Name: Troy
Age: 26
Height: 5'9 1/2"
weight: 330
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Likes: Spending time with my sweetie, Yvette, walks on the beach, camping, boating, fishing, concerts, clubs, travelling, movies, comedy clubs, playing on the computer, Turbo 21, partying, just having an all around good time!
Dislikes: mean people, backstabbers, washing dishes (sorry babe), work, stale cigarettes, bad jokes & Canadian laws.
Favorite food: Spaghetti
Favorite color: Blue & Black
Favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption
Favorite TV show: Three's Company & Sanford & Son
Favorite actor: Tom Hanks, Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman & Samuel Jackson
Favorite game: Turbo 21
Favorite season: Spring
Kisses or Hugs: Kisses
Places I'd like to visit most: Paris, Jamaica, Australia, Egypt, & Hawaii.
When I was a kid, when I grew up, I always wanted to be an: Electronic Technician.
How many kids do I want: 2
Cats or dogs: Cats
If I had 3 wishes: To have unlimited wishes. You can keep the other 2 as the change. Thank you, come again! (Apu impersonation in full effect)
Favorite holiday: My birthday! Oh wait, I guess that isn't considered a holiday. Then it would have to be, Christmas.
My most favorite person in the whole world: If you need to know the answer to this, you haven't been paying much attention to this website.
Age: 26
Eyes: Ocean blue
Hair: Strawberry Blonde
height: 5'8"
Weight: Never ask a lady that! Where's your manners?
Likes: Spending time with my honeybun :o),walks along the beach, spending time with my loved ones, the smell of flowers on a spring day, smell of fresh cut grass, cats, relaxing time and the sound of rain as it hits the ground.
Dislikes: There aren't very many of these: my biggest one would have to be backstabbers, next would be the smell of wet dogs (ewwwww)
Favorite movie star/actor: Chris Klein
Favorite TV show: Roseanne
Favorite movie: Ghost
Kisses or Hugs: Both
Favorite food: Spaghetti (same as my sweetie's)
Favorite color: Blue (brings out my eye color)
Place I'd like to visit most: Paris, France.
Occupation: Bank Relationship Manager, for BMO.
How many kids I'd like to have: 2-3
Cats or dogs: Cats
When I was a kid, growing up, I always wanted to be a: Teacher
Favorite game: Turbo 21 (
Favorite season: Summer (More fireworks displays)
Favorite holiday: Christmas
If I had 3 wishes: To have a million dollars, to have my honey for life (Oh wait, I already have that) and to never have to work again. (if she was wise, like me, she'd have wished for unlimited wishes)
Favorite person/persons in the world: That would have to be my parents. For help making me the woman that I am today. Also, can't forget about my hubby to be, Troy. All images & content were created (unless otherwise stated) by 2Slick Productions. Turbo 21 is a registered trademark of Any reference to Turbo 21 and/or, were used strictly for educational, non-commercial purposes ONLY.
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