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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Monday, May 30, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: Think of a letter, then name...
1. a family member ...auntie
2. a movie ...Amores Perros... one of my faves and i highly recommend to everyone :)
3. a game ...Alien Trilogy for the PSone... classic :)
4. an automobile ...Austin Allegro ... wow, that takes me back a couple of decades.. my first loves dad had one of those and when ever we say him turn into the road we all used to leg it cus he was either totally embarassingly nice or a complete wanker :/ ... i still miss tha 'peachy' ex tho :(
5. a fictional character ...Alfred the Butler from Batman.. i never thought he got the credit he deserved!
6. a famous person ...Arnold Schwarzeneggar
7. a food ...apples.. i doh like them tho.. :(
8. a household item ...alarm clock
9. a book atlas ;)
10. a song ...American Trilogy by the King... if you doh cry then you got no soul :D

slight aside from Monday Madness.. but only just ;) ..i watched BB on Ch4 tonight for some insight into the 13 housemates that entered the house on Friday night and some are actually redeeming themselves... of course.. a fair few really aren't .. more on this later this week tho.. right now i wanna go catch some sleep... we're back on broken sleep and its doing me no favours :(

posted by Tilly @ 10:29 PM ~

Sunday, May 29, 2005

i have to leave it a lil while before i post about this years contestants.. i'm not sure if i was expecting too much or i'm just hard to please.. [in reality i was hoping for a lil less than what entered the house :( ..mebbe BB went a lil too far this year, altho i think i said the same last year too *L] ..whichever way i'm not passing judgement for a few days yet... however, one thing i have done is taken the conscious decision not to sit glued to E4 this year for fear of corruption ;) ...i've watched a lil, some BBLB and a couple of nightly hi-light shows... i got my faves but then i always go for the underdog :)

posted by Tilly @ 11:27 PM ~

Friday, May 27, 2005

i'm keen today.. Ninas sleeping, Ben is out and Lauren is *looks at watch* ...prolly just setting off from school to go swimming before coming home... i'm on my third cup of tea in the last hour and i know i should be doing something else but i'll be damned if i can remember what... hang on, hold that thought...

okay, am back and tha dusting's done... it'll keep Ben off my back at least until after i've watched BB later :) ... before i dashed off i was just sorting thro my bookmarks.. i have a 'To Look At In My Free Time' folder of places i have been and have wanted to look at in depth but half of them i can't even remember why *L ... i did come across one site tho, one that i won't mention the address of just yet but i always intended to have a good old read ...why? i dinnae... just made me laugh... lots... was bold, brassy, truthful, heartwarming, sad, real, honest.. but most of all, it was truly personal... doh get me wrong.. what you get here is me thro'out but its things around me, things that happen, stuff that annoys me, makes me smile etc but its never actually about me... my actual personal struggles ...about what my day to day existance is actually about... mebbe i should venture there.. :/ i'm not sure if i could...?

posted by Tilly @ 12:16 PM ~

i've slept [if you can call 2 hours on and off, sleep] ... am okay now... rant earlier prolly wasn't totally neccessary altho i'm not attempting to install that photosuite thing again for tha mobi... those instructions really were horrendous...written by a puter buff, for a puter buff.. not for tha likes of lil old me :(
anyhoo... onto more important matters.. its launch night tonight for BB6 and i'm not sure whether to have a chinese or an indian for me and my 12 (or 13 ...ooooh) new chums ...and whether to go all out and buy Stella or get stuck into the real BB mood with a 2l bottle of VERY cheap cider *giggles preparing either way with an afternoon nap-a-thon :) ... i could be in for a looooong night [sarcasm]...thanks Nina [/sarcasm] :(

