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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Monday, October 31, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness:
1. Name 1 comedy movie you've seen: ...i don't watch that many comedy films but i love the Bad Boys movies... they made me laugh quite a bit... old time comedy films are far better tho.. Steve Martin was a comedy genius - what tha hell happened there??
2. Name 2 black and white films you remember seeing: The Elephant Man and The Hunchback of Notre Dame are two that spring to mind... hardly upbeat and they wouldn't have had the same effect had they been in colour either. Truly moving films
3. Name 3 dramas you thought were worth watching: ...Prime Suspect, and Helen Mirren in particular, is just awesome - not the same old police drama... something prepared to give that lil extra... Trial and Retribution, like Prime Suspect, is a gripping, dark police drama and in the same vien as Prime Suspect surpasses any other 'wannabe' out there... and finally, The Thorn Birds.. its soooo wrong to fancy a man of the cloth but Richard Chamberlain ...*woof
4. Name 4 television shows you watch on a regular (or semi-regular) basis: ...Lost....8 weeks in and i'm feeling lost myself.. not sure if i'll be able to get to the end of the first series (all 24 episodes of it) without having a sneaky peek on the net for spoilers :) ...Nip/Tuck: WOW! about stepping out of the circle.. this show can get truly gruesome at times and all the 'patient' stories are great but the lives of the docs out of surgery hours is getting a little tedious.. might have jumped the shark but i'm hanging in there :) ...The Sopranos: hmmmmmmm... James Gandalfini...whattaman!! i LOVE this show... lastly, a new TV show just started here 'Weeds' ...its sooo funny .. i recommend to those who haven't seen it.. its about a widow trying to keep the family home and to do the best by her 2 kids... by selling pot to the uppity neighbours *teehee
5. Name 5 things that, in your opinion, are advertised on television too frequently: ...ringtones ...eurgh!! who tha hell really pays £3.00 to have a ringtone that sounds like it was made on a casio from the 80s!!!! thats my only real beef at the minute but i do hate some of the adverts that are on at the moment... Do these companies really think we'll buy anything?

posted by Tilly @ 9:47 AM ~

Monday, October 24, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: This or That - Which One, Two?
1. diamonds or pearls? please... and make them large ones ;)
2. paperback or hardcover books? ...i'm not a big reader but when i do i like a paperback i can fold the cover back on and hold in two hands... my hands ache a lot and a hardback is too heavy to hold onto for too long
3. carpet or hardwood floors? depends where; i think hardwood floors, especially original parquet *gushes* are to die for but there is nothing nicer than slipping out of bed on a cold winters morning into 2" deep shagpile :)
4. dogs or cats? ...dogs... i really don't like cats at all - they give me the fear!! my neighbour has 4 and two got into the kitchen one night... i tried to be brave but i was between one cat and the exit and i knew it was just gonna run at me so i scream... loud *L ..then wept...a lot ....*ahem... you can stop laughing now ;)
5. fluffy or firm pillow? ...firm i think; i have 3 pillows and a cushion to sleep on .. the two bottoms ones are puffy but the top one is as flat as a pancake.. the cushion is flatter than the top pillow but without it i don't sleep well :(
6. fine point or medium point pens? ...because of the problems i have with my hands i don't tend to handwrite an awful lot of stuff now... either fine or medium is fine by me tho... what i hate are fountain pens that scratch ...eeeek!!
7. clocks a little fast or on time? ...on time would be good... around this house i am not sure if any two clocks have the same time on them *L ...if i need a definite time then i use the digital tv guide as a rule... i did used to have my bedroom alarm set a little early but i just got used to it so it was pointless
8. mahjong or spider solitaire (or other)? ...i LOVE mahjong and have far too often only sat to have one game to still be sat here 4 hours later.. always trying for that better time... i play usually at but if anyone knows any better places to play that'd be cool
9. wall calendar or desk calendar? ...we have a wall calendar - a Peter Kay one; its got some really funny pictures and quotes on it but i always forget its there... if i want to know the date, like the time, i'll refer to the clock on the digital tv guide.. either that or i'll hover over the puter time
10. 'Survivor' or 'The Amazing Race? ...thye're Us reality TV shows right? well we used to have Survivor and i loved it but i'm not sure if there are plans to make another series...we don't have The Amazing Race but it sounds... amazing ;) I love BB altho i don't want to; i don't like Fame Academy, i do like Pop Idol and X Factor and i want to watch Strictly Come Dancing but it clashes with other things so i miss it :( ...i do like reality TV but sometimes wish i didn't so much *blushes

