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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Monday, January 31, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: DVDs...
1. Are you more likely to rent or buy DVDs? Why? ...nowadays, prolly i'd buy... the price to rent is astronomical and not so new DVDs doh cost so much no more... i'd bide my time then buy fo' sure :)
2. If you rent DVDs, do you bother viewing the 'Behind the Scenes' or watching the entire movie again with commentary on? ...thas gotta depend on tha movie... only if the extras are great do i even take a look ...Shreks the exception... have you seen those special features ...Pick me! Pick me!! ...*giggles*
3. Do you think these features warrant the extra cost for DVD? ...surely tha depends on the movies again... i doh care about the deleted scenes in LOTR or Star Wars for instance but i can understand why people would pay extra for them... tha only spesh ed i ever really wanted was tha KillBill1&2 box set but i got it cheaper seperate instead... no biggie :)
4. What's your favorite DVD (or VHS) in:
In America...why? watch it an' see
*Comedy: BlackAdder II with Rowan Atkinson and Miranda Richardson is funny as feck! ...okay, technically its a tv programme but they brought them all oot on tha duh-vuh-duh ;)
*Action: i like tha Bad Boys movies.. big explosions, car chases, shootouts.. what more action can you need :)
*Suspense/Thriller: i really enjoyed the Bone Colector and Man on Fire ...Amores Perros has gotta feature here someplace tho' :) thas tha dogs bollox!
*Horror: ...i doh do horror... blood an' gore i can handle but i doh do shocks!!

posted by Tilly @ 10:13 AM ~

Thursday, January 27, 2005

self awareness is a wonderful thing:

   [chucklebum2] so erm yeah.. am short, fat, smoke to lil, eat too much :D
   [chucklebum2] haha.. kinda sums me up to a tea
   [chucklebum2] but i'm me.. you doh like it .. you tha one who gotta walk away ... i too lazy to do tha *LMAO
   [chucklebum2] *giggles t' self

posted by Tilly @ 1:03 PM ~

Monday, January 24, 2005

Haloscan commenting has been added to this blog an' now i am fiddlin' ...'pologies if all goes crap in tha meantime... thas not my intention.. but then thas never stopped it happenin' before huh :/ ...comments can be posted by anyone... no registration necessary [box opens in pop up!]

posted by Tilly @ 10:16 AM ~

Monday Madness Monday Madness: What do you think of when you see the following colors?
 1. White: snow
 2. Yellow: daffodillies
 3. Blue: sky
 4. Black: board
 5. Green: grass
 6. Red: cherries, peugeot, manchester united ;)
 7. Purple: *giggles* ...i couldn't possibly say ;)
 8. Pink: Nina and Lauren :)
 9. Brown: mud; cords
10. Grey: elephants, skies

posted by Tilly @ 9:30 AM ~

Friday, January 21, 2005

happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me
happy birthday dear tillllll-eeee! happy birthday to me :/

posted by Tilly @ 1:23 PM ~

Monday, January 17, 2005

Dates to remember: 21st My birthday :)
okay its a lil late in tha month to post this but hopefully i'll be all set up for the next one...but whilst answering tha Monday Madness questions i was perusing tha website they came from and came across some absolutely gorgeous lil calendars... see, i do have a cutesie side to me too ;)

posted by Tilly @ 5:55 PM ~

Monday MadnessMonday Madness: what's your favourite
1. family game? ...scrabble ...i love it! i even bought it for tha playstation and considered dl'ing it to my mobile :)
2. piece of jewelry? ...a silver celtic ring that Ben bought for me a couple of years ago. its identical to a ring i bought for him on our first holiday together. it didn't cost much but it was our first holiday and i wanted to buy something as a reminder so to receive this ring a number of years later was a lovely surprise :)
3. winter activity? ...cosyin' up infront of tha fire with a glass of bush' or port and a good book or film :)
4. hot beverage? ...tea sugar and a splodge of milk please ;)
5. quote? ...there are some great ones out there; Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public [H L Mencken] is one i've used on tha main page before ..thas cool
6. colour on you? or grey... slimming, but not obvious *L
7. summer activity? ...i doh like tha summer... i tend to stay in even more than normal... if thas at all possible :( ...going to tha 'rents with tha girls is cool, having a bar-b-cue and blowing up tha pool etc... thas fun :)
8. topping on pancakes? ...on pancake day we normally have chicken supreme or mince, veg and onions in our pancakes ...with cherries, chocolate and cream pancakes for pudding ...hmmmmm!!
9. musician? theres quite a few, Tom Yorke is cool tho. my taste is constantly changing and i doh limit myself to one type of sound... Tom Yorke is a constant tho' ;)

