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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Friday, January 30, 2004

Friday Five:
You have just won one million dollars: [ i'd be tha lucky :(]
1. Who do you call first?
...Ben... i doubt that he would believe me so he'd prolly be tha second and third person too ;)
2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself? ...after lots of other lil biddy things tha first major big thing would prolly be a car [with an aptly named crash course thrown in] ...followed swiftly by a house ...not too big ...but not too small either
3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else? ...for Ben an iPod, for Lauren a keyboard and for Nina a VERY large tigger :)
4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom? ...yuppers, to BLISS (or mebbe tha NeoNatal Unit at Stepping Hill instead) to Cancer Research and to family ...and a very few select friends ;)
5. Do you invest any? If so, how? ...i'd certainly have to think about how but i definitely would... mebbe some property to rent out ....depends on how much i got left after i deal with my/Bens/my parents/my sisters bills :)

posted by Tilly @ 11:40 PM ~

Thursday, January 29, 2004

i've done so much today and i am SO tired ... i was rudely awoken by tha postie but i let him off cus he had two lovely parcels for me [signing ma name at tha time of day tho' ...sheeesh!! i coulda been signin' ma life away for all i knew!!] Nina went for her first check up at the dentist too, she sat on ma knee in tha big chair whilst tha dentist tried to prise her lips apart to get a look at her gnashers... then Ben and i cracked on with changing tha bedroom round [why we started tha i do not know!] we're kinda done-ish but there's a fair way to go and its not lookin' any better for it just yet and after yesterdays surgery [which ended up bein' on ma arm] i kinda wish we'da left it for another day :( but am okay now-ish!! come to think of it... i might consider changin' ma name to ish ... ;)

posted by Tilly @ 10:48 PM ~

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

i'm not looking forward to this afternoon... i gotta go to tha hospital to have a biopsy done and altho its not tha first time i've had this done tis tha first time i have had time to think about it for months beforehand... i doh like being probed [;)] i doh like bein' asked to strip nekid an' to lie on ma back [;) i do have boobs... just not in tha' position!!] an' i certainly doh like have chunks of flesh bein' cut away in tha name of modern science :((

posted by Tilly @ 9:56 AM ~

Friday, January 23, 2004

Friday Five:
At this moment, what is your favourite...
...Toxic by Britney Spears has really gotten under my skin but i am not sure i should be admitting tha' ;)
2. ...we had a spectacular curry for tea tonight, and i love chicken supreme but nothing beats a proper English Sunday roast with all the trimmings ...hmmmm
3. show? ...Nip/Tuck ...i thought it was going to be a bit of a let down... more trying to be trendy than original but i'm lovin' it so far
4. ...scent? ...some cheapy Adidas stuff i picked up for Ben smell incredibly nice considering :)
5. ...quote? ..."i'd rather be hated for being me than loved for being something i'm not" ...i saw it on someones blog and thought it was a good'un :)

posted by Tilly @ 9:36 PM ~

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

I'm really crap at this birthday stuff... i tell myself that getting old doesn't bother me and day t' day it really doesn't but i'll let a few months pass and catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and realise just how much i've aged :( ...laughter lines i convince myself [they give me character] and then i move on to the next most important thing... [did i leave a note out for the milkman for that extra pint?!] i've pitied friends who've acted like their lives are coming to an abrupt end 'cause tha big three-O is on the way and congratulated myself at not feeling the need to dress up on MY big day to feel young but this is the last year of my twenties... a decade thats had magical moments i shall never forget and those that i wish i could *sighs* i've heard it said that the personality you have when you turn thirty is the one you are stuck with for the rest of your life ...mebbe i've left it too late but i really should make an effort to do something about that this next twelve months... flaws??! i have far more hidden ones than visible :((

posted by Tilly @ 5:38 AM ~

Monday, January 19, 2004

Yet another good intention forgotten:
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear bestest friend with tha big shoulders to cry on
Happy Birthday to youuuu
am annoyed with maself over this ... i mean i got mine in just two days so it ain't like i got good reason, and i spoke to you just a few days back...grrrr!! i was gonna send a card but it was too early... at tha right time i thought about taking money out for a card but decided i would 'do it later' ...infamous last words ...and now its here and it looks like i didn't think of you on YOUR special day :((
you knows you can share my cake anytime hun *special squidgy b'day loves*' pssssssssst ...i still dun got me none ...PMSL @ tha!

posted by Tilly @ 7:15 PM ~

Friday, January 16, 2004

tha Friday Five is mebbe just a lil too deep an' meaningful this week [an' far too America] but i'm gonna answer w'out giving too much thought to it .... i doh see tha i have answers to most of these anyhoo:
Friday Five:
1. What does it say in the signature line of your emails? ...i think i might have a link to ma website on it but i doh use it as a rule
2. Did you have a senior quote in your high school yearbook? What was it? If you haven't graduated yet, what would you like your quote to be? ...we didn't have an equivalent of a yearbook... i remember everyone trying to pinch an exercise book that they could get everyone else to sign ... i think i lied in most peoples books *L ...i told almost everyone i would be devastated not to be seeing them no more and that we all had to keep in touch ....feck dat!!
3. If you had vanity plates on your car, what would they read? If you already have them, what do they say? ...i doh already have any... hell i doh even have a car but mebbe 81G 817CH ...altho i prolly couldn't pull it off... and learning to drive might be the best thing to do before i splash out on license plates ;)
4. Have you received any gifts with messages engraved upon them? What did the inscription say? ...i doh think so ...i can't remember being bought anything worth tha thought :((
5. What would you like your epitaph to be? ..."YOU'RE STANDING ON MY HEAD!" ...think about it ;)

