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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Friday, February 20, 2004

friday fiveFriday Five: When was the last time you:
1. ...went to the doctor? ...just tha other day to get tha results from ma bloods an' ma biopsy... nowt interesting to report 'cept tha usual *sighs*
2. ...went to the dentist? ...last month to get Nina enrolled, to pick up a bite guard and for full check ups all round
3. ...filled your gas tank? ...i eat, i brew, i let rip... *teehee!! ...but i got no car :(
4. enough sleep? ...some time back in the early 90s i think
5. ...backed up your computer? ...yeaahh!! ...been meaning to get onto tha ;)

posted by Tilly @ 2:28 PM ~

Thursday, February 19, 2004

hahaha... tha report from tha Brits reads as:
"well what can i say apart from what a night at the brits, story in a nut shell met simon le bon whilst at the hand dryer in the loos had pics taken with sugababes rechael stevens busted misteeq busted gwen steffani, I'll bring them round in a couple of days love to you all johnny big one xxxxxxxxxxx"
kinda sums it up huh *L

posted by Tilly @ 8:42 PM ~

Monday, February 16, 2004

The worlds a stage an' my daughter is playing the evil lil shite and gettin' rave reviews ...*arrrrgggghhhh!! ...its only the first day of the school holidays and already i want her to get her ass back there... or at least to school [i'm seriously thinking about changing the school she's at cus somethings gone wrong someplace and i doh wanna think its here :(] a day doesn't pass where she does something outta term and she has NO remorse ['cept for when it means she misses out on something she really wanted of course ...eurgh!] people told me 10 years back that this parenting malarky was hard work and i thought i had gotten off lightly with ma lil angels but seems like they're comin' right back at me an' bitin' me on tha ass!!

posted by Tilly @ 2:33 PM ~

Sunday, February 15, 2004

I'm stood in tha kitchen making tea when tha fone goes. its J-BO and he's only off to tha Brit awards with tha woman with tha 'ole in tha 'ed *teehee!! lucky git!!

posted by Tilly @ 7:40 PM ~

I've had a lovely time tonight. without warning, only forty five minutes before Ben was to leave for work he asked me, hyperthetically of course ;), what i would do if my parents were to turn up and he wasn't to go to work?! i felt like pap but hey... ain't like he's done tha in advance for some silly lil event like valentines day right??! WRONG!!! ...and its a good job ma folks are never on time for anything cus that gave me an extra thirty minutes to jump in tha shower an' to make maself look even half decent... we didn't get up to much but leavin' tha house without a pushchair and not having to worry whether i got enough nappies/milk/food etc ...we finally settled on going to tha cinema but at 9.30pm there was nowt starting but Scary Movie 3... i wouldn't recommend it *LOL

posted by Tilly @ 2:49 AM ~

Friday, February 13, 2004

Friday Five:
1. Are you superstitious? ...nahhh... altho i do the obvious things like not walking under a ladder, not placing shoes on a table, saluting magpies etc .... just in case, wouldn't it be typical if i didn't follow those rules and something happened *sighs*
2. What extremes have you heard of someone going to in the name of superstition? ...there are funny stories about footballers putting their kit on in a particular order in tha name of superstition... like Paul Ince ~ he doh put on his shirt til he is outta tha tunnel but i reckon thas cus he flash and wanna show of tha six pack *bg
3. Believer or not, what's your favorite superstition? ...i dunno ....wishing then blowing an eyelash is a cutie one i s'pose
4. Do you believe in luck? If yes, do you have a lucky number/article of clothing/ritual? ...eurgh!! i shouldn't cus if it does exist then its kickin' me in tha balls on a daily basis :(
5. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not? that ya star sign an' all tha'?? i reckon its believable but more in tune with ya conception than when you were born cus hardly anyone is born on their due date... or does that go in favour of astrology?? ...and wha's atronomy then??

posted by Tilly @ 9:31 PM ~

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

I can't believe it! it seems only a coupla weeks since Lauren went back to school after the X'mas holidays and already she's broken up for half term :o ...i'm sure i didn't get this many holidays when i was at school :( ...they only go back for 4 weeks after this break and then they get another 2 weeks off ~ so wheres the break for me in all that?!!! i could do with a holiday and even grabbed a coupla caravanning holiday brochures but got pissed with them when ma folks and sis were talking about where they were considering going abroad and then i thought of me, Ben and tha kids stuck on some crappy holiday park with no transport and horrendous weather and even worse Red Coats ....arrrrgghh!!