posted by Tilly @ 12:01 PM ~

Sunday, January 16, 2005

I've been tweaking with this an' tha on Blogger this morning and now have tha option to have comments left on my post if i really wanna.. [thanks to tha subliminal Polski *giggles* for reminding me tha i was meaning to look into this again] ..sometimes i will, other times i woh.. however, this is my first post where i can choose so hopefully its all html'd correctly ...*splutters*

Random Question: When you've got water stuck in your ear, how do you get it out? ...i tip my head left, let tha water out then i tip my head right, let tha water out.. all done :)

posted by Tilly @ 1:52 PM ~

eurgh... i feel wuff this mornin' :/ too many bushmills and lollin' around in a very hot and very bubbly bath with a malt in hand is prolly not tha best way to prevent a hangover *teehee... an' with tha radio playing, tha sing-a-long was almost compulsory ;) theres a visual you doh get everyday *LOL
today? i'm making beds [and i doh mean straightenin' oot tha bedcovers!] i got two flat pack mid-sleeper to put up and room to make for them before i do :( ...i also got some photos to edit tha i thought i might put on line... i got ma new mobile upgrade on Friday an' tha piccies from tha old fone i emailled to myself and theys really sweet... only thing is i've not installed my photosuite and i'm not sure if i can be bothered to do tha right now.. mebbe i'll wait another day for tha... i promised Lauren i'd watch Big Fish with her sometime so mebbe we'll do tha and tha weathers looking promising so might even drag tha bikes oota tha shed and go for a ride... but right now... *wanders off to find tha alka seltzer

posted by Tilly @ 10:31 AM ~

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

*ahem so sorry to those of you that took the time to email me since last april at ...i never thought anyone would so i never bothered to check ..oops! it was only when i tried to apply for a freebie [and was refused - how rood!] that i had to log into tha address and found tha overflowing inbox ...thas real nice... some personal mails, and some link suggestions also :) i particularly liked this one from Matthew; know when tha adverts come on an you recognise tha tune but can't put ya finger on it? well, this is tha place to go :) i already got a bookmark for another similar site but i much prefer this place... and i gonna add tha link to my links page also... once i get around to checking all tha suggestions so i know which to add :)

posted by Tilly @ 2:15 AM ~

Monday, January 10, 2005

Monday MadnessMonday Madness: fill in the blanks
1. My lucky number is 202...actually its my dads but it keeps cropping up in my life so i pinched it ;)
2. My favorite day of the week is Sunday because we sit about, reading, watching a lil telly etc
3. I spend about 2 or 3 hours on the phone a week, but none of them calls are long distance
4. My favorite cereal is porridge ...hmmm!!
5. One hobby of mine is chatting on line
6. I wish I could spend more time with friends and family
7. I wish I could spend less time tidying up, clearing away and stressing
8. I am really proud of my kids, my man, my sis and tha 'rents :)

posted by Tilly @ 9:31 AM ~

Saturday, January 08, 2005

wow.. was a lil windy last night [coulda been tha cabbage i had at lunch *sniggers*] and i couldnt' sleep... tha hail, thunderstorms and lightening didn't bother me one bit but tha wind was blowin' a gale [altho' my spies tell me her real name was Margie!!] sure at one point i even saw Toto goin' past tha window at top speed *L
I couldn't sleep anyway ... todays tha day my sis meets up for tha first time since tha guy who shall, from here on in, be called Tha Shit!! I haven't heard much but my dads gone from thinkin' mebbe things'll work out to mentioning a few choice names from his dark past ...mebbe Tha Shit won't be seen around these parts no more afterall *hahaha

posted by Tilly @ 3:41 PM ~

Thursday, January 06, 2005

sometimes it take a big act from someone to restore your faith... you faith in what doesn't really matter ...i'm not talking religion here [i'll save tha for a whole other post some day ;)] but just a generalisation ...its not that its gotta be tha person doin' something big tho.. to them its nowt... to you tho' ~ thas a whole other matter. they prolly doh even realise they done something thas made a great deal of a difference to you... should you keep it tha way? should you let them know? i got sooo many people to thank and i doh even think *they* realise it ...they'll get their mentions of course... not in one post... wouldn't want others to figure oot who they are but if you're mentioned in my blog then its highly likely you'll recognise yourself... mebbe others will too but i'd never use your given names, or even your pseudonym ...more of a pseu-pseudonym *L .. i like tha [is it wrong of me to giggle at my own posts *teehee]
Oh... an' Malcolm tha Mountie always gets his man ;)

