts :) ...and some not so great but i ain't complaining... i haven't put SuperPlexus down yet ... i haven't completed it and i am totally feck'd off with it but its addictive ...arrgghh!! i got new trainees too ...and phones, and Bushmills ...hmmmm! tha luvverly Johnny Knoxville on DVD ...and tha list goes on ...but of coiurse it was all about tha kids :D ...they're great and were both on their best behaviour... they got everything they asked for and all thats missing now is some storage space to put everything ...i can feel a spring clean coming on ....eurgh!! ...back to a lil normality tonight as Bens working and the kids are going to bed at a reasonable hour so i plan to rest if only for 5 minutes :) ...and so another Friday rolls by:
Friday Five:
1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year? ...i gave birth to
a beautiful baby girl *vbg
2. What was your biggest disappointment? ...tha Arsenal players not getting more harsh punishments for their harrassment of Van Nistelrooy :((
3. What do you hope the new year brings? ...and cake *pmsl @ tha ;)
4. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions? If yes, what will they be? ...i'll make a few piecrust promises to myself to better myself in a way i see fit but i have no illusions that by tha end of january they will be forgotten :) for what they are... well i ain't telling... thas just unwanted pressure :)
5. What are your plans for New Year's Eve? ...nadda... Bens working so i'll be sat in with tha girls :)

posted by Tilly @ 7:33 PM ~

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

its really getting very close now isn't it? even i am getting over excited :D ...Laurens trying to figure out whats real and whats not about Santa and Nina is knack'd but i insist she gets into the spirit by at least helping to make Santas annual cuppa tea and mince pie ;) ...If i haven't got it now then its just too late, everything is wrapped under tha tree and letters have been written so i'm off to watch some papp X'mas telly ....have a good one ...i know i will :)

posted by Tilly @ 9:29 PM ~

Sunday, December 21, 2003

god damn i'm pissed off tonight :(

posted by Tilly @ 11:30 PM ~

Saturday, December 20, 2003

woohooo!! tha big lass only gone an' done it ...Michell Mcmanus is tha 2003 Pop Idol and i'm chuffed to lil mint balls for her... i wasn't confident that she'd get tha votes but i think it was a bit of a runaway for her by tha end cus tha folks at PI never mentioned tha %age tha she won by which was a major deal ... tha total votes for both contestants was 10.26m by tha end of tha night and i think once someone did mention something about 70+ % but i wasn't payin' full attention so i can't be sure but WOW!! ...i'm sure she'll be having a chart topper in tha New year but whether people will still support her after tha i really doh know ...guess we'll just have to wait an' see woh we :) ...since tha finished i've done tha usual chores round here and then i decided to have a bit of a fiddle around with ma guestbook which still had the old layout but i think i have done a pretty good job of making tha same as tha rest of tha site now [apart from tha oversize date but am working on tha] ... so have you left your mark on ma lil world?? ...not only tha but i took a lil look at my old forum ...and thas up an' running again ...i haven't exactly done much there other than change tha HTML to it but again, its fitting in nicely ...but its just a place to leave messages so doh be worryin' too much about startin' any major threads :) ...i guess all i gotta do is get ma online family album up on line and i'm done ....pahhhhhhh!!! NOT!!!

posted by Tilly @ 11:28 PM ~

Friday, December 19, 2003

Friday Five:
1. List your five favorite beverages ...gimme a nice hot cuppa tea anytime altho if you're buyin' then a bushmills will be lovely ta ;) other than tha.. a frothy coffee, diet coke or pineapple juice :)
2. List your five favorite websites ...i haven't done much surfin' of late but if i have 5 minutes to spare then i flood a particular forum and i play some games at i read others blogs and i check my mail tha 5?!:)
3. List your five favorite snack foods ...savoury eggs, pizza, cheese and marmite toasties, pringles and eccles cakes they count?!
4. List your five favorite board and/or card games ...i LOVE gin rummy and i love playin' trivial pursuits an' scrabble, link letters and boggle
5. List your five favorite computer and/or game system games ...i've just borrowed GTA3 which is keeping me amused for far too long :D i like Tetris [doh we all :)] bust-a-move, klonoa2 and Dark cloud

