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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Monday, December 19, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: Words:
1. Name 1 toy you owned when you were younger, that meant a lot to you. ...i got a big elephant nightie case from my Uncle Mark when i was very young... looking back it was ugly as sin but i remember carrying it to school to show everyone in an assembly so i must have liked it quite a bit... it stood about 18" high and had a dome shaped hard body ..the inside was like an upturned bucket which i did take out occassionally..why? i don't know!! *LOL ..there was a zip across the bottom so it could be opened and there was a brown fur cover on the body and its head was a standard teddy type head but still in this chocolate brown fur with pink inserts on its ears and the end of its trunk... its probably still in my parents attic but to see it now would be kinda sad =(
2. Name 2 games you enjoyed playing as a child. ...oh bless Big Tits - thats a person and not the plaything of gents ;) ...if she was here now we'd be having such a giggle about these: we used to play Monopoly for hours.. sometimes days *L .. she'd come stop over and we'd start playing after tea ...we'd take breaks at my mothers request to get into our jammies and have a snack.. then we'd get sent to bed but we'd leave everything set up and continue the game the next day.. i've never enjoyed Monopoly like that since... not sure why those games went on so long. the second has to be split kinda into two as me and Big Tits used to love sliding down the stairs in duvet covers.. i perish at the thought of it now but we'd literally be launching ourselves down the flight of 16 steps without any thought for our own safety *LOL ..often we'd end up getting shouted at by my mother and we'd go upstairs and play hide and seek in the dark instead... no damage there then *giggles... i hid on top of a wardrobe behind the door in my mothers box room only i tried to push myself back and end up with the wardrobe tilting forward, hitting the back of the door and slamming it shut with me and the wardrobe diagonally across it with my leg pinned against the opposite wall...all in the dark remember *LMAO .. the only light i got was when when Big Tits tried to get in and i could just peep over the top of the door ... i think my dad ended up getting a ladder and coming thro the window to get me in the end *rotflmfao @ that memory
3. Name 3 foods you didn't like as a child, but do now
Mushrooms: they were the devils food as far as i was concerned but now i got quite a liking for them and throw them in quite a lot of stuff i cook.. and on the side of a fry up.. and garlic mushrooms.. hmmmmm
Fishcakes: i didn't want round fishfingers as a kid ...and where was the fish?? looked like a cop out to me.. all potato and nothing much else.. nowadays tho, unless we're talking some quality haddock fingers then i'm quite partial to a fishcake now and again =)
Branflakes: they were like cardboard.. i couldn't stand 'em.. maybe its because my mother bought the shops own brand but i hated them.. i'm quite keen now.. if i buy a box i'll eat them each morning til they're gone.. then i might not buy them again for 6 months.. but i do like them .. such a turn around =)
4. Name 4 foods you didn't like as a child, and still don't like
Baked Beans: *gags* dad tried to get me to eat them by telling me they were exactly the same as spaghetti just a different shape but they most definitely don't taste the same.. i gave them up for Lent for years *L .. its a bit of a running joke still =)
Braising Steak: i could never eat this stuff and would have minute steaks when mum was cooking those.. it was just too difficult to eat and too stringy *retches*
Turkish Delight: who tha hell invented that stuff? the turks, huh *LOL ..the powder's delicious.. but why ruin it by throwing in some chunks of hardened jelly that smell, and come to think of it, taste like washing up liquid =(
Black Forest Gateau: there is a hidden ingredient in that stuff.. its evil.. its lulls you into a false sense of security with its lashings of cream, its chocolately sponge and its wonderful cherries *salivates* why does it taste so rank?! =( i sooo want to like black forest gateau =(

posted by Tilly @ 10:56 AM ~

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

thanks meeeeeeeeeeeeee *blushes* ...regards my hissy fit post and your eloquently put comment.. i know i know.. i was just having a bad day... i can't even remember what it was over ..altho' i could have a pretty good guess :/ but i do remember i was about to let it all out on here and i couldn't even be arsed to do that.. eek! ...thanks for being you =) ...i wouldn't want you any other way =))