posted by Tilly @ 2:13 PM ~

Thursday, October 20, 2005

i went to the docs today because of that whole chicken thing last week... it went pretty much how i figured it would... [and got myself a flu jab thrown into the bargain... whinces!] same old thing with the lungs and how food could have gotten into them [it has a fancy latin name but i just like to call it 'scary'!] ...and how i could have some damage to my throat and the healing process is slow hence the pain etc... but i'm now to be booked in to have a camera down my throat to find out for sure whats actually going on in there :( ...then she [the doc] mentioned the dreaded word - WEIGHT! ...she asked if i wanted to be weighed and to be truthful i didn't.. i've felt crappy for as long as i remember and getting on the scales wasn't going to tell me anything i didn't know already :( was different tho' ...partly the scare last week, partly me seeing the nice doc and feeling bad for letting her down when i said i'd lose weight last time, partly Nina tearing the docs room apart and me being out of breathe whilst trying to explain that my weight didn't really bother me *L where do i go from here?
i did get on those scales in the end and they were actually quite kind, and whilst i'm not prepare to reveal what they said i do plan to let you know how i get along... what i'm eating; what i've done; where i've been, if at all...

posted by Tilly @ 11:57 AM ~

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

...and then it all turned to shit i guess :(
Laurens been asking for weeks to go out to the 'Puss in Boots' and i've always said no because first of all, its a pub!! ...she can't explain why her mates go there or what they do when they get there and its quite a distance away and it all seems a lil fishy to me.. but you know, she's growing up and she's getting more friends further afield and i need to let her find her feet some how ...she was the only one to get an A1 grade and i figure it'll be a nice treat.. so i said yes today... ...*arrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
She takes so long to get ready and her mate doesn't knock on when she said she would that by the time she's leaving she's only gonna be oota tha house for a lil more than an hour so i'm happy ...i don't have to worry for too long about where she is and what she's up to :) i feed Nina and crack on with our tea...everythings working out brilliantly... Lauren in at 6pm, Ben in just after... sit down to tea then give Nina a bath... only Ben calls me at 5.50pm to say he's mebbe 15 minutes away so i call Lauren just to make sure she's on her way back and isn't going to be late.. Ben didn't want her going to the 'Puss in boots' at all so he ain't gonna be happy if she's late.. uh-oh!!, not only did she act like a gimp on the phone but she's lost; doesn't have the foggiest idea where she is or how they got there and her 'mates' won't tell her which way to go... ...i wouldn't mind if i hadn't spoke to her mate myself about Lauren getting home and that altho she didn't need walking home it would be nice if they could at least get her as far as the school so she'd have some kinda bearings ...i was really angry!! its not the first time i've given an inch and she's taken a mile but why not call ... this was five to six... and i'd called her... its not like she could have gotten home from where she was in the time left anyway... ... i called Ben... it should have been Laurens worst nightmare...daddy coming to pick you up when you're trying to act big infront of your mates hanging round the streets doesn't help your streetcred i'm guessing!