posted by Tilly @ 10:25 PM ~

is the world really full of inept people?? after the fiasco the other day with the catalogue i finally managed to speak to some supervisor who agreed with me that the way i was treated on tha phone was totally crap and she was going to deal with the matter in hand... first thing to trace the item and call me to keep me informed... and thats where it goes a bit pear-shaped :( that was 2 days back and still i am waiting to hear something *sighs* ...not only that but today Ben heads into town to pick up a DVD which wasn't in stock a coupla weeks back and had been ordered. I even rang up to check that it had arrived and that they would hold it for me until today and was told it would be held til at least X'mas when it would go on the shelf to be sold as normal stock. So how is it that Ben had to stand in HMV for over 40 minutes whilst 5 people ran around trying to find tha bloody thing??! ...and he still left without it *sighs* ...i swear tha world is full of retards!!

posted by Tilly @ 5:57 PM ~

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

that didn't go too well did it?! i wasn't at all prepared for the day i ended up having today. I didn't manage to fall back to sleep until around 5am so when i fell outta ma pit at 8.30am i was totally zombified I had a fair amount of post and was a lil miffed to realise on my catalogue bill that my commision hadn't been used against the goods i had ordered for Christmas, which by tha way hadn't arrived either but its guaranteed X'mas delivery so thas okay surely ?! i thought i'd give 'em a call and just check that everything was going smoothly... oh how i wish i hadn't :( Turns out i get tha snottiest bitch in tha world who obviously ain't gettin' none who informs me there is "nothing she is prepared to do" about getting the item in question delivered to me before X'mas and that i should have claimed my commission at the time of ordering ~ holy feck!! why didn't i think of doing that... oh yeah! thas cus i did...silly cow!!! So ...i get off tha fone from her ...and cry ...great start... and i got ma sis coming over in a lil more than 30 minutes and i only gotta think about crying for my face to get all blotchy and swollen ...wonderful *sighs* ...and i am still in ma jammies to boot...hardly ready to hit the streets and i none the wiser as to whether i have my main gift for X'mas so rather than go get ready i call back the catalogue and even tho tha woman i speak to this time is a lil less impolite she's hardly gonna win any awards and basically gives me a bog standard, well rehearsed "sorry there is nothing i can do" routine ...eurgh! So ma sis turns up looking all immaculate and i am just headin' up tha stairs to throw on some togs [i'm not even sure at this stage whether i have brushed ma hair but i am SO passed caring!] i am so pissed off with tha customer services [and i used tha term extremely losely!] as it meses with ma whole day... if i doh get this item from them then i need to think about paying out cash for it which dips into ma shopping funds so i figure i'll do what i have to do in town rather than what i want to do which is cool by me :) no worries if it could be that simple! Not intending to but a replacement item just yet we end up in the first store looking at the same items and i doh know what to do: which one? how much shall i pay? where is it going to go? can i use my catalogue commision? [only jokin'...grrr!] what can it do? is it compatible with other stuff? does it come with an adaper? etc etc etc ...and then i get stressed and i can't make a decision but tha guy is pretty forceful and no matter what i say about not makin' a decision he's pushin' it more and more and ma sis is saying she thinks i should but i know i shouldn't and .... i just snapped ...i had to leave NOW!! ...and i balled and i sniffled and i blotched again [why can't i have a dainty cry :(] and my nose started to run and i just had to get outta there :(( so yup ...we're sat in tha car outside an' tha atmosphere can be cut with a knife and i've got uncontrolable sniffles, ma eyes are puffy and sore and i got no handichief ...arrgghh! my sis did her best but i just couldn't bring maself to go back in tha store and i didn't feel like going any place but home :( to cut this short cus i am goin' off on a bit of a tangent i did end up getting most of what i needed to buy, and more, but in a lovely lil village that didn't seem so threatenin' and i got to have some lunch at ma sisters too :) ... i think this year i might just be putting a lil bit too much pressure on maself to please :(

posted by Tilly @ 9:32 PM ~

i'm really tired and i have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow going out to do an actual X'mas shop but i can't sleep. I've got the day going round and round in my head and i am trying to figure out where i have to go and where i should go first and i've gotten maself into a right ol' tizz... todays been eventful and i just crumpled into ma bed around 8.30pm as i would have done maself an injury if i had tried to stay awake any longer but now i am suffering for it ...eurgh! i've had a shower, a warm mug of milk and still i am sat here browsing tha high street stores websites to work out whats best ...pah!! i hate shopping :((

