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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Friday, September 30, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness:
1. When you're stressed out, what do you do to relieve your stress? ...i get short tempered or i cry... either way, its extreme =(
2. Are you normally a patient person, or is patience NOT one of your virtues? ...i can't be patient but if something/one is persistantly getting something wrong or doing the same thing over then i'm sure, in the end, it'll be red rag to a bull phase .....eek!
3. How many times a week do you blog? ...a week or a month?! oops.. i tend to have phases where i do and where i don't... usually it coincides with something thats happened at its either than i am having such a ball that i haven't the time or that i am so miserable/fed up that i can't even be bothered to moan/cry about it
4. How many memes a week do you participate in? ...this is a meme right? then just this one :)
5. Describe the perfect day, weather-wise? ...drizzly, cold, a little windy... i love those days where it just doesn't managed to get light =)
6. Would you rather be too hot, or too cold? ...too cold for sure
7. Do you eat out often, and if so, what type of restaurants do you frequent? ...i think Ben and i have eaten out alone just twice in 9 years... with family mebbe another 4 or 5...we've been to an indian restaurant and to a carvery
8. If you could run your own business, what type of business would it be? ...i honestly don't know.. an olde fashioned tea shoppe mebbe, or a sweet shop... i really don't know

posted by Tilly @ 10:49 AM ~

Thursday, September 29, 2005

the more Garfield i see the more i'm beginning to think i might be him's not all about the lasagne tho' ;)

posted by Tilly @ 12:59 PM ~

Monday, September 26, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: all about ME! Nothing personal; just for fun
1. On what day of the week were you born? ...a Tuesday if i remember rightly; fair of face ...*sniggers
2. Do you look forward to birthdays? own? ...yeah, why not :) ...when its someone elses its a different matter *L
3. How do you usually celebrate your birthday? home, quietly. family will call over and maybe have tea... last year i went for a meal as it was my 30th
4. Do you like surprises? ...not really... i like to be forewarned of events
5. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party? thankfully! it's more likely that i'll walk out annoyed than have a good time :( if you didn't know that about me then we aren't close enough for you to be arranging me an unwanted suprise party ;)
6. How many family and friends' birthdays can you remember right off the top of your head? ...quite a few... all immediate familys anyway
7. Do you send cards to your family and friends on their birthday? ...i send them to long distance friends.. but family i make an effort to see on their birthdays or at least close to if they have other plans.
8. What kind of cake do you like? ...carrot cake...hmmmm!!
9. What kind of ice cream goes best with it? ...what??! what kind of ice cream goes with any cake other than artic roll... sheeesh!!
10. When is your birthday? ...get your diaries out then: 21st January [31 on my next and i would love some printer ink :)]

posted by Tilly @ 7:09 PM ~

i went out today... now i know that thats hardly anything to report to the average normal human being.. and thats why i'm reporting it ...i'm not normal... i can count on one hand the amount of times since the New Year how many times i have gone out because i've wanted to! ...okay, i've been to the doctors, hospital appointments, went to see mother on her birthday and mothers day and the same for my sis and my dad but actually thinking 'its a nice days lets all go out to the park' isn't something that you'll hear from me that often... today we talk a walk to the post office, paid a few bills...called in the paper shop and sat and watched the world go by in the church grounds.. ~ today, the church grounds.. tomorrow, the world

posted by Tilly @ 3:44 PM ~

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: What would you do in the following situations?
1. The store clerk undercharges you for an item you purchase? ...i keep quiet and hope i got out of the door and away from the store before anyone else realised
2. The cashier gives you change for a fifty pound not when you only gave her a twenty, and you don't realize it until you're out the door? ...see above ;)
3. You see your best friend's husband/wife with another woman/man at a neighborhood restaurant? ...hmmm... i think i'd broach the subject in a totally innocent way but i'd be prepared for any subsequent fall out!
4. Your 15 year old asks you if you ever tried an alcoholic beverage before you were of legeal drinking age (and you have)? ...i got some funny and some sad stories about underage drinking... i'd tell them both so as not to make drinking out to be the devils work but pointing out that there can be a bad side to it
5. You find a fifty pound note laying on the floor of a department store? ...i'd look around to see if anyone could see me then i'd pick it up and pocket it then browse the store a little while subtley making my way to the exit... if it was a purse tho i'd pick it up and hand it in ~ see, i'm not all bad ;)