posted by Tilly @ 7:47 PM ~

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Can you believe this: i ordered a keyboard back in November from tha catalogue for Lauren for X'mas and its only gone and turned up today after me givin' what fo' down tha fone to Littlewoods for tha past fortnight ....feckers!! At first i told the guy that i was refusing to accept the parcel which took him a lil by surprise but when i told him tha tale he fully understood but just as he was walking away i figured as i had already been credited with two keyboards i might as well take it *L ...i mean if they charge me then its only for goods that i have received and if they doh they its mos definitely a bargain cus its Laurens birthday next month... s'not like i am gonna be lucky enough to get away with it but if you doh tell anyone then i certainly won't ...*puts finger to lips* shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

posted by Tilly @ 12:26 PM ~

Friday, February 06, 2004

people are wankers!! i use to hate Ben when he'd say tha cus i doh think you can group people like tha but seriously over the last couple of years i've bee coming around to his way of thinking... a friend had him mobile robbed tha other day :( i have no other way of getting hold of him as he hasn't got a landline and i know it wasn't a particularly modern fone tha he had cus we talked about it recently so how shitty is tha... *grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
Friday Five:
1. What's the most daring thing you've ever done? ...i honestly doh know... i haven't ever done a bungee jump... or swam with sharks... its with questions like this that i realise how non-eventful my life has been :(
2. What one thing would you like to try that your mother/friend/significant other would never approve of? ...prolly most things *L ...altho Ben would stand by me regardless as long as it was something i really wanted to do... he's supportive like tha [which pisses me off at times... it'd be nice to think he could occassionally be a lil jealous!] altho i think age might be changing him slightly
3. On a scale of 1-10, what's your risk factor? (1=never take risks, 10=it's a lifestyle) ...i hardly ever take risks so prolly around the 2 mark but i am impulsive... is that classed as the same thing..?! I did used to creep outta ma bedroom in tha middle of tha night when i was 14 to go see ma boyfriend at tha time... i'd chuck gravel at his window and he'd either come down and let me in or he'd get dress and we'd go find some place to just sit an' chat... why we couldn't do tha during tha day i doh know *sighs* ...them were tha days... til ma dad collared me *teehee
4. What's the best thing that's ever happened to you as a result of being bold/risky? ...i called Ben a 'Bastard' ...we wouldn't be together now if it wasn't for that *pmsl... hardly risky but certainly bold *chuckles to maself*
5. ... and what's the worst? ...oh tha list is endless i guess *L ...try to pin me down to an answer tho and i'm struggling... lemme think on this one ...tic tic tic!!
christ ma answers are shite... unless ya own for taking risks then i suspect these questions aren't aimed at you :( tha nurse who removed ma stitches today was taking a risk ...she had all tha charm of a splattered slug and was lucky i didn't plant her one with her crappy "do you know how small you look from where i am perched" attitude ...eurgh! ...after tha visit to tha lovely nurse i went to visit tha folks so ma dad could have his 'hair' cut :o why he doh just have it done short i doh know... mebe he's in denial *L ...poor fella! I was going out for lunch but ma bud told me she got tha bad shits after drinking too much wine *pmsl... maaaaan!! thas gotta be a lotta wine to get you in tha bad a way *haha... hmmm...mebbe she fobbin' me off an' all [reaches for a cheap bottle of wine from tha fridge *vbg] ...i've even done tha school run today *gasps* [you proud?? you should be ;)] ...and met up with ma sis and a friend to go out for a meal this evening... i think i deserve a lie in in tha morning ;)

posted by Tilly @ 11:07 PM ~

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

if life were a bicycle what would it be...??
it'd be a UNICYCLE... cus it feels like just me...!!

posted by Tilly @ 12:12 PM ~

Monday, February 02, 2004

I doh like Mondays i wanna shoo... ooo ooo ooo oo ooooooot ...tha whole day down :(

posted by Tilly @ 3:54 PM ~

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