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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: we had joy, we had fun...
1. What season are you in right now? ...the arse end of winter.. spring keeps giving it a bash but winters holding on for dear life just now ...*shivers!
2. Do you celebrate anything special this time of year? ...nothing in particular.
3. Name 3 things that come to mind when you think of spring (or your current season) ...lambs, crocuses (sp?) and green grass
4. In the current season, about how many hours of the day are daylight hours? ...officially i don't know but the suns up around 7am onwards and its still light when i desperately want Nina to go to sleep around 8pm
5. Do you do any 'spring cleaning?' ...spring, summer, autumn and winter.. no matter how much cleaning i do, there always seems to be another batch that needs doing :(
6. Do you wash your own car or take it to the car wash? ...if i had my own car i would wash it myself unless i was feeling a lil flush and lazy at the same time [the latter is more likely that the former *teehee!]
7. Do you hang your laundry out on a clothesline on nice days? ...uh-huh.. sure do.. neighbours have even commented that if my washing is out then they feel safe to hang theirs out also *L
...and the following is optional; although I do encourage you to participate:
8. Post a picture that reflects the current season where you live.
...i'm going to do this once i get my digicam sorted out.. another thing on a very long 'to do' list

posted by Tilly @ 9:34 AM ~

Monday, April 18, 2005

i found this loitering and figured if i squeeze it in here no one will be any the wiser ;)
Monday Madness Monday Madness: Let's go Digital!
From the time you get up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night, how many different digital/electronic devices do you use on any given day? Please consider listing them, as it would be interesting to see what everyone comes up with! 'daily doings' run something like this; up, look at digital clock, kettle it, heat up cereal milk in microwave, check email on puter, kettle it, watch teletubbies videos, listen to the radio/stereo, use toaster, kettle it, load the washing machine, kettle it [notice a pattern yet ;)] watch tv, make tea on gas hob but gotta use tha leccy to light it, kettle it, use micro to heat up Nina's night time drink... watch some telly, go bed, look at digital clock before falling asleep ... Lauren'll use her keyboard most days, or her PS2 and charge her mobile ...oh, and we have an electric globe that runs all night too...
...and an optional random question, because I just cleaned my mouse... how often do you clean your mouse?? ...before i got the new puter i had an optical mouse so no cleaning involved but with the new set up i wanted to use the matching mouse so i've not needed to clean it just yet but i'm the sort of person who'd clean as and when required.. or when i'm bored and its 'there'

posted by Tilly @ 9:48 AM ~

Sunday, April 17, 2005

i'm feeling ever so ill today.. i haven't told anyone cus i'm just working hard towards an early night... no doubt Nina has other plans altho to give her her due, she has slept thro for the past 3 nights and thats with going to sleep in her cot *gasps* ... i'm not holding my breathe but mebbe we took a turn :) ...i've been sooo busy this week; i've stepped more out the door this last week than i have since New Year... gonna try keep that up altho i'm not sure why *sighs* ...i'm asthmatic and normally i'd be sounding like a broken lawnmower by now but surprisingly i'm not...the stuffiness in the nose has spread to my ears, eyes... headaches aren't so bad just yet but i'm not hanging out much hope of them disappearing altogether just yet... as for the truck thing.. oh thats passed now... instead, if i move i hurt.. not a twinge, but a real pain...and as for bending down... sheesh!! i never gave anyone permission to fill my lungs with concrete
...s'been a couple of weeks since i looked at the Monday Madness and i didn't even realise i'd missed one... email could have gone walkabout i s'pose :/ ...i've been saving up my madness's tho so if they go outta sync.. oh well!

Monday Madness Monday Madness: all about ME :)
1. On what day of the week were you born?
[If you need to find out, click here]?
... ...on a Tuesday
2. Were you born in the morning, afternoon, or evening? ......morning, 9am-ish
3. How many siblings do you have? Brothers or sisters? older sister
4. Do you (or did you) ever wish you were an only child? And if you ARE an only child, did you ever wish you had brothers and sisters? ...when my sis got the big bedroom to herself and i had a room with only a bed in it i would have liked to have been an only child... and when she threw my recorder outta tha window and it stuck mouthpiece first into our lawn i would have liked to have been a only child.. along with the endless times we had to watch/listen to what she wanted to etc... right now tho.. i'd be lost without her... thanks sis :)
5. Did you (or do you) dream of having a big family of your own? ...i would have loved to have had a larger family but its a no go now :(
6. In your opinion, which is (or would be) easier to raise; boys or girls? ...boys for sure... girls are sooooooo much hard work, when they wanna be ;)
7. In looks, do you favor your mother or your father? dad; short, fat, balding, gap in my teeth *LOL

posted by Tilly @ 6:26 PM ~

Monday, April 04, 2005

i just sliced and excessively buttered a whole Soreen to have whilst i answer these... i'll make up for it when my legs better, with an extra mile or ten on the walker *sighs... i might leave my blogging alone for a while now... my hearts not in it and theres other stuff.. it prolly won't even show that i haven't been here *L... its possibly a lil more likely that i'll change my mind or feel like screaming at someone tha metaphorical sense of course... *sighs*.. anyhoo.. back to ol' faithful Monday Madness [as if every day in this household isn't raving :/]