posted by Tilly @ 12:48 PM ~

Friday, September 23, 2005

posted by Tilly @ 11:25 PM ~

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

i've been really crap at keeping up to speed with monday madness but i do plan to catch up somehow... prolly not all but some at least... here's my first attempt.. on a Wednesday .. oh tha madness!!
Monday Madness Monday Madness: seems i missed some Monday Madness'ers submitting some questions; thas cool ~ i missed submitting my answers ..teehee!!
1. Mal asks... What is the last thing you do at night? ...check on the girls before getting into bed and turning out the light.
2. Wil asks... Where were you when the lights went out? ...trying to find my keys.. how inconvenient, huh!!?
3. Andrea asks... What's on your refrigerator? used to have a select few magnets on it until Nina came along, took them off and pushed them underneath!! i just have mucky fingerprints and a dent *LOL
4. Jenny asks... What is your ideal vacation spot? ...i have three... Scotland highlands in a cabin with a log fire , a good book and a good bottle of Bushmills and Ben for company would be a bonus ;) ...second is the south of France in a rustic villa and lastly, Tuscany.. i've never been but i think i'd like it :)
5. Kia asks... What's the sexiest language in the world? ...ooooooh... French? Irish... American? .. any of those are sweeeeeet!! ....regarding tha last tho' ... no hillbillies need apply *LMAO
6. Zeno asks... Have you ever made a wish on a shooting star and had that wish come true? ...i never seen a shooting star =(
7. Bunnykissd asks... We're more than halfway through the year now; how are you doing with your New Year's resolutions? ...did i make any? ...i'm not sure.. prolly not.. but if i did then the liklihood i kept them is minimal ;)

posted by Tilly @ 1:15 PM ~

Friday, September 16, 2005

Dates to remember: 6th Lauren starts Secondary School; 13th Mums Birthday; 16th Bens Birthday
A little late in the month but i figure if i'm gonna get back in the habit then i'd be best to dive in with both feet :) my summer flew.. part taken by amusing the kids, part taken by watching BB (which i hated yet couldn't ignore completely), some time spent with Ben (who i hated yet couldn't ignore completely ;) !!) and just generally feeling crappy and uninterested in almost everything :( ...i think its the summer that does it.. i've never enjoyed the summer months,
and even more so when the weather is actually hot. i've a very definite memory from before i was 8 and my sister was ill in bed so my mum sent me out to play on my own... the weather was what you'd call 'glorious' so she'd dressed me in shorts and t-shirt and i felt horrendous ...i sat on the front door step and cried... i don't know what the outcome was but i know i felt like shit. I've spent most of these school holidays indoors.. infact, i know, the only time i set foot out of the house from June thro to the end of July was to go to my dads house on Fathers Day and his birthday you think there might be something wrong with me ;) *haha! This week i've made a conscious effort to do something once a day. Lauren started at secondary school last week so i don't feel pinned down with regards time so much and this week Ben started a new DESK job .. oh yeah... he's still around [and its his birthday today :)] ...back on the job, how long he'll keep this one i don't know but he's grumpy as hell til he gets used to it so he's been a royal pain in tha ass much so that today i had good intentions of taking Nina to her first playgroup session and yet i don't think i will.. we've argued each night this week and last night i just had enough, hit a low, today i feel like shit and look even worse and i'm short tempered and ...grrrrrrr!! *LOL ....oh boy! .. if i didn't laugh i'd cry ..typical!! it's dinner time now, an hour until playgroup begins... mebbe i'll pull it around and go take a look but don't hold your breath

posted by Tilly @ 11:32 AM ~

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