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~Radical Edward~

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    Ryoko is a complicated character.  She hides all her emotions and feelings inside.  She won't even really tell Tenchi she loves him.  Ryoko also has a complex relationship with everybody else in the house.  Also a description of the character and what they are doing on earth.



Ryoko is a space pirate who constantly robs Jurian banks and just about anything else.  She is wanted around the galaxy for thefts of different things.  Well in the 3 episodes she arrives differently on earth but in all of them she and Ry-oh-ki some how knock down Aeka's ship and they all get stuck there.  Ryoko falls in love with Tenchi and she constantly fights with Aeka over who Tenchi likes better.  Ryoko is a warrior who was created by Washu in one series.  Ryoko is sometimes selfish when it comes to Tenchi and other things but other wise Ryoko is the more balanced girl out of the bunch in Tenchi's life.



Ryo-oh-ki is Ryoko's space ship.  Ryo-oh-ki is a cabbit, a mix between rabbits and cats, so you get a cabbit.  Ryo-oh-ki has three forms.  One is a space ship, the other is a small cabbit, the other is a human like form that she takes on in some series.  Ryo-oh-ki loves carrots and she likes to hang around with Sasami most of the time too.  Only Ryoko can understand what Ryo-oh-ki meows.  Otherwise Ryo-oh-ki is just a cute little fuzzy animal that everybody likes to hug, except when Ryo-oh-ki eats all the carrots on everybody which is quite often.




Aeka is a Jurian Princess. She came to earth looking for Yosho her half brother and her fiance.  When she arrived her shipped got blown up in a fight with Ryoko so she stayed with Tenchi.  Relationship with Ryoko:  They dont' get along at all. The extreme difference in their personalities causes so much friction between them when Tenchi is involved.  Aeka is quit reserved person whose manners and behavior is that of what most people would expect from a princess. She does have a very very bad temper when anybody crosses her.  Ryoko is a wild, unmannered space pirate.  When either of them go for Tenchi they do so in their own way.  Aeka flirts with Tenchi and makes hints at him that she likes him.  Ryoko is more of a physical communication person.  If she wants to tell Tenchi she likes him she'll hug him, try to kiss him, never leave his side, or just pay close attention to him.  When it comes down to it they are just ARCH-RIVALS! Overall Aeka is a self-indulged, bossy, temper tantrum prone Princess. 




Sasami is the little sister of Aeka.  She is also a princess but is almost total different from Aeka.  Sasami is a total care free person always interested in having fun and cooking.  Sasami is incredibly trusting.  Almost to a point that she would get in a car with a punch of people wearing masks.  She is known for her superb cooking and she always cooks for everybody.  Relationship to Ryoko:  Sasami loves Ryo-oh-ki, Ryoko's space ship.  Sasami hates it when Ryoko is mean or mad at Ryo-oh-ki but otherwise she goes along with anything Ryoko says if it means fun. When you look at hit Sasami is only a source of food to Ryoko.  Overall Sasami is a extremely trusting, good cook, always happy person who loves Cabbits (Ryo-oh-ki).




Washu is the ultra genius of the group.  She is extremely smart and spends almost all her time in her lab typing on god knows what.  Washu created Ryoko from cells of a creature called MASS and her own egg cells so Washu is Ryoko's mother.  Otherwise Washu does try to get Tenchi too but not as much as Ryoko and Aeka. Relationship to Ryoko: Washu is the nosy Mother figure.  When she isn't typing away her life she always meddles in everybody's buisness.  When she does get involved fights always seem to break out :(  also her inventions go haywire and usually confuses everybody with her scientific descriptions of any situations.  Overall a mad mad mad beautiful scientist.




Mihoshi is quite the opposite from Washu.  Mihoshi is the groups comic relief by always doing or saying something that doesn't make sense at all.  Mihoshi seems to destroy lots of equipment and is always clumsy with anything including herself.  Mihoshi is a member of the galaxy police force (who knows how she got in) and she is partnered up with Kiyone the over worked stress out super cop.  Mihoshi has almost no care in the world and is amused very easily. She likes Tenchi and I think the only reason he lets her stay around is to have something to laugh at :) .  Relationship with Ryoko: She is some what of a competitor for Tenchi but if Ryoko doesn't take her serious at all. Who could? So overall I must agree with Washu on this one, Where was she when they handed out the brains?




Kiyone is a Galaxy Police Force Officer with the highest graduating grades ever from the Police Academy.  She is a extremely hard working always serious about everything person.  Seems like fate that she gets teamed up with Mihoshi who is the exact opposite of Kiyone.  With Mihoshi in tow Kiyone gets pulled down from the ranks of greatness into the crappiest assignments a Galaxy officer can get (earth).  Kiyone tries too hard at everything and doesn't relax for a second.  Relationship with Ryoko: I've never seen Kiyone try to get at Tenchi once and the only reason she is there is because of that 7 letter name MIHOSHI.  So she isn't competition against Ryoko for Tenchi but she did try to arrest Ryoko because Ryoko is a bank robber, pirate, and many other things.  But Kiyone gave trying to get Ryoko arrested after she first arrived on earth.  Since then she and Mihoshi try to live on there own by working several jobs from which they usually get fired from because of Mihoshi.  Overall Kiyone is the over worked, stressed out, super cop.



Nagi is a bounty hunter with a cabbit like Ryoko. Her cabbit is named Ken-ohki.  Her cabbit and Ryoko's fall in love in only one of the series.  Nagi is a very serious person. She has always beaten every bounty she has gone after except Ryoko.  By failing to catch Ryoko she turns failure into a obsession in hunting Ryoko.  She begins to respect Ryoko.  In Tenchi Universe series her philosophy is that she will not let anybody else catch Ryoko so she helps Ryoko get to the Emperors palace in the final episodes.  


Tenchi's Dad

Tenchi's Dad is a proud father and a widower.  Tenchi's Mom died after his birth and his Dad has been alone ever since.  Once all the women started showing up in his house Tenchi's Dad has showed his other personality.  He likes to spy on the girls, he is a peeping tom basicly. Overall he is a very big pervert and he pushes Tenchi to commit to a relationship.


Yosho, Grandpa

Yosho is the crown Jurian Prince and is the fiancee of Aeka.  Well he fell in love and ran away to earth with a different woman.  His love died on the way to earth but he married a earthling.  His daughter married Tenchi's dad and him, Tenchi, and Tenchi's dad now live at the Masaski Shrine.  He doesn't look young like he should because he hides his youth and looks human by making himself look old and gray.  He doesn't tell anybody about who is he is.  He is also kind of a pervert like Tenchi's dad, they are both always trying to get into the girl's bath house and such but they always fail while Tenchi seems to end up there all the time by accident.