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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Monday, March 28, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: ...more fill-in-the-blanks:
1. Christmas is more fun to celebrate than any other holiday ...hopefully this year will be better than last *sighs*
2. The last vacation I took was to Cala Gran. Sounds exotic huh *L ...its a holiday park close to Blackpool *pmsl
3. The next vacation I plan to take will be to France or Scotland.
4. I'd really like to be more confident.
5. I can't remember the last time I ...hmmm, i dunno... i thought of a few to put here but not ones i wanted to post :/
6. The book I last read (or am currently reading) is Sickened. It's a auto biog from a girl who was the victim of her mothers MBP!
7. The last program I installed on my computer was CDex.
8. When it comes to food, my weakness is my downfall ;)
9. I really look forward to spending time asleep. ..just one nights solid kip without Nina kicking me in the back would be wonderful :(

The last one is not a fill-in-the-blank, but a challenge...... choose a person's blog in the comment section, and welcome others to visit it, by leaving a link to their blog in your entry today: Go Ask Mombear! ...i did :)

posted by Tilly @ 5:25 AM ~

Sunday, March 27, 2005

we've spent the day at my sisters today. Lauren stayed over last night as a bit of a treat and also so she could help my sis prepare lunch for us all today... i was hoping Ben and i would make the most of it and spend some quality time together but it was just like any other 'normal' night ...unproductive, boring, uneventful and yet we still managed to go to bed far too late.. and the clocks went forward too.. i think it was almost close to 4am by the time i settled down.. and then of course Nina woke and joined us... 5 bed spaces and us 3 all in the same one... arrgghh!! we didn't breakfast until almost midday but that was lucky as by the time we sat down to lunch it was almost 4pm anyway! our morning was rushed... all breakfasted and washed and cleaned up and running around trying to be ready by 2pm [altho our lift said mebbe earlier than tha] only for us to get a call at 2pm to say our lift was running late ...doh! ..i felt fit to bust all day tho, not sure what was niggling but i found myself disagreeing with everything and not really interested in the food or the conversation ...i did well to hold it in and i doh think anyone really picked up on it.. i think i am fed up of having to listen to sob stories from other people who aren't really in such a bad way and then not one person asking me how i am doing.. prolly a good thing 'cause if there is one sure fire way to set me off then its asking me if i'm alright! i think i'm just fecked off with tha world right now; no explanation mind, i doh have one :/ ...and so, the day went so so... Nina was easy enough to look after [for a change] and Lauren didn't get too giddy [for a change] and even my mum managed to remain moderately ok-ish altho i'm not sure my dad wanted to stay as long as we did... and Ben was just happy to see mums trifle! it was only towards the end of our stay that things got a lil frayed... Nina didn't have a nap all day... she's getting to that stage where each day is different and some days she do, some days she doh... so by the time we got home, she'd run around a lil and had a bath she was already verging on sleep without a bottle... with Ben, again, sat importing at tha puter i was determined i wasn't going to have another fruitless night so i set myself to watch Nip/Tuck ~ which i gotta look into 'cause i have a terrible feeling it might have been the last in the series *gasps* ...and then i took a long soak in tha tub ..and Bens still at tha puter! i doh complain... i wish he would use it more, i know i do... am just glad i didn't sit about waiting for another of those 'productive' nights *sighs*

posted by Tilly @ 11:48 PM ~

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

this time two years ago i wasn't feeling so good :/ Nina woke up a short time back and if it hadn't been the case that she's woken up everynight around this time for tha past six months or more then i'd have prolly found it most perculiar.. i'd have loved to have gone back to sleep but i started thinking things over and ended up getting out of bed. one part of me can't believe how quickly the time has flown but i seem to have aged about ten years... thas unfair if nothing else! she doesn't look two years old tho'... her face is full of character and even without the full blown conversation she seems to be full of things to say *L ..she's an adorable lil' scamp with the cheekiest lil face who knows exactly how to twist us all around her lil chubby finger ...or is tha chubby lil finger?! ...i pray she's well later today, she shouldn't be ill on her birthday even if she hasn't the foggiest idea that its her day she certainly knows what presents are for :)

