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There are two main types of scams on neopets:

A. The first type is those that try to completely steal your account, such as Neosittiing, Fake login pages, Neopoint Makers, posing as neopet staff, Changing email addresses, etc..

B. The second is those that try to steal your items, such as Accounts for sale, fake contests in shops, over priced items, trading without the trading post, etc..

Stealing account scams to watch out for (in more detail):

1. Neositters - This is one of the most common and susceptible scams about. What they'll do is advertise either on the neopet chat boards or else in their wishlist for the trading post. They'll normally ask if you can sit for their pets, but just for safety precautions, they'll need your password too. 1 2 3 and you've just lost your account as you've given them your password and complete access to change it, therefore locking you out of your own account.

*Neopets will now freeze anyone that is advertising neositting, so make sure to report them. Also if you're going away yourself, then use the neolodge or if going away for a long time, then put your pets up for adoption and advertise asking someone to adopt them or approach an adoption guild.

2. Fake Login Pages - These are often found in shops, you'll see faeries or something that's normally alot for a way below cost price. That's because they are fake. You can run your mouse over the item and look at the address that shows up below. If it doesn't have something like this "" Then it's going to lead to a fake login page or a page outside of neopets. Never enter your details unless the login page starts with If you do by accident, then change your password immediately. Also make sure to report the shop to neopets.

3. Neopoint Makers - These are often advertised as cheats or saying that you'll make 10,000 or higher nps in a matter of minutes. Normally they'll advertise a site address for you to go to and enter. These sites then ask for your username and password. That information is then sent back to the scammer so that they can then STEAL YOUR ACCOUNT. Never enter your details into something like this, they work the same way as fake login pages. If it is like a wishing board and only asks for your username, then they are safe. But never enter your password into something that isn't neopets.

4. Change Emails - Never change your email to one that isn't your own. If someone ever asks you to change it to something different, then report it immediately. Changing emails means that the scammer can then enter your username into the "forgotten password" box and have your password sent to them. That allows them into your account and they can do with it what they like, including changing the password and locking you out.

6. I'll do html for your shop - This one is only a scam if they say they need your password to get into your account to do the html. If someone wants to do your html, they don't need to actually go into your account to do it. They can do it in notepad and then email you the html for you to put into your shop. One thing though, is check the code carefully first as you don't want anything they might have put in there that could get you frozen.

7. Sharing Accounts - What this one normally involves is someone offering to share an account with you, which includes sharing the password to that account. It also involves it being their email that any passwords get sent to by neopets. Basically they'll wait for you to build up the account a bit, act like they are helping. Then go in changing the password and stealing all the items, as well as nepoints to their general account.

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