Monday MadnessMonday Madness: Where you live...
1. ...did you have to turn your clocks forward one hour this weekend? ...not this weekend just gone.. last weekend... the 27th March i think
2. ...what is the price of gasoline? ...i dunno, i doh drive so i never bought any
3. ...which natural disasters, if any, do you have to worry about? ...Bens ass explodin'.. *LOL .. thas some natural disaster right there i can tell ya *L ... we did have an earthquake a few years back... i remember sitting on the bed and Ben was in tha loo... we didn't realise what it was that we heard until the news reports the next day... *ponders* ...i think Yam-Man had one of those too...
4. you have a local newspaper, and if so, do you subscribe to it? ...the actual local paper is the Stockport Times East but we get two freebie newspapers thro tha door each week which have exactly the same news stories in them so i doh bother subscribing to the local rag.. I do get the Guardian delivered on a Saturday morning tho... a nice relaxing read *stifles ma giggles!
5. you subscribe to a local cable company for television viewing? ...i doh think its local but i still stick with NTL for my sins... i think from time to time how nice it would be to have Sky+
6. ...what is the speed limit on your road/street? ...on my road... its a cobbled street so cars don't tend to go too fast anyway but i think the limit is set to 30... or mebbe even as low as 20 as its a residential street... either way you'd be daft to go too fast as its narrow with cars lining both sides
7. far do you have to drive to the nearest post office? ...if i look out of my back window i can see the local post office... imagine a T junction... i'm on the stick down and the post office is the bit going across... it'd take longer to get in a car, start it up and drive there than it would to walk the 100 yards
8. ...what is the average temperature in April? ...cold!!
9. ...what is the average temperature in December? ...very cold!!
10. ...are your four seasons drastically different from one another? depends, Spring is cold; Summer is cold with the occassionally bizarre heatwave where we getting hosepipe bans and people out in next to no clothing for a weak... then back to cold, Autumn is cold and wet and Winter is just very very cold :)

posted by Tilly @ 5:37 PM ~

Saturday, April 02, 2005

am soooo tired... did i mention i'd bought a camp bed...a 'blow up to the size of a matress' type thing.. i got fed up of waking up in agony cus i'd been precariously balanced on the edge of the bed for fear of Nina heating up too much... i woke with cramp in my legs the other night cus i was tensing up to stop them falling off the bed.. how tragic's that?? i also had pains in my shoulders from having to hold myself against my bedside cabinet... i had enough and the camp bed is great... for now.. but i just want one decent night in a proper bed :( i've resigned myself to the fact that Nina's prolly gonna spend most nights tucked up nicely in my pit :(
So, i'm tired and getting lazy, i don't go out and i hardly excercise, i'm fed up and i'm a comfort eater ...a perfect lifestyle for an expanding waistline :( ...i even blew tha dust off a glide-walker i have and was just getting into the routine of that when i got a re-occurance of a leg injury *sighs* .. and here's for the really depressing part... my new 'puter is on a go slow... what tha feck!! my iPods gone blinky and Apple want to charge me £35 for their help as i didn't pay for an extended 2 year warranty (yet i'm still within my 1 year warranty...go figure!) Dixons stepped in at the last minute but until i have a working iPod i'm not convinced *sobs* ...on top of that, my codecs are all shot to shit and basically ...if it could go wrong then it has :/ ..arrgghh!!

posted by Tilly @ 2:59 PM ~

Friday, April 01, 2005

Dates to remember: 1st April Fools
this week's been a total bitch! my dad came over trying a pick a fight but i gave as good as i got! basically, he's pissed at others but not able to do anything about it so he's lashing out at anyone who narks him a lil but i ain't ten no more.. oh, and my sis has to go to hospital! she's not unwell, but i'd rather she didnt' have to go .. that makes me feel bad :( i think ma dads just feeling a lil helpless right now :/ ...also, today my aunties birthday ..and April Fools Day ..coincidence, you say? hmmmm ! comment!

posted by Tilly @ 8:34 AM ~

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