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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Monday, February 28, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: ...its all in the timing!
1. What time is it right now? ...9.54am
2. What are you usually doing at this time on any given day? ...normally i am sat at the puter checking online accounts/eMails etc ...i'll have finished giving Nina her brekkie and she'll be happily amusing herself so i check out whats going on online whilst i have the opportunity
3. Is there a day of the week that time seems to fly by faster than the other days? ...probably Sundays... i like watching the football at 4pm but there seems to be no time before it to do anything, after it its time for tea and the whole rigmarole of bathing and bed and getting ready for school tha next day
4. If you could make ONE hour of each day twice as long, which hour of the day would you choose?'d have to be either between 8am and 9am so i could lie in a lil more each morning or it would be between 1am and 2am so i could stay up a lil later without thinking it was too late *L if i got both, tha'd be perfect :)
5. If you could make one DAY of the week twice as long, which day would you choose? ...Sundays, see Q3 above
6. If you could make one hour and/or one day HALF as long, which time of the day, and which day of the week would you choose? ...thas a toughie as there is nothing in particular that happens on a daily...ah... hang on.. mebbe tha hour when putting Nina to bed could be cut.. then it wouldn't seem to take so long trying to get her to sleep ...tha'd be great :)
7. Do you agree with the following statement? "The older you get, the faster time goes by."? ...i doh think so... on a day to day basis i am surprised how quickly January and February have gone but i doh think thas down to age.. i think its more about what you do and how busy you are
8. What do you usually do during your 'down time'? ...down time? is that 'my' time? if so then i cat nap, watch a film, read a book... do nothing :)
9. What one thing do you spend more time doing each day than anything else? ...waiting for 'net pages to load up... i can't believe how slow this puter is nowadays :(

posted by Tilly @ 9:54 AM ~

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

i finally gave in this arvo and booked an emergency appt with tha doc about my face... apparantly i got an infection in the skin on my cheekbone and altho tha doc was sympathetic and somewhat impressed with my appearance he was more concerned with tha swelling and what underlying damage it could be doing :/ ..he had a bit of a fondle around ma head and figured my glands were all bunged up and that tha headaches wouldn't go away until tha swelling had subsided ..eurgh!! he was overly concerned with tha swelling on my eye and what damage it could be doing to tha optical nerves...ooooooh!! he wanted me to go back on Thursday [tomorrow is his day off ..typical!] ..he wants to keep an eye on matters ...teehee!! geddit?! an eye... keep an.. no? *giggles* ..keep an eye... pah .. forget it *sighs* ..i did get some pictures but for now i doh feel much like uploading them to tha 'net.. i feel like i gotta droopy eye, an Elvis top lip and that my nose ain't quite central on my face.. so all in all... i'm as pretty as a picture ;)

posted by Tilly @ 11:12 PM ~

Monday, February 21, 2005

courtesy of Yahoo! even tho they wouldn't let me have it on My Yahoo! ...mebbe its a US thing :/

posted by Tilly @ 1:33 PM ~

doh mention tha face... its a moot point right now :/

Monday Madness Monday Madness:
This week, using the letters in your name (real or screen name), list places that you've been to. Be creative! Have fun! =) goes:
T ...Tenby in Wales; went there as a lil kid and stayed in a chalet. I remember the swimming costume i was bought, metallic rainbow striped and i wore it EVERY day... i musta been no older than 7 :)
I ...Isle of Man; in my mums tummy *L ...she tells me the ferry ride there was a seasick/morning sickness induced vomit fest *LOL
L ...London; I went there with the Girl Guides prolly 18 years or so ago. We stayed in a converted Victorian house where there were 4 bunkbeds to a room... we had so much fun even in the house... it was like a maze. We ventured out tho, went to the Tate Gallery, past the Palace, up The Mall and past Nelsons Column in Trafalgar Square... and even sat in St James Park having lunch with the sparrows one day. I can't remember how long that trip was, prolly only a couple of days but thats my only experience of the big city :)
L ...Llandudno in Wales; hasn't everyone been to Llandudno? I got relatives there so we used to go every summer at least. It phased out once i left tha 'rents home but i'd still love to back sometime.
Y ...York; i LOVE York. Its such an old town.. i remember my dad walking on the city walls with me and venturing down cobbled street looking in the tinyest of shop windows...we'd go there on days out in the summer holidays from school... i haven't been there in prolly over 20 years now but my sis goes on a coach with a friend every now and again and says it hasn't changed one bit *L

posted by Tilly @ 9:52 AM ~

Saturday, February 19, 2005

i am so pissed today :/ i woke up this morning with a lil bit of a bump on my cheekbone didn't hurt at all and it didn't aggrevate me whatsoever but now i can't open my eye fully, i got a lump tha size of a golf ball hanging off tha side of my face and my ear hurts :( not only tha but tha swelling under my eye is causing my nose to be pulled over slightly and the purple shading is just the icing on the cake.. Ben keeps jesting that he punched me but i doh this my dad took tha too well...eurgh! so much for tha getting out a lil more tho.. thas off for another week or so... man, i feel like cack right now :((

posted by Tilly @ 10:41 PM ~

Wednesday, February 16, 2005 impulsive ;) here for your free impulse thrill dice!!