posted by Tilly @ 10:34 PM ~

Lauren was the star attraction, it seems, at the school concert last night... she played two classical pieces on the piano in a concert given by half of the forms in her year at school... ...and i feel bad :( ...neither Ben nor i went even tho we knew she would be playing :(( ...i won't be made to feel guilty by the other 'perfect' parents but i do think, in hindsight, that maybe we should have gone. i'm so proud of what Lauren has achieved and only yesterday afternoon she was asked to perform in front of the headmaster, the head of music and drama and her head of year music teacher... i'm not sure if they see so much more in her, it would be wonderful if they did as it's her dream to play in an orchestra...and who knows what direction they'll push her in *vbg ...i've already got my name on at least 6 seats for the X'mas concert.. its a full school thing and Laurens already been asked to perform ...i'm beaming about it... and with my folks back from Greece and my sis having enough time to make arrangements i plan to make it a family affair :)

posted by Tilly @ 11:10 AM ~

Monday, October 17, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: This or That - Which One?
1. Lemonade or Iced Tea? ...Lemonade for sure - iced tea i just can't my head around
2. DVD or VHS? ...DVD all the way [unless its a deleted title - rigt now i'm trying to get 200 cigarettes which isn't available on R2 DVD :(]
3. Gold or Silver? ...silver - gold doesn't suit me at all
4. Baseball or Tennis? ...being in the UK i'd say Tennis; we don't have a lot of Baseball games going on and i love a bit of Winbledon each year :)
5. Spring or Autumn? ...Autumn.. i love the smells, the colours, the crispness - its my favourite season :)
6. Diet or Regular? ...Ben diabetic so we only ever have diet
7. Hearts or Stars? ...i'm not too sure.... prolly stars as i'm not your average girlie girl
8. Snail Mail or Email? ...Snail Mail :) ...i think eMailing is awesome and so quick and easy but its taken over and the only things that get posted thro my letter box now are bills; junk mail and newspapers :( ...having a handwritten envelope on your door mat of a morning is a wonderful sight :)
9. Shop: Online or In-Store? ...if i could afford to use a credit card each time i did a shop then it would always be on line... however, i can't so sometimes i just gotta venture out into the big wide world and pay cash. ..i love online grocery shopping tho' really is a hassle free option when you don't drive; when you don't like going out and when you got a kid who doesn't like to sit still for more than five minutes
10. Credit Card or Cheque? if i can.. sometimes i'll be overindulgent and think what tha hell and put it on my card....if i happen to buy something on line at a certain auction site i make sure i can pay by cheque [my PayPal account is totally screwy right now and thats not such a bad thing ;)]

today i think i might hunt down otto's answers ...i've looked before and never found them... if you pass by otto.. lemme know where you blog... your links i've followed by never found your MMs :(
**EDIT: just spotted an MM in your general blog otto with the message that you don't play regular *L ~ thas prolly why i couldn't find it huh *giggles

posted by Tilly @ 9:05 AM ~

Sunday, October 16, 2005

We had a pretty cool day today.. yesterday we'd all gotten into a discussion about the fact that five minutes doesn't seem to pass without someone arguing with someone else and its usually over the most trivial of things.. i think Bens tired and easily peeved just now; Laurens so hormonal you can see them oozing out of her pores and i'm just the emotional cripple that i've always been. i think its just a clash of strong personalities between Ben and Lauren and with Lauren being of a certain age Ben is struggling to come to terms with it. i'm not faultless of course.. i stick up for her when i can see her arguement but she doesn't have the right words [or the ability to use them even if she did] to explain herself and i don't back Ben up when he's 'having words' with her, even to the point where i'll criticise not what he is saying to Lauren, but the way he is saying an UN-united front! I think the chat shocked us into admitting things that in other circumstances we wouldn't have mentioned - it had never been this serious before :(
So, we're working at it - all of us :) ..i had to sit Lauren down and explain that it HAS to be all of us 'cause if one isn't trying then its not gonna work - she seemed to get it and her attitudes been different since last night - how long it will last it a whole other matter entirely ;) So, today we've had a pretty cool day - Bens not moaned at Lauren for being a teenager; Lauren hasn't sulked at the slightest thing and i've taken time out to play a game with Lauren... infact, i taught the kid to play backgammon.. then she whooped ma butt twice :(