posted by Tilly @ 3:12 AM ~

Monday, January 03, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: prev unanswered questions
1. How did you learn about computers? Were you self taught? ...i doh know a lot about computers... i know enough to get by... i've learnt from going to some classes with Man Friday, from my bro-in-lo' and from reading and asking people on line... but 'specially tha nicest fella in tha world... he help sooo much ALL tha time :)
2. What is your favorite colour and why is it your favorite colour? ...i love really dark blue... but i doh know why
3. What one thing going on in the world right now, has the most effect on you personally? ...tha tsunami kinda makes you think doesn't it... but i think closer to home is tha break up of my sisters 18 year relationship :(
4. If you were going to develop your own meme, what kind would you create? own huh?!
5. Why do you enjoy answering memes? tha what i'm doing now?! i never heard tha phrase meme befo'e :/
6. What is your wildest dream? ...thas a bit personal!! it might involve Hugh Jackman... it might not ;) *teehee
7. Why do you answer these questions? ...'cause i use this space to bitch an' moan, tell, share etc about this, tha and everything... somedays i have LOTS to say... others i have nothing... i doh know, or care, if anyone reads them... but if i can give a lil of me thas cool... and also it makes me think about stuff ... even if only for a lil minute whilst i'm typing this up :)

posted by Tilly @ 8:49 PM ~

Saturday, January 01, 2005

remember me? s'been a while huh .. and what a years its been ... but bollox to last year... things happened, i followed the usual stuff, BB5, wimbledon, Euro'04, I'm a Celeb... all a bit of a let down and frankly not worth tha bother of typing up about 'em ('part from Joe Pasquale... i always liked him and rooted for him in tha Jungle from day 1 altho i never actually thought he would win...hurray!!) 2005 was meant to be a better year but its started of SHIT!! sis and her fella have gone there seperate ways after 18 years and he thought it was a good idea to tell her the weekend before X'mas... oh joy! ...thas bad in itself but he figures he'll still spend X'mas with her and tell her he trying to work things out... obviously he change his mind cus he decided he'll go all out so on New Years Eve he packs his bags and drives off into tha sunset, fingers crossed, never to be seen again!! i can't actually get across how consumed with hatred i am right now... am sure someone will get the brunt of it tho over the coming weeks... poor Ben *sighs* I didnae wanna spoil X'mas for the girls and surprisingly we managed to have a really good time ...presents were loved all round .. i finally gave in to Lauren having her ears pierced but even that was topped by the fact that we bought her a mobile fone which she hasn't had away from her 'texting finger' since X'mas Day! Nina was totally enthralled by a cardboard book and yet the musical Dipsy from the teletubbies has been thrown behind the tree for now til she comes to terms with it.. not the great response i was hoping for but she's young.. she'll get over it *sighs* ...Ben got his present early when i spotted an unbeatable offer for a 40gb iPod back in October but i still did the ol' sox, smellies and DVDs thing which always goes down a treat :) personally, i got slippers, an awesome mp3 player, DVDs, gloves, chocs, vouchers, a tub of flying saucers... hmmmm!! i also got a bottle of irish cream too from tha 'rents... am so glad i bought tha bushmills for maself now *LOL So, my new year... my last of my 20s... tha big three-o is looming and i'm not really sure how i feel about that... or whether i even care... presents better be good this year tho ~ if you feel tha need to eMail me for postal address for gifts then all mail will be replied to ;) For 2005, my intentions... resolutions.. whatever you wanna call them... i doh have many... if i made anything official then of course they would just be there to be broken so i'm not gonna stop drinking, smoking, eating too much etc... not all of which i do anyway *L ...mebbe i should consider starting... *ponders & giggles ... well, i s'pose i should start my very first post of 2005, (and the first for quite some time) with best wishes for 2005 to those of you that actually bother to read this... and i hope to be updating far more often than i have been .. am now off to search for an alternative to tha 'friday five' .. i miss tha... tek care... till next time... Tilly xx

posted by Tilly @ 3:08 PM ~

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