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previous lessons

August 3, 2003
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to tha ghetto ho with tha fabolous nai-yels
happy birthday to youuuuuuu *bg
posted by tilly bud 5:07 PM

October 7, 2002
awwwwwwwwwwwww...s'not fair!! ma dads only gone an' got himself another job
i mean i'm over tha moon for him...really i am but but but... *sobs* i wanna learn t' drive
when it comes down to it i'm really glad ma dads got himself a new job...too much hard work tryin' t' teach a bunch of eejits t' drive ...'specially those who think they are Michael Schumachers in tha makin'... it'll be good for him t' get back into a 9 to 5 job an' not have the stresses an' tha strains of bein' his own boss... an' for now i just gotta bury ma 'ed in ma theory book an' tha highway code an' start savin' up ma pennies
posted by tilly bud 5:33 PM

September 1, 2002
its actually over a month since i got behind the wheel of a car and i 'fess up that i wasn't sure just how much i would remember and how confident i was that even if i did remember what i was doing how well i would actually manage to do it...well check me out...just call me Damon Hill if ya like...
i couldn't have started out in a worse position with a car parked infront of me, to the side of me an' diagionally infront of me...i took a lil' minuite t' compose maself an' then i went for it...real smoothly round all 3 of tha motors an' away i went tha whole lesson was grand...even with some silly cow in a hurry t' get round me an' drivin' up ma butt for half a mile i didnae panic an' managed t' keep ma cool ...even ma parkin' was i gotta go bury ma 'ed back in ma theory test book...*yawns* *L
posted by tilly bud 4:12 PM

July 28, 2002
for tha first time i actually drove away from my house today...seems all tha neighbours were out an' about so no pressure or embarrassment ...NOT!! now with me livin' off a pretty major road its hardly the easiest of starts but hey...i was damn good!! i really did find me operatin' tha car without even thinkin' about what i needed to do...s'gettin' easier an' am feelin' a lot more fluent than tha robot i was only a few weeks back an' get this...i didn't put ma dad and my lives at risk this week which was a bonus *pmsl!! i thoroughly enjoy goin' out this mornin' an' only had a coupla teeny weeny mishaps but then if i was perfect every week why tha need for lessons right??
posted by tilly bud 11:08 AM

July 23, 2002 easy it is to forget huh?! i had t' go back t' findin' tha bitin' point today... summat first approached at ma first lesson an' altho' when i sat there with tha car not goin' anywhere i was findin' it no problem, i wasn't havin' as much success when tryin' t' get outta some side street with a queue of cars buildin' up behind me *L ...grrrrrr!! seems ma shoes are lucky after all tho' cus ma clutch control was back on top form. i had a really cool lesson actually, an' was pretty chuffed with maself [minus a coupla errors] until tha last 5 minutes...not sure where ma 'ed was but i was makin' silly annoyed about tha as i seem to spoil a good lesson each time with some stupid error!
tha man has tha patience of a saint ~'re a star
NOTE TO SELF: do not drive out onto a major junction when there is a fire engine comin' at ya ...ermmm...oops!!
posted by tilly bud 11:12 AM

July 22, 2002
i've got ma first lessons tomorrow for 10 days an' i can't remember anything *L one thing's for sure ~ i won't be wearin' tha same shoes as i did last time i got behind tha wheel... mebbe it's a mind over matter thing but i doh care what the reasons are, i just know i am stickin' to tha same shoes from now on!
posted by tilly bud 10:27 PM

July 13, 2002
talk about bein' put on tha spot...there i am, sittin' down to a bit o' lasagne with ma sis an' her fella when ma dad turns up, just havin' dropped off a pupil in tha area an' waiting to go to his next one...nowt unusual 'bout far!! so we wash up tha dishes an' ma dad says tha he is gonna make a move, then hands me tha car keys ...uh-oh!! apparantly it had been planned allll week tha ma dad was gonna call over and give me a lesson on tha way back t' pick up ma daughter from tha party she had been at...lmao!! wish i had known...i'da put on ma 'driving shoes' if i had cus i was pants *lol okay, mebbe i wasn't tha bad, an' i soon got tha hang of tha 7 roundabouts i had t' go round *hahaha but ma clutch work was Crap [note tha capital c *L] i wouldn't mind but i ain't had any troubles with tha clutch for tha last coupla lessons an' everything else went just fine 'cept all tha traffic lights were against me an' i was first in tha queue but i didnae stall tha car fact i only ever stalled tha car on one occassion before an' i handled tha jus' fine. i doh think i am gonna have ma usual lesson this Tuesday cus it's ma dads birthday' get dad said i had tha right temperament/attitude to be a great driver ...well he should know *vbg
posted by tilly bud 9:40 PM

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