posted by Tilly @ 11:15 PM ~

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I've had as much of a relaxing day as i could today as yesterday was a just a lil bit fraught :( ... i ended up in A+E the style of the Queen Mother some years back... after getting a piece of chicken stuck in my throat.. eek! it not actually that uncommon for me to struggle to swallow *stifles a giggle... but this was something else... normally it'll just take a swig of coke and a good ol' bloike and its shifted but not this time.. i stood over the sink thumping myself in the chest thinking about backing into a wall in a self inflicted heimlich ...y'ouch!! i ended up taking a sip of milk and thats when i thought my time might be up :(
the pain was intense and i could feel the beads of sweat forming on my forehead; Nina was running around in the background blissfully unaware and i remember that altho i was panicking i smiled... whilst on the outside everything seemed to be going really fast, inside my head i was the calmest ever... i was trying to think what to do and more so - in what order... i wasn't struggling to breathe, i didn't feel particularly light headed but i did know that whatever was happening; it wasn't right! i didn't want to panic anyone so i called the doc hoping to get a call out ...pft!! i'm not even sure they do them anymore... he told me to call an ambulance and head to A+E immediately... so much for me being calm; he really put tha shitters up me i called Ben.. it seemed like the next logical thing to do and he'd put me in my place... tell me what to do ...he says to ring my sis - she drives and Bens 90 minutes-by-bus away at the least... so i ring my sis and tell her whats happened whilst watching lil sweat blobs form on my arms - the damp patches on my clothes are lush but the drip of sweat hanging from the end of my nose isn't half as interesting, and then my call is cut short when i think it might be rude to barf whilst on the fone... and then i ring my sister back *L ...I hadn't even thought of it but, Lauren? it was Liz who reminded me that there had to be something sorted for Lauren coming out of school... ah bollox! trust me mum and dad to choose this time to go looking at houses in Greece *sighs* ... so, i get off the phone and Ben calls me back... he's about to leave work and he'll be 90 mins-ish ...phew! least i'm sitting put til Ben gets back
a lil time passes... mebbe only 5 minutes but it feels like a lifetime and i'm feeling really shoddy by now.. the pains still there but the sweatings subsided for now and altho i'm not feeling great, i'm feeling a whole heap better - just tired...oh, and in pain; Ninas loving that she can leave her dinner and i haven't hauled her back to eat 'one more crust' and is now sat reading a book in the middle of the floor :) ...i ring the doc back. i'm expecting he'll tell me he'll call in on me on his rounds or that i need to make an appt to see him some time very soon...oops! ...he informs me that he will not be held responsible if anything should happen to me whilst i am not taking his advice!! ...consider yaself told off!! ..i'm holding out tho'.. i can't call an ambulance - it doesn't feel right and besides; if i jump out of my front door i can see the hospital... i'm not comfortable and decide on taking a taxi if necessary when Ben arrives.. which he does not long after and he first comments on how grey and bleurgh i look, then tells me how much he loves me and that i have to get better.. then ships me off in the neighbours car which he arranged before coming in the house...
almost 4 hours [and 17 suduko puzzles completed] later i'm back home telling Ben the intricate details *L main concern apparantly is that the food could have gone 'down the wrong hole and end up in my lungs!!' - personally, i didn't even think that was possible.. or it could have been some kind of stomach/pancreas complications... altho i have ruptured some throat tissue and thats what led to the mass concern *shrugs* ... that lowly chicken was just the straw that broke the camels back as they say and now i've gotta be booked in for alsorts of prodding and probing ...*groans ....but still, if that doesn't give me a kick up the arse to get myself sorted and appreciate what i got around me then i don't know what could :)
as for anyone who actually bothers to read what very little does go on in my life.. i'm afraid you're stuck with me for a lil bit longer ;)