posted by Tilly @ 10:16 AM ~

I'm totally pissed this evening.. i've had a real kick in tha 'self awareness' teeth and realised that english mustn't be my first language :( ... i'm extremely logical in my thinking, not normally having to read a manual to do most things but, being sensible mebbe more than logical, i always do give the instructions at least a glance. i've had my infrared/bluetooth enabled mobile fone but quite some time now and am led to believe, by hyped-up teenagers and similar advertising ploys, that i am not getting the most out of my fone.. Ben went to bed giggling to himself over an hour back and since then i have actually been uninstalling/rebooting/packing away anything to do with my mobile thats been [shortly] installed on my puter and have gone back to my previous thinking of 'its a fone, if it rings then i'm happy' ...i really don't care that my fone has the ability to be an mp3 player and digital camera and i'm not so concerned about being able to edit my pictures etc and up and download to my hearts content ...what would be nice is if i felt capable of installing it... i'd copy and paste what i'd read if i hadn't already metaphorically chew it up and spat it in tha recycle bin...i'm sure there's a far simpler way of explaining what it is that i should be doing *sighs* .. this gets me constantly at the minute.. new applications.. peripherals.. hardware/software? ...i think i'll go back to trying to beat my hi-score on solitaire for a while :/

posted by Tilly @ 12:25 AM ~

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

...vvbg ;)
...ohhhhhh mmmmmy gawwwwwwwwwwwwd! :)

posted by Tilly @ 11:15 PM ~

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: 'In your lifetime, have you....'
1. ...ridden on a rollercoaster? ...uh-huh... not for a while tho... am too grow'd up and sensible to do such things anymore *L
2. ...performed (in any area of the arts) onstage? ...not onstage as such but i did performed with a large orchestra back in my school days, for X'mas concerts etc but i was never one who wanted to be 'up there' infront of everyone :/
3. ...planted a garden? ...i've planted bulbs and seeds.. thas tha same thing i guess!
4. ...ever had to reformat your hard drive due to a virus/spyware? ...not yet!
5. ...written a book? A poem? A song? ...i can't write.. i always thought it would be great to do so but even back at school when we had to make stories i just didn't have the imagination for it... i'd go to great places in my tales but could never find a way out of them so everything always ended with the character waking up and it all being a dream :(
6. ...sang karaoke? ...only when very very drunk.. i can sing tho.. i just don't have the confidence to do it in front of others *L ... of course, once i am drunk i can't sing so well *hahaha
7. ...been interviewed by a local tv station/newspaper? ...not that i can remember, nope!
8. ...witnessed a tornado/earthquake/hurricane first-hand? ...never, thankfully! *correction: as pointed out by tha yam-man, there was an occassion a couple of years back when i was sat on the edge of my bed and Ben was on tha loo and the room literally rumbled.. tha few things arranged on my dressing table rattled and seeing as the bathroom was next to the room i was in i just figured it was Ben *giggles... it wasn't until the news coverage the next day that i realised that there had been an earthquake locally :) ...there was actually another one a few weeks late [if i remember that right] in Yam Land but that was a pitiful excuse by comparison *teehee!!
9. ...participated in a photo scavenger hunt? ...i don't know what one is, but it sounds fun... as a sponsored event at infants i remember we were given a chart with mebbe 20 boxes on and each had an item that had to be found eg. a picture of the queen, a feather, a shilling coin etc.. for charity, you would get sponsored per item you found etc ...that was fun back then :)
10. ...traveled to another country? ...just once, to France when i was 13 years old. i went with school for the day and we traveled by ferry.

posted by Tilly @ 11:17 PM ~

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: S'all 'Bout Tha Money
How much do you think is the most you would pay for...

