I just wanted to take a few moments to say thanks. Thanks to my special, one, and only true love, Yvette. You have given me the gift of love. You have shown me what love is truely all about. Without your love, I would surely be a lost soul. One year ago to this day, me and you decided that we wanted to be with each other for the rest of our lives. It wasn't just a ,"Hey, he looks good! I want his body, badly!" type deal, either. It was god's miracle working, that brought us together. I just thank the lord every night, for the true angel of love, that he has brought forth to me. We have been through our ups and downs, through good times and bad, laughter, sorrow, heartaches, but the most important of all, we have experienced each other's love. Your love has made me a better man. Without it, I wouldn't be as strong as I am right now. You have made me realize that love is the best feeling in the world to have. Without your love, life would surely not be what it is today. May 10th, 2002, represents one year we have been together. At the end of May, I am coming down to finally be with you in Canada. (It is now 11-22-04, 3 1/2 years together!) We worked our butts off to make this happen. We have had many doubters along the way. Many people who thought we were absolutely crazy for being together & falling in love on the internet. It doesn't matter how you fall in love, but just as long as you have love. Love comes in all ways of life. It doesn't matter if you meet someone across a crowded room, in a mall, movies, and so on. As long as it's true, passionate, everlasting, pure, and divine love, what more could you ask for out of life? (I'm now in Canada with my lovely wife!) There are alcoholics who have their beer & wine, crack-heads that have their crack, cigarette smokers who have their cigarettes, rapists who have their prey, and then there is me, who has his precious gem. In that precious gem, I have the best addiction any man could ever dream of wanting. That addiction is your love. I'm 26, you're 26, we're just at the beginning of our long lives together. Hopefully god gives me a good 50-60 years more with you. But it wouldn't matter. If I died today, I would have died the happiest man in the world. Because if I died, I would have died loving you. But, as long as the lord gives me time to have your love, children, and to have a family, my life will be complete. We have given up alot in our lives to get to be together. I gave up every single materialistic possession in my life, other than the shirt off my back, just to come down there and be with you. You have sacrificed COUNTLESS hours of your time, and devoted your life, and love to me. For that, I show nothing but the absolute most respect and love for you. You are my shining star, my all, my heart, my soul, my body, my mind, my everything, my best friend, my soulmate, my lover, my fiancee, and the one I want to be with for the rest of my life. For your kindness, tenderness, passion, good times, laughs, cries, emotions, honesty, and most importantly, your love. Thank you for everything you have ever given to and done for me. I shall never forget all of the memories that you have forever imprinted into my mind and into my heart. Thank you for just you being you. I will never forget you. For this, I dedicate my life, love, and this website to you, Yvette. The BEST is yet to come... Click below: Questions? Comments? Hate mail? Feel free to send me some E-mail. Click above.
4-Always, 4-Evermore, 4-Life, 4-Eternity, 4-Infinity & Beyond...
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