posted by Tilly @ 2:45 PM ~

Monday, October 10, 2005

This weeks questions were sent out with the subject heading 'Monday Madness ~ Fun Questions this week!' ...excellent!! ...nothing too taxing on the brain and i'm a lil busy today so i'd be able to answer them quick then be on my way only thats not so... i've really struggled to answer most of these :( ...i originally made this post over an hour ago and still only one question remains fully answered :/ i will complete them, but if any are still blank then i apologise
Monday Madness Monday Madness:
1. Name one productive thing you accomplished this past weekend.? ...d'ya know what? i thought long and hard about this and i'm not sure there is anything :/
2. Name two things that you look forward to doing? ...sleeping in ...eventually - that would be wonderful.. and mebbe going away for a short time - just a seaside trip even :)
3. Name three things that gross you out? ...terracotta.. not the colour but the ceramic ...unglazed terracotta pots are just the worst thing EVER! poop oota tha bath...eeeeeew! ...i can always tell when its going to happen but its always just to close for me to do anything about *LOL ...last one is after reading a magazine... botched cosmetic surgery *gulps!
4. Name four things that you normally do on a daily basis? ...wash, tidy, clean, cook... on a more general basis; i check my eMail, i online bank, i make sure Laurens uniform and such are ready for the next day and my routine for Nina each night is cemented - bath/milk/teeth/book/bed :)
5. Name five things that you own that you think you could get rid of and not miss? ...Ben *giggles... okay, mebbe not ;)

i think i'll come back to these a lil later *L

**EDIT: i came back to this a couple of days later and tried to fill it is as best i could... i really did find it far more difficult than i thought i would tho... as for ottos comments; i love Monday Madness and if i ever do take a break its far more likely to be because of something offline than because i can't [or don't want to] answer any questions.. i thank you otto, you might not realise it but you make me think about an awful lot of 'stuff' :)

posted by Tilly @ 8:46 AM ~

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

LOL ... after reading the comments concerning my desk i just had to do a lil tidy up... i went thro my pen pot and threw away 4 pens that just didn't work and also decided having 5 blue biros on show was just showing off!! i sharpened my pencils and got rid of anything that just wasn't necessary [which meant most went in the draw at least ;)] ...I didn't mention the piles of bills/paperwork that i had stacked between me and the monitor as that ruined the 'flow' of my junk when describing it *LOL ...well thats gone too... filed away under 'S' for stuff :) ... my intray is more respectably full now and i've gone thro my CDs and put away any i haven't listened to in the last month ~ that even made room for a few new ones too ...everything got a dustover.. and i even wiped over my coaster *L ...of course.. that was 2 days ago.. i can't be held responsible for its appearance today ;)

posted by Tilly @ 8:36 AM ~

Monday, October 03, 2005

Dates to remember: ...the calm before the storm!Monday Madness Monday Madness:
1. What's on your computer desk? ...alsorts right now; i need a tidy up... from left to right we have my stereo with a box of trainers on top of it *L, my 'in-tray' my cake box of cd-rs and a reminder note for things i have to do tomorrow. i have a polystyrene coffee cup with lid behind that which has headfones for Bens iPod and my mp3 player armstrap type stuff in it... next to that i have an enormous Manchester United tea cup which is my pen pot and behind that is a CD wallet and a blue plastic beaker with receipts and lose change in it... next to that i have 2 diaries - one family one and another expenses one and a calculator on top of that.. then comes my monitor with a speaker either side... to the right of my monitor is my printer and iPod dock and then the PC tower with a bowl of fruit on top [not ideal but its out of Ninas reach there *L] ... next to that i have a blue rubber CD tray and a wooden toy bath that Ninas left here on one of her attempts to press the blue flashing power button on the tower. Last, i have a pine and crome shelf that is holding various bits of junk that i can't find better places for ...all in all, its a bit of a mess just now =(
2. What does your computer desktop background look like? the minute i am using a microsoft XP one.. the green squiggly windows one
3. What's on your agenda for the upcoming week? ...nothing in particular.. Lauren is representing her school tomorrow in the cross country so i might be going to see that altho its over an hours journey away on 2 buses and i'd have to take Nina with me too, and Tuesday my dad is calling over for a hair cut ... Laurens at the dentist on Thursday for her first extraction.. eek!!

posted by Tilly @ 2:42 AM ~

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