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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Friday, April 23, 2004

friday fiveFriday Five:
1. What did you want to be when you grew up? ...a truck driver *LOL ...i think it first came about after watching Pigeon Street with Long Distance Clara... that and Astrid, a neighbour who managed to get a HGV licence... that really impressed me when i was lil... over 20 years later and i still haven't even got my drivers licence *L
2. Do you have any nicknames? ...spud, monkey, spudmonkey, samuel, tilly, tha list is endless really *L Panamuib tho' thas a fave *teehee
3. If you could change something about yourself what would it be? build; i'd love to be taller and slimmer ;) ....either tha or ma skin type :)
4. Have you ever bought anything from an infomercial? ...i doh think so... i have been influenced my a commercial tho' :)
5. How do you plan to spend your weekend? a luxury hotel in tha middle of nowhere... in a gorgeous room with en-suite... lots of bubbles.... both champagne and in the bath ...either that or sat here on ma own ...might call 'Man Friday' tonight, watch a film, tidy tha house, do some washing ....same old huh!!

posted by Tilly @ 10:45 AM ~

Saturday, April 17, 2004

there's no Friday Five for tha whole of April so tha fact that i've missed most of 'em ain't such a problem and tha advice is to pick one from tha archives so i'm headin' back to May tha 9th, 2003...
friday fiveFriday Five:
1. Would you consider yourself an organized person? Why or why not? ...yes, definitely. i have an organised mind and i try to use it in almost everything i do.
2. Do you keep some type of planner, organizer, calendar, etc. with you, and do you use it regularly? ...hmmm.... not with me but i do have a planner at home for bills etc and there is a calendar pinned up with tha important dates/appointments on it.
3. Would you say that your desk is organized right now? was... and i try to keep on top of things but ermmm....NO! I have a desk tray with a pot for pen and a draw for letters etc but its full so things have gotten a lil dishevelled in tha past month :)
4. Do you alphabetize CDs, books, and DVDs, or does it not matter? ...hell no, people who alphabetize anything have too much time on their hands. on tha other hand ma cds, dvd etc all need to look right... can't have a bunch of white spined dvds and then everything else in a muddle... i have my dvds placed so they look like i doh care.... touch them and you may lose a finger or two ;)
5. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to organize? ...moving house on my own :( i wasn't on my own when i moved in but moving out was much harder :((

posted by Tilly @ 3:32 PM ~

Monday, April 12, 2004

I guess i've been busy ...'cept i haven't! I've got a bad case of the now legendary i-can't-be-arsed-itis again and thats included here... I've been looking into some stuff on tha net and thas taken up quite a bit of my time and Ben has a new 'managerial' job ...ooooooooooooh!! thas thrown our routine up into tha air a lil but it needed it so its not a bad thing. Its the Easter holidays of course so i'm looking after both tha girls... thas cool... Laurens been an angel and we're getting along fine :) Bens working two jobs now so when he is about he's normally found in bed, drooling on tha pillow but he's planning a day when he can afford to live off just one job and mebbe we can all live together like a 'normal' family! Since i last posted Nina has had her landmark first brithday and tha four of us spent it sat in playing with some really awesome toys [nothing like i used ta get when i was lil ;)] and we had a lil cake with one candle in... it was very personal and just how i would have planned it. tha day before was Mothers Day so we made a point of going over to tha 'rents and meeting up with tha rest of ma family there so we could spend the next day on our own. tha worked out fine, Nina got presents over two days and I got to see ma mam. I have been keeping up with tha Friday Five... tha first omission was cus there was no friday five and last week was a topic tha just didn't relate to me so i didn't bother... i ain't even sure if tha was this week or last now... i get back on track with tha this week tho' ~ if i remember ;) For Easter i decided i wasn't gonna bother with eggs, i couldn't compete with ma sis turning up with three eggs for Lauren and some egg with a cuddly toy for Nina so i figured why try *sighs* ...three eggsworth of chocolate is enough for anyone so i decided i would take Lauren to tha cinema during tha school holidays instead [having caught Lauren buying an egg for maself, Ben and Nina i change my mind on tha and sent Ben from work at 4am on Saturday for an egg each for tha girls *L] ...Wednesday is Bens day off so we're heading out some place [undecided where yet] so mebbe Lauren and I will do tha girl thing on Thursday night before its back to tha weekend when Ben back doing both jobs and Laurens school holidays comes to an end.... I think i pissed off ma 'Money Makin' Man' tha other night an' all... we can chat for hours normally, and i do feel bad with him having to go to work tha next day but he never seems to mind but this week i just didn't have his attention... mebbe thas ma recent me me me attitude but i needed to vent spleen :( i wanted opinions and i wanted him... i doh like it when he gotta go ...i get off tha phone and its silent and i'm alone again :(( Oh, an' as for tha iMood link on tha front page... i might be feelin' blank but thas not tha reason for tha no-show... seems tha site is down ....doh know how long for but i shall keep ma eyes peeled for tha also ...

posted by Tilly @ 1:13 PM ~

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