posted by Tilly @ 2:46 PM ~

Monday, February 14, 2005

i got a visit from Man Friday today... totally oota tha blue ..i'd like to think its because its Valentines Day but prolly not *giggles* ... he brought lil'un with him and she so cute.. just like emily was with a lil wisp of ginger blonde hair... she gonna grown up to break ALL the boys hearts :) he didn't stay long :( never does come to think of it ..hmmm! not to worry, i gonna spend tha day pampering Ben as i just doh have tha cash (or tha courage :/) to go to tha shop to buy anything decent ...he knows i love him tho... no need to save it all for this one day... and i bought butterscotch angel delight.. if that isn't a sign of loving someone then what is?! anyhoo... Happy Valentines Day ...hope you're all having a love-filled time.. and its not just for show this one day of the year :)

Monday Madness Monday Madness: something a lil different...
First of all, choose a letter of the alphabet.
Now, choose a number 1-10...
Got a letter? Got a number? Here's this week's challenge: Using the letter you chose, write down 2 things that describe the current season where you live:
I got Ben to choose 'cause i'd already read tha whole of tha above so i got L and 2; Lacklustre and Lazy!, personally it'd be Lonely and a Liability :/ *sighs*

posted by Tilly @ 1:11 PM ~

Monday, February 07, 2005

theres been nowt to report tha past few days... i can't remember tha last time i had a full nights sleep and getting on the net hasn't been a priority cus of tha :( i finally got my long awaited DivX player last week tho, and a replacement vcr too but i've not even been bothered to have a look at those in any great detail :/ ...i think i got another bad dose of tha icantbearseditis again... i'm hoping i can shake it before it takes a hold ...but then, i doh really care either way *sighs* ...tha monday madness questions are kinda cool this week tho' *gasps* ...enthusiasm?! surely not ;)

Monday MadnessMonday Madness: my house...
1. How many clocks (not watches) are in your home? How many of them are digital? How many do you really look at during the day? ...i gotta go round tha house in ma head to add this up... one in Laurens room, one in mine, one on tha vcr and one n tha stereo then in tha kitchen; one on tha micro, tha vcr, another on tha puter an' then an actual wall clock... how many's tha?? 8' i look at quite a few of those, tha bedside table one each morning at least, and at night when i can't sleep or when i am racking up tha hours tha Nina is awake...eurgh! then i use tha puter one when sat here, tha micro quite a bit too... and there's another clock on tha TV tha i didn't mention before but i use tha ALL tha time :) for digital, all 'cept tha kitchen clock are
2. How many lamps (non-overhead lights) do you have in your home? What's your average wattage? Are any of them energy saver bulbs? ...i just got given a lamp yesterday from my sis ...its a wrought iron one with a lil cream parchment shade on it.. i got another tha same but thas got no shade :( ...i also got a bedside lamp and lauren has too... thas 3 :) i tend to buy 60w bulbs altho some are 40w or 25w...none however are energy saver bulbs... i know i should.. but they're so cumbersome they hang out further than tha shade an' look naff *L
3. How many house plants do you have in your home? How many need more attention than you give them? ...just tha one *goes to water it! ..its living... just!
4. How many photos/pictures/drawings/child's art are on your walls? How many from each of the four categories? ...sat at ma puter desk i got a notice board full of stuff that Laurens done frames she made which piccies of her and family in, lil cards that i've gotten etc... ahead of me i got 4 photos of Nina, Ben and Lauren and a laminated picture tha Lauren drew :) ... i got a calendar of Peter Kay up in tha kitchen too *hehe... and a framed piece of embroidery i made over 10 years ago... In tha living room i got a snapshots of the girls and 4 chirashis; 25th Hour, Apocalypse Now, O Brother, Where Art Tho' and Battle Royale ...also there is a 30" by 40" print of a film called Morvern Caller on tha chimney breast :) ... thas picture kicks big ass! In Laurens room there are some prints of Winnie tha Pooh and some movie posters of Freaky Friday and Princess Diaries my room i got family fotos on tha walls :)
5. About how many electric gadgets are in your kitchen? How many are used on a daily basis? How many are used occasionally? How many have been used once and stashed? How many have never been used? ...i lkike gadgets *teehee! i got, to name a few, a steamer, a bread maker, popcorn maker, a coffer maker, a blender and a toaster tha puts a smiley face on tha toast *L ...i use tha steamer and tha ...actually, i doh think other than tha and tha smiley toaster i doh use any of tha others regularly *L next buy is definitely going to be a coffee pod machine :) mebbe i'll wait for xmas for tha tho :/

posted by Tilly @ 1:31 PM ~

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Re: raspberries:
 Tilly : strawberry is just a poor mans imitation

Re: cake:
 Tilly: *drools! uh-huh..*giggles ;) tha cake is good! *purrrrs!!

posted by Tilly @ 1:00 AM ~

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Dates to remember: 14th Valentines Day
yet again, its past 3.30am and i am still up and about :( ...and yet again, i had very good intentions to go to bed at a respectable time :/ watched The Bourne Supremacy tonight, was good, not as good as i had been led to believe but i like a good no-brainer from time to time :)

posted by Tilly @ 3:39 AM ~

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