1. ...a loaf of bread? more than a pound for a full size family loaf.. i think its if its tiger bread.. thas a whole other matter ;) i could just live on that stuff ...hmmmm!!
2. ...a gallon of gas? ...a gallon of? i have no clue... i don't drive :(
3. ...a pair of jeans? ...i fall out with H about this all tha time.. she moans she's broke but will not buy anything other than £80 jeans... ...mebbe i'd stretch to £20 but they'd have to look damn fine
4. ...a computer? ...i just bought a new puter and altho i was limited because of my budget i was determined i wouldn't spend over a certain amount.. i think anyone who spends more than mebbe £500 on a new puter tho is only doing it because of what it looks like rather than what it can do... i mean, take the iMac... wow.. thas some funky lookin' mother right there but its a puter at the end of the day and i just can't get past that... i think anyone buying one of those has to have the right lifestyle to pull it off.. either that or its someone over compensating ;)
Lauren and Nina, 8th May 20055. ...a camera? ...i need a new camera but i can't afford to buy a really decent digital one so i'm making do... i'd prolly pay anything up to £200 but thas top whack! i get some pretty cool piccies outta my keyring digicam that i got in a cracker at X'mas and tha crackers cost less than £20 for the whole box for emergency snapshots i can always rely on my mobile :)
6. ...a pair of shoes? ...again, it all depends... i think the most i ever paid was around £30 sis has a shoes fetish going on right now and buys three or four pairs at least a month.. i just don't get that :/
7. ...a television? ...i had this conversation recently.. my dad was renting until I bought a new set and gave him my old one. I couldn't understand why, in a time when the price of a perfectly decent TV can cost less than £200 he would rent one for £22 a month... I paid £150 for my latest telly 14 months again...
8. ...a recliner chair? ...a la Joey and Chandler? i dunno... i don't think i would buy one... now if it was being given away i would be first in the queue :)
9. ...a month of 'lightening speed' internet service? ...would it have unlimited dl? if so then mebbe i'd pay quite a bit and get as much stuff dl'd as i could :) ...right now i pay £18 for 300kbps connection ...there always seem to be a promise of it rising to 1mb but no sign so far
10. ...a cell phone? ...i upgrade my mobile handset for free when i get a new contract but i've decided already that when my current contract expires i am going onto Pay As You Go so i'll have to stick with the handset i've got. I don't think i could pay over the odds for a new handset tho... the cheaper ones are naff.. the nice ones are extortionate... i think i'll stick with what i got and if i ever feel its too old then i'll add one to my Wish List

posted by Tilly @ 10:38 AM ~

Saturday, May 07, 2005

i've never felt so lonely in a house full of people :/
another Saturday night sat in infront of Ben infront of the telly watching Ben watching telly ..well, watching Ben flick from channel to channel whilst desperately trying to find something to watch :/ ...mebbe tonights the night for that long soak and an early night ...

posted by Tilly @ 7:04 PM ~

Monday, May 02, 2005

it would have been Russie's birthday today.. i still miss him... he'da been 19 today and i still think about him when i'm throwing out the lamb bone ...what a waste!

Monday Madness Monday Madness:
1. How do you find out which performances are in town and at which venue? ...i don't look to see what performances are on.. if i want to see an act i look to see when/if that act is performing locally
2. How do you buy your tickets (i.e. online, box office, eBay)? ...i've never bought tickets myself... if i was to tho' it would either be online or at the box office
3. Do you have copies of seating charts you refer to or just accept what's offered? ...normally a seating chart is shown on line or at the box office... i'd want to know what i was paying for
4. Which is most important: seating location or hearing the music live? ...seating probably... it'd depend on the act.. i've only been to a couple of concerts myself and the view was just as important as being able to hear
5. Which venue, if any, do you absolutely refuse to see a performance at? ...i don't know how to answer that... :/ i've only been to one venue and thats the MEN Arena which is cool... i wouldn't kow where i wouldn't want to go til i'd been there and found it naff... or somewhere that had a really bad reputation i s'pose
6. Do you dine at the venue or eat prior to the performance and why? ...i'd eat prior to arriving at a venue.... have you seen those bumped up prices
7. Do you attend performances with certain folks only? ...taking J along always ensures a bloody good night out ... taking the kinda person who is trying to get attention by pretending to not have a good time isn't the way to go about these things *LOL
8. Which items are standard accessories/must haves for any performance? ...glow-in-the-dark/wave in-the-air always go down well *L
9. Do you buy merchandise/souvenirs? really does depend on the act. the prices are so extortionate ...if i do buy anything it's been a program as a long lasting souvenir ...i did buy Lauren a headscarf once tho as i went to see her favourite band and she couldn't go
10. What's the most you ever spent for a ticket (one ticket) and which performance? Was it worth it and why? ...£26 i think... most tickets i get for a birthday gift tho if i really want to go
11. How far will you drive for that performance you just can't miss? ...i don't drive.. you'd be best to ask the person i plan to go with most act in the UK visit the MEN Arena whilst on tour then its not too difficult to see a concert within 20 miles distance

posted by Tilly @ 12:47 PM ~

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Dates to remember: not an awful lot in May really... hurray!
Bens out tonight doing some DJ'ing for a friend of his.. i got an invite but i wouldn't have known anyone and with Ben worrying so much about messing up he wouldn't want to be keeping me company so i settled for stopping at home with the kids.. saves on the babysitting fees too ...y'ouch! money's tight right now :(

posted by Tilly @ 10:43 PM ~

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