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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

posted by Tilly @ 11:47 PM ~

Monday, November 21, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: Fill in the blanks...
1. I have little or no patience when it comes to people who aren't prepared to listen.
2. I wish I could spend more time with Ben and the girls.
3. The most productive thing I accomplished this past weekend was taking a trip to the park. :/
4. The most enjoyable thing I did this weekend was take a trip to the park.
5. I've always wanted to learn how to drive.
6. If money wasn't an issue, I'd buy a house.. something with a big garden for the kids.
7. I blog because its my place to vent spleen, to get things off my chest without having to upset everyone in the process... if i didn't blog i'd be a lot more on edge.

posted by Tilly @ 10:30 AM ~

Monday, November 14, 2005

I'm like a graceful swan right now.. shut it yam-man!! ...on the surface every looks cool, calm and collected but its whats going on underneath that really interesting... there are more posts drafted and not published on this blog right now than ever before... i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and whilst i like to use this page as a sounding board, sometimes dirty laundry should remain unwashed, for now, my posts are few and far between ..add that to the fact i got two kids with flu *sniffs at the faint smell of Vicks Vaporub hangs in the air...hmmmmm =)

Monday Madness Monday Madness: Letter Heading: S
1. Name one color? ...Scarlett
2. Name one song? ...'Stay with me, baby' by Lorraine Ellison
3. Name one movie? ...Scarface... i haven't seen it ~ i prolly should
4. Name one vehicle? ...Scooter
5. Name one food? ...Spaghetti Bolognaise...hmmmmm!
6. Name one household item? ...Scrubbing brush
7. Name one book? ...'Sickened: The True Story of a Lost Childhood' by Julie Gregory... a book told from the childs point of view when she suffers as her mother deals with Munchausen by Proxy

posted by Tilly @ 11:44 AM ~

Monday, November 07, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: Wishful thinking...
1. Sometimes I wish I could just disappear
2. If I could take a long weekend to
Scotland I'd be very happy.
3. The world would be a better place if more people would just
4. One of my greatest qualities is
my ability to listen... or mebbe my ability to laugh at life and myself.
5. The one thing about me that I need to work on is
my health.
6. Happiness is
a night curled up on the sofa, watching a movie wtih Ben.

posted by Tilly @ 1:13 PM ~

Friday, November 04, 2005

Lauren, October 2005i know i'm biased when it comes to my own kids.. i'm a parent - its my job... but i do know that they are both beautiful, talented, helpful, smart, amazing, witty, outgoing, confident, polite, and just downright good kids (when they aren't driving me up the wall that is *teehee)... the list goes on =) but even i was gobsmacked when Lauren brought home her first secondary school photograph ...she scrubs up pretty well don't you think *beams* ...i even scanned and sent the pic to Ben at work as i couldn't get over it *L .. he says theres not a chance in hell thats Lauren *pmsl
*sniffles... ma babys *really* growing up fast =(

posted by Tilly @ 2:26 AM ~

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Dates to remember: 5th Bonfire Night
So, only one month til X'mas *gasps!! ...okay, okay... i know its not quite only a month but it is next month ....eek!! this time last year i told myself i would start buying early so as not to burden myself with everything at the last minute...*whistles nonchalantly
i had good intentions and i'm pretty sure what i'm getting for everyone so thats a start.. i could do with writing it all down just in case i get a bump on the head (hey... anything possible round here right now!) ...i did go browsing for some information on a coffee
maker that i'm intending to buy for my sis as a combined house warming/X'mas gift and managed to bag 4 free shopsize sachets of pods and some money off vouchers for the coffee maker itself... not a bad swipe as its something i plan to buy soon...for others tho, its the usual sox and smellies so far *L .. mebbe i should put a little more thought into it for now :)

posted by Tilly @ 11:00 AM ~

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