posted by Tilly @ 11:06 PM ~

Monday, January 12, 2004

i had an appt at tha dentist this morning ... i feel like i live constantly working towards my next visit to whichever medical establishment i happen to have to go to next... in tha last fortnight i shoulda been at tha hospital [i cancelled and rearranged for next month cus they messed up :D] at tha docs [i cancelled but rearranged for a coupla days later] with tha nurse [i cancelled and have that next week instead *LOL a pattern anyone :)] i gotta go to tha hospital for minor surgery *gasps* on tha 28th... tha 29th i see ma dentist again for ma bite guard and a full check up with tha girls before tha entist goes on maternity leave and then i'm back to ma re-arrange hospital appt at tha beginning of Feb... i wouldn't mind but i'm feeling damn fine right now [mebbe tha happy pills have kicked in already ;)] ...i'm actually considering throwing tha dust sheet off ma bike and digging out some trackies ....but mebbe i should put that off til next week ;)
For now i'm off to call CarPhone Warehouse to see just how unco-operative they can be about giving me an upgrade on ma mobile *waves*

posted by Tilly @ 11:22 AM ~

Thursday, January 08, 2004

i'm angered *pmsl... i was given a link to follow to check out a film review site on the 'net not knowing what to looked pretty normal on first inspection ...then i spotted a film i adore so i thought i would check out what they had to say *pmsl ...i have sinned!! i shouldn't have watched it due to the lack of morals etc... *teehee!! well i ended up looking down tha list of films and spotted quite a ..shall we say ...out there movie and couldn't help but have a look at what was said about 200 CIGARETTES ...well hell... if this doesn't make you wanna watch it then i doh know what will *LMFAO @ this guy ....poor thing! Now if you think you are being a loving parent by letting your kids watch Disney movies think again ...check out the reviews of 101 Dalmations or Lilo & Stitch... even Peter Pan doesn't escape this guys wrath ... but if you were lucky enough to get JackAss the movie for X'mas check out tha review [you'll find it under JackA: The Movie...mebbe tha 'S' wasn't workin' on the keyboard tha day ;)] then i'd suggest you just pack ya bags now and we'll get tha bus to hell this very minute cus it seems thas where we're headin' *LOL ....*sighs* ...some people........................
*wanders off scratchin' ma 'ed....................

posted by Tilly @ 11:18 PM ~

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

PERSPECTION [sic] ~ i was meant to keep this word in mind kept me in good stead at the hardest of times and whenever i thought things were tough i'd think back to perspection and realise that this was a doddle by comparison ...but its effect is wearing off :o/' tha saddens me :( i feel like shit ...i have a 100 and 1 things to do and a trip to tha docs which would help i s'pose... if i could be arsed to go ....*sighs* "Money Makin' Man" would never stand for another bout of 'cantbearsed-itis' ...i'll re-arrange rather than cancel... thas a start huh?!

posted by Tilly @ 9:24 AM ~

Friday, January 02, 2004

Friday Five:
What one thing are you most looking forward to:
...doing almost nothing :) *vbg
2. ...over the next week? ...getting back into a normal routine... Lauren is back in school on Monday so there'll be no more lying in bed 'til 11am ...eurgh!
3. ...this year? ...Nina bowling us over with more of her new skills ...and this is my last full year in my 20s *gasps*
4. ...over the next five years? ...who knows ...Nina will be in school by then ...i could be out working or anything ...bit scary that thought :(
5. ...for the rest of your life? ...i have no big aims... lets just see what 2004 brings :)

posted by Tilly @ 10:20 PM ~

Thursday, January 01, 2004

did i really make this post at 12.01am?? nahhh... was i out an' having far too much to drink an' thas why i wasn't here to post ....hahaha.... nahhhh!! i sat in and watched a DVD with Lauren ...had a lemonade shandy *yawns* ...listened to the chimes of Big Ben on tha news and watched the events around the world as each country celebrated its own New Year [how embarrassingly crap were the events at the London Eye in comparison to tha big showdowns at Athens, Sydney and Hong Kong *LOL] ...i listened to ma mother in a drunken state tell me how she wasn't drunk with my dad in tha background, at tha front door, doing something to embarrass her [she did tell him to "pull them back up" so i can't even bring maself to imagine what he was up to this year ;)] ...i got a text from ma sis who i think ain't really talking to me yet but thas just down to tha politics of X'mas so *shrugs* ...oh, and i need to get some manners ...mebbe that should go on ma list of New Years resolutions...1. to do as everyone else wants at ALL times, 2. to do ________ [fill in tha blank accordingly] straight away, no questions, 3. be where i am told to be at the PRECISE time i am told to be there ..... and so the list goes on ...well feck tha ... i got ma own list of what i wanna do in 2004 and its staying in ma head so no one will have the ammunition to tell me i've failed them even more than they initially thought i could ...c'mon 2004... throw at me what you will ...i know i can beat you :oÞ

posted by Tilly @ 12:01 AM ~

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