posted by Tilly @ 4:50 PM ~

Monday, December 12, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: Words:
1. Words most commonly mispronounced. ...i have no clue... i'm sure if i thought about it long enough i'd come up with something tho'
2. Words used improperly. ...'should of', 'could of' ...infact, there are many incidences where 'of' is used in place of 'have' ...tut tut.. shame on you!!
3. Words most often misspelled. ...those 'i' before 'e' ones.. adults should have gotten to grips with those years ago.. there is no excuse =( ...oh, and necessary.... 2 'c's or 1??
4. Words or phrases that you feel are over-used. ...sorry.... too easily used as a get out.. don't do whatever it was in the first place and you wouldn't have to use the word sorry so often!!

posted by Tilly @ 9:29 AM ~

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

i'm totally pissed today and sadly not with alcohol =( ...i'm either gonna let rip and offend or i'll be found floating in a pool of tears.............. fuck it.. whats the point :/

posted by Tilly @ 11:16 AM ~

Monday, December 05, 2005

Monday Madness Monday Madness: on the move...
1. When is the last time you moved? November of 1993 ...i was about 4 months pregnant at the time.
2. How many times in your life have you moved? ...once when i was 8 we moved from a town house to a semi-detached house in a much nicer area; i left there to go out into the big wide world when i was 16 when i moved into shared accomodation; early 1993 i moved towns and moved into a single bedroomed terrrace cottage but i only stayed there for 6 months before i moved back 'home' to the 'rents for 4 weeks... before settling in the place i am now...
3. In your opinion, what is the worst thing about moving? ...i've only ever really moved because i've had to [kinda] but now i've been here 12 years and i've had 2 kids i imagine the sorting out has to be the worst... i'd prolly throw away more than i'd keep if i ever was to move... i collected so much rubbish over the years that i just don't notice it anymore... maybe a move would be good to get rid of some of the clutter ;)
4. What is the most exciting thing about moving? ...i assume getting the keys and opening your new frontdoor for the first time is pretty special... i felt that just once but most times i've moved its not been the best of experiences :(
5. If you've lived in the same place all your life, do you plan to move in the future? ...i have lived in one place but Lauren has and the thought of leaving here doesn't thrill her... until i remind her she'd have her own bedroom :)
6. Do you WANT to move somewhere else; if so, where? ...if someone said to me now that money was no object and i could move anywhere i wanted i'd prolly settle in rural France... i'd be there in an instant...but familiarity breeds contempt so, only at least for the foreseeable future, i'm staying put :)

posted by Tilly @ 9:09 AM ~

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Dates to remember: 5th Peaches birthday; 12th Parents 35th Wedding Anniversary; 15th Jacks Birthday; 25th X'mas...yeeeah!!; 31st New Years Eve
I was just filling in the details for the calendar and i don't know why, but 16 years on and i still can't shake the Peach =( ...i can't remember the last day that passed without giving him a thought *sighs* ...i don't know where he is or what he's doing but i do know how to find out! I don't want to... i imagine the reality wouldn't live up to the image in my head and as for what he'd think of me... eeek! Four very short months in '89 can be summed up in Speedo trunks, Pepsi and Kinder Surprise eggs and can reduce me to a jibbering wreck in an instant... so its his birthday on Monday... oh the madness ;) ...32 and (in my head, at least) beefed up, tanned and as gorgeous as ever... of course, if his dad was anything to go by then he's got a beergut and no hair but i can dream can't i?

Monday Madness Monday Madness: more fill in the blanks...
1. I've always been afraid of cats.
2. People should not talk on mobile phones while they are mid conversation ..that really gets my goat!! =(
3. The one thing I look forward to every day is a 'lav yoo' from Nina. =)
4. My first meal of the day usually consists of tea and toast.
5. It seems like housework is a never-ending job ...eurgh!
6. The last time I painted a room in my house was just before Nina was born... i painted the girls room bright yellow.
7. The next time I paint, I'd like to paint my kitchen any colour than what it is now... right now its just grubby coloured. =(

posted by Tilly @ 11:25 AM ~

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