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   A Day in the Life Of: random ramblings of a mother in Sane, or wherever i happen to be on a daily basis...  
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

So, we're 24 days into 2006 and today i left the house. I have no way to tell if this is good or bad as i never kept any sort of record but i'm suspecting its not great :/ I left by choice tho', thats gotta count for something. We went to buy balloons; Nina's been asking for them for so long and we'd scraped by on some shrivelled up ones from Christmas but it was time to go buy new. It was pleasant - not exactly relaxing and having Nina (who wants everything NOW) in reins in one hand and the shopping basket in the other wasn't ideal but i coped. I felt like i stood at the counter forever but it couldn't have been more than 2 minutes. Nina was snotty and coughing and frustrated and i could feel the disapproving looks i was getting boring holes into the back of my head. I spent far too much.. partly due to agreeing to anything Nina wanted just to keep the peace and partly because the list i had in my hand had gotten damp and illegible... today Yu&Me, tomorrow? ...the world ;)

posted by Tilly @ 11:25 AM ~

Friday, January 20, 2006

Do you know, Man Friday, that today we are a decade apart? Is it noticeable? Do you care? Maybe now we just come under the catergory "Adult" ........*giggles

posted by Tilly @ 11:40 AM ~

Monday, January 16, 2006

Monday Madness Monday Madness: Let's fill in the blanks!
1. Before I walk out the door, I always check to make sure I have my keys, purse and inhaler, anything else i can live without.
2. I can't seem to catch up on my sleep.
3. The one surface in my house that always seems to get cluttered fast is my computer desk, EVERTHING goes on there!
4. If I sleep past (*whispers: there's meant to be an answer for this??! *L), I feel that I've slept in too late.
5. No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to lose weight.
6. I hope to have my income taxes done by someone else.
7. This year I'd like to make more time for me.

posted by Tilly @ 5:08 PM ~

Monday, January 09, 2006

Monday Madness Monday Madness: coffeeNtoast's questions
1. Name 1 type of supplement that you take ...vitamins or magazine? i don't take any vitamins.. probably should mind; i do however subscribe to Candis as my good deed each month... i feel i'm doing my bit =)
2. List 2 books that you would like to read in 2006 ...I'd like to start reading the Lemony Snickett's books actually. I'm hoping to get the film for my birthday but the book series looks pretty cool too... i'm also hoping to get a copy of Is It Just Me or Is Everything Shit?: The Encyclopedia of Modern Life altho i suspect i might have to buy myself that *L
3. List 3 hobbies that you have ...playing sudoku; coming online; photography
4. List 4 gifts that you have received ...recently i got a digital camera, The Chorus on DVD, Corinne Baily Rae CD and lots of booze =)
5. Share 5 (instant & inexpensive) ways to spruce up a room ... or a plant.. a new piece of art.. or make your own... new soft furnishings that 5?

posted by Tilly @ 10:22 AM ~

Monday, January 02, 2006

Dates to remember: 19th Man Fridays Birthday; 21st My Birthday
I did plan to get online over the Christmas period and whilst i did manage to online bank and mail i never quite got around to making a post here.. and now its all done and dusted and the only thing left is the tree to take down it all seems rather sad =( ... i look forward to putting the tree up but when it comes around to doing it it seems such a chore.. then by the 6th January i don't wanna get rid.. its so pretty and warming ...just how much bad luck do you get if the tree stays up late?
Christmas was really great this year. I thought it might be difficult with my sister getting upset after last years events but she really pulled out all the stops and even invited her new 'friend' over in the evening brave! Christmas Eve was lovely... the girls stayed up a little later than normal but both were flat out by midnight so no peeking for Santa this year ;) ... Ben and i watched a movie but normally, at midnight, we'd open a little present for each other ...we didn't this year ...oh well! Had to go wake the girls up.. stockings at the end of their beds had a couple of small presents in and gold coins and a tangerine.. Nina was impressed: chocolate in bed ...coooool!! We had a little time cuddled up in bed and then went downstairs to open some more gifts... it was lovely to see Nina, knowing what presents were all about and getting excited when the paper revealed "magical" gifts ...Lauren was awesome too.. she got some more 'grown up' stuff this year and was stunned by what we'd actually considered getting her =) ...As for Ben, he says i never gonna be able to live up to this year ever again ...i'll take that as a compliment =) New Years Eve was back to the usual affair of Ben working. He'd been asked to do a private party last minute and decided the cash was too good to turn down. Normally he'd have been working anyway but he's not worked the door in over 12 months ...last year was our only New Year together apart from the Millenium. It's an understanding that we spend Christmas Eve together and NYE he earns big bucks ;) since Ninas been on the scene its just been easier for Lauren and i to stop in, watch a movie that we got at Christmas and watch other peoples fireworks and the chimes of Big Ben on the news at midnight ...hardly riveting but we enjoy it =) In a slight change to other years, my sis was hoping to be out of the country this NYE and my folks were staying at home... i think they felt bad for me and the girls when they heard we weren't doing anything and invited us over.. i tried to explain that its tradition now but i felt bad, like they thought i wasn't interested... so, at the very last minute i threw Nina in her pushchair in her jammies, and we all walked over to my mums and dads and had a great time... Not sure if it was because there was no big plan, or because i was with family, or just because it was 4 different walls but whatever the reasons, we all had a much better time than we thought we would.. and here we are... 2006!
I don't make resolutions.. whats the point? should i tell everyone what i want to change about me so that they can watch me fail in magnificent style.. no thank you! ... however, there are things i need to change but what they are.. thats for me to know ;)

posted by Tilly @ 12:37 PM ~

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