posted by Tilly @ 3:19 AM ~

Monday, March 21, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: How Many........
1. gadgets do you own? ...errrmmm... like digital camera etc... i got two cheapy digi cams that came free with some purchase and i got an iPod and an mp3 player too... a microphone.. do all these things count?
2. on your living room walls? biggie picture of Lauren as a nipper, a frame with four pictures of the girls in, another frame with two more pictures of the girls and 4 chirashi prints on another wall, one each of O Brother, 25th Hour, Apocalypse Now and Battle Royale... they look totally cool, how manys tha? I also got a 40" x 30" print of Movern Callar but i can't find a frame large enough for it yet :( ...i make that eleven pictures in seven frames
3. ...magnets on your refrigerator? ...none right now.. there should be a fishy one tho... i think Nina walked off with it a coupla days ago.. i do have a bristly sheep tho on the washing machine.
4. ...reference books in your bookshelves? ...quite a few i reckon, an Oxford English dictionary and thesaurus, a first aid manual, Time Table of Our History, the Essential History of Art.. that kinda thing off tha top of my head.. am not gonna bother to list them...
5. ...boxes of cereal in your cupboards? ...on a top shelf i got two boxes of Rice Krispies (BOGOF) a large box of bran flakes, some Ready Break and three lil boxes from a variety pack, i got one unopened box of Oatso Simple and two boxes of Weetabix.. quite a selection for in tha mornings.. theres also porridge oats in a plastic tub in tha cupboard
6. ...lamps in your house? ...three, one in each bedroom and one in the living room!!
7. ...times a week do you shop for groceries? ...i do my shopping on line most often mebbe once every three weeks or so... i normally have to go to the local store for bread, milk etc most days still tho..
8. ...magazines do you subscribe to? ...none, i do get the Guardian delivered on a Saturday morning as a treat
9. programs do you watch on a regular basis? ...Nip/Tuck, Desperate Housewives and Fat Friends at the moment but The Sopranos and Deadwood also when they are showing
10. ...items on your bathroom counter that don't really need to be there? *teehee... along my sink i got a blue plastic ducky and some lil glass seaside shapes... they prolly could go someplace else... *L theres handwash and a tumbler and the plug too.

posted by Tilly @ 10:23 AM ~

Monday, March 14, 2005

Monday MadnessMonday Madness: fill in the blanks.... completely random!!
1. I wish i had more money ...shallow, but true!
2. I usually think about changing my blog layout when i add something and it throws the layout outta sync' ...or my html skills are acting screwy ;)
3. If more people would be respectful, the world would be a better place
4. I really should exercise more often *giggles...then stops abruptly!
5. The weather we're having right now is uncharateristic
6. When it's time to plant a garden, I'd like to plant things that take lil care to survive! my fingers are NOT green :(
7. When I'm running late, I sometimes forget to do things i said i would ..i prolly let people down a lot :(
8. When I can't think of anything to blog about, I usually don't blog! ;) ...there's nothing wrong with silence once in a while :)

posted by Tilly @ 9:30 AM ~

Sunday, March 13, 2005

i'm liking Garfield right now :) mebbe next week'll be different *shrugs* courtesy of Yahoo! even tho they wouldn't let me have it on My Yahoo! ...mebbe its a US thing :/

posted by Tilly @ 2:56 PM ~

Friday, March 11, 2005

i got messages from three long-term pals this week on line; thas cool *vbg ...people i hadn't heard from in a while... Yam-Mans tha dogs bollox and i miss 'those' good ol' days but i think they're long gone... sadly tho'? i can't decide *sniggers! t'is great to hear how things are going and to keep myself in check every now and again ;) you leave it too long fella ...scandalous!! ...secondly, Man Friday's back on line *shakes ma skanky ass* ...he's been in touch on tha telephone of course but he back on NTL ~ not so much of tha good ol' days but tha nets tha net when all is said and done :) ...again, am sure its not gonna be like it was... things change, people happen, interest rates fluctuate etc but its great to have him back ...lastly, tha Geek... OMG!! i'd started to wonder whether he'd ever be back on line *L ...outta tha blue he msgs me and that made my day... fingers crossed its for a lil longer this time than last *sighs*

*runs of t' find a marker t' play dot-t'-dot wit' 'Poo ;) ...scrummy!!

posted by Tilly @ 11:11 PM ~

Monday, March 07, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: My Fridge
1. What's on your refrigerator? (Please feel free to use a picture to answer.) upside down fishy magnet..thas it right now but it changes from day to day; magnetic letters and numbers, bristly sheep, smily face magnets etc.. we got them but Nina pinches them and deposits them around the house :)
2. What color is your refrigerator? ...white, with a brand name plaque on tha door in turquoise
3. Is the freezer on the top, bottom or side? ...none... i have a stand alone larder fridge and a matching stand alone freezer right next door
4. How old is your fridge? Does it match your stove? ...i bought them mebbe eighteen months or so back.. one of my best purchases i reckon... as for matching my stove... no... they're both white tho :)
5. How regularly do you clean the inside of your fridge? ...yeaaah... mebbe i should do tha a lil more regular.. if you mean a quick wipe round cus i spilt something then quite often.. if you mean a 'lets empty the fridge and give it a thorough wipe out' then i can't say i do tha on a regular basis :/ ..does tha make me crap!

posted by Tilly @ 2:36 AM ~

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Dates to remember: 5th Laurens 11th Birthday; 6th Mothers Day; 17th St Patrick's Day; 22nd Ninas Birthday
i posted this on my homepage but its been nigglin' me just how lil' actually happens in a lifetime... fashion, music, films, hairstyles, trends in general?! ...tha list goes on...

  Way back When: 24th Feb
   1955: Britain's big freeze... [Full Story]
   1981: Prince Charles to marry... [Full Story]

...ever get tha feeling of déjà vu :/

posted by Tilly @ 12:23 AM ~

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