posted by Tilly @ 3:37 AM ~

Sunday, December 14, 2003

sings: *someone left tha cake out in tha rain... i don't think that I can take it 'cause it took so long t' bake it an' i'll never have that recipe again .........oh no!!*
i've actually stuck tha X'mas tree up tonight ...and it looks absolutely amazin' ...with tha new tree and tha suite ...t'is lookin' really fancy so i might just take a piccy of tha once i got ma digicam back online... i couldn't be bothered with it all, i'm still achin' and in need of some sleep, but i promised Lauren. it does look lovely ~ new twinkin' lights and pine cones on tha branches :) ...and Ninas firsts X'mas stocking is hung up and she got a decoration hung on tha tree just like Laurens *vbg ...t'is beautiful actually and i can't wait to see Ninas face in tha mornin' *vVbg

posted by Tilly @ 2:29 AM ~

Saturday, December 13, 2003

i got butt-ache :((
too much liftin' an' carryin' and now if i bend over i get a shootin' pain down ma leg from ma buttcheek to ma ankle so unfit ...thas gonna be ma first New Years resolution *teehee!!' prolly tha first one to break an' all *LOL i'm meant to be gettin' an early night tonight what with tha Manchester derby taking place early tomorrow and the first of the relatives are calling to exchange presents (ah! knew i had something to do today ...oops!) but i got chattin' on tha telephone an' Bens gonna shout again ;) ...why is it that whenever i think of gettin' in touch with someone after not chattin' for a while they always get in touch with me *l ...first ma Yam on tha very day i *ahem* think about sending a mail and then ma mobi starts ringing an' its ma "Money Makin' Man" ...*vbg ... funny how you doh realise how much you miss something til you get it back... well everything slotted back into place and we chatted, well i chatted, for ages about alsorts... i got nervous tho ...and i couldn't and wouldn't shut up :( i wanted to listen but i was worried that if i stopped talking then there would be a silence and i didn't want that awkwardness to be there so i gabbed ~ constantly!! *lmfao @ me tha pleb!! so, i got ma partner in crime for ma binge session on tha booze ;) i NEED to get sooooo very drunk..... very soon :))

posted by Tilly @ 2:30 AM ~

Friday, December 12, 2003

tha daily double appears to have gone AWOL so i've opted for tha
Friday Five ...seems tha same...and self-explanatory :)
1. Do you enjoy the cold weather and snow for the holidays? ...of course... i can't remember tha last time it snowed on X'mas day but i do remember it snowing on April 12th 4 or 5 years back cus we had just come back from a week away :) tha was Laurens first experience of snow :D
2. What is your ideal holiday celebration? How, where, with whom would you celebrate to make things perfect? ...i do enjoy X'mas cus of tha kids... so with family, wherever so long as its nice and prolly just us getting together would be enough
3. Do you do have any holiday traditions? ...Ben and i open a gift just after midnight on Christmas Eve ....thas our lil bit of time together before tha mad rush starts :)
4. Do you do anything to help the needy? ...i subcribe to a monthly magazine which helps different charities.
5. What one gift would you like for yourself? ...a night off :)

posted by Tilly @ 8:48 PM ~

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

todays attempt to sort out the girls room was exhausting ...i ache in places i didn't know i could ache :( ...we had to fix broken furniture and sort out ALL of Laurens toys, games, art stuff etc into stuff to keep, sell, bin and it was hideous doing it with Lauren there as she wanted to keep everything ...eurgh! the room is coming on a treat now and Nina should be in her big cot by the weekend now... then all i gotta do is consider gettin' the X'mas tree stuck up :) ...oh!' ma lil monkey got her first big shiny white tooth today ... she ain't impressed but tha funky raspberry/puckerin' up noises she's been makin' all day are just tha cutest thing EVER :oÞ

posted by Tilly @ 9:44 PM ~

Monday, December 08, 2003

been too long ain't it *nods in agreement* ...seems like forever but that might just be 'cause since tha last bloggin' i did i have decorated 2 rooms in ma house an' changed bedrooms around, stocked up for X'mas... de-cluttered for X'mas nowhere near done but i did buy ma first gift tha other day so 1 down only another god knows how many to go ...*sighs*

posted by Tilly @ 10